Why India must prioritize Railways over Road transport

As compared to other means of transportation, railways must never be thought of as things of the past. When railways are modernized, they become the indispensable means of transportation.

Sogo Shinji, the father of Shinkansen, 1956

Roads should be used only where rail is found to be less cost-effective. It is imperative to treat the railways as the prime mover of the economy, even if that means diverting investment from roads to rail.

Kamlesh Kumar, former ­additional director general, ministry of road transport and highways, 2014

1) Fuel: Railways can be run profitably using domestically produced electricity unlike cars, motorbikes etc which require us to fork over enormous amounts of money to import oil from Mohammedan states like Saudi which then turn around and finance our doom (“the kuffar will supply us with the rope with which we shall hang them”). Unlike electric cars or scooters which need constant subsidies from the taxpayers and merely shift our dependence to PRC & Chile for Lithium, trains can run on power generated using hydro or coal and do so without subsidies when properly managed as is the case in Japan.

The US blessed by abundant sources of oil was still not immune to Mohammedan blackmail during the 1970’s oil shocks. Ever since then the country’s dependence on foreign oil has been regarded as a national security issue and various efforts have been made to reduce oil consumption. However, the country is built around the automobile and this is a key reason for its continued dependence on foreign oil according to authors such as Vaclav Smil. The same point has also been made by conservative authors William S. Lind and Paul M. Weyrich in their paper “A Conservative Proposal for Energy Independence” where they promote railways over roads due to reasons of national security.

According to Peter Drucker’s article “Behind Japan’s Success” from 1981, the following was MITI’s stand on automobiles and roads:

MITI has also believed, quite sincerely, that expansion of the automobile industry would have an adverse, indeed a deleterious, effect on Japan’s balance of trade, on her ability to earn her way in the world economy, and on her productivity generally. The more successful the Japanese automobile industry, MITI has argued, the worse the economic impact on Japan. The automobile, it has pointed out, requires the two raw materials that are in shortest supply in Japan: petroleum and iron ore. It also requires the diversion of scarce resources, both food-growing land and capital, to highways and highway construction. Instead of an automobile industry, what MITI has wanted is massive investment to upgrade the railroads’ freight-handling capacity.

Note the point about freight rail, and it is in this regard that the partly JICA funded dedicated freight corridor is very important as it will separate out slow moving freight from passenger rail while decreasing our oil imports.

In wartime, oil becomes the most vital commodity and the allies cutting off all oil was a key reason why Japan decided to attack the USA. A key reason for allied victory in both world wars was the abundant oil supplies USA possessed. Instead of conserving and storing oil, we are frittering it away on frivolities such as cars while we hardly have any domestic oil reserves to speak of.

2) Coverage: Any one of a reasonable age can ride a train/mass transit but private vehicles exclude those who cannot drive. Some of these demographics include those below 18, the disabled and senior citizens. The US is the most car centric major nation and as a result you find strange phenomena such as 15 year olds being driven everywhere by their parents because there are no alternatives available. At the other extreme you have Japan where 98% of public school kids either walk or cycle to school. The following 2 videos offer our contrasting futures based on what we choose now:


3) Land: Railways require less land than most roads and that is visible even to the naked eye of an onlooker. This is especially important in the old world where many countries including India have dense populations and agricultural land is of great value. In the US by contrast there remain vast stretches of untamed wilderness and empty land, so that country can afford to take a lackadaisical and wasteful attitude towards land but can we?

According to Lee Kuan Yew the founding father of modern Singapore:

We cannot have everybody own a car, however high our per capita income may be: our young must accept the fact that we cannot afford to have our roads jammed up and that this will harm our economy. We cannot give everybody landed property, a terrace house or bungalow. We do not have the land for it. But we can provide everybody with high-rise and high-quality homes, and high-quality public transport.

He came to this conclusion after he found that no matter how many flyovers he built or how wide he made the roads, they would all soon be filled up thanks to the phenomenon of induced demand.

And the above is just in regards to the roads where as roads are only a small part of the space vehicles occupy. We also have to consider the enormous amounts of land dedicated to “free” (i.e. socialized) parking and the perverse effects of minimum parking laws. A quick summary can be found in this video:

Just think about the fact that people are more concerned about “free” storage spaces for their cars while there are people out there homeless in places such as San Francisco due to lack of affordable housing!

4) Safety: Trains run on dedicated tracks separate from other traffic and as such are remarkably safe compared to vehicular travel. They are one of the reasons why a vast city such as Tokyo has so few traffic related deaths and injuries. The Shinkansen is estimated to have prevented thousands of deaths and injuries by eliminating the trips that would have taken place by road. According the government’s own stats the following is the current record of death & mayhem on Indian roads:


How many of these people would still be alive & have all their limbs intact if they had viable alternatives to driving?

For comparison in 2017 the number of traffic deaths in Japan was only 3,694. In other words, India had almost 41 times as many dead despite our population only being around 10 times as much as Japan’s while also having far fewer elderly drivers (responsible for many fatalities in Japan) and a far lower per capita car ownership.

I leave it up to the readers on whether this is the road we should continue on in into the future.

5) Physical activity: This might seem strange, what exactly do trains have to do with physical activity and health?

Trains and mass transit do not come to your door step and instead force you to reach them and people often do this by walking or cycling to the station. In countries with extensive transit such as Japan (in Tokyo, a train station is usually within a 15 min walk no matter where you are in the city), walking is thus built into everyday life and it is not something for which you have to drive to a paid gym to walk on a treadmill.

In 2002, the average Japanese person 15 years and above walked 3 ¾ miles daily (7,241 steps) vs 5608 steps by Americans and that undoubtedly also plays a role in the low obesity rates found in Japan. The choice is between:




6) Pollution: Trains consume a lot less energy because the friction generated by wheel on rail is a lot less compared to the friction generated by rubber on asphalt. Road dust is also a serious concern in India which still has quite a few unpaved roads. Road travel is also connected with particulate emissions by tires, and horrendous noise pollution (especially with the constant honking in India).

If the clownish supreme court of India was serious about pollution, it would look into the contribution to pollution by cars and motorbikes instead of making scapegoats out of kids bursting a few crackers once or twice a year.

The geniuses in black robes don’t seem to realize that the problem is this


instead of this:


7) Productivity: Traveling by train allows you to read, get work done etc., all of which would be impossible when driving. Even if one were forced to stand, it is not an obstacle to reading in this age of smart phones.

The choice is between:




8) Community life: Train stations can serve as hubs of community life with shopping, daycare, and a myriad other services as in Japan. By contrast roads when they are dominated by vehicles push out pedestrians, and the streets merely become a means for vehicle owners to rush through. We often hear of demolitions of centuries old temples for road expansion and what no one seems to question is how the same temple was no problem a few decades before the explosion of vehicles on our streets.

Consider too what has happened to the sight of kids walking to school or playing in the streets which used to be a much more common sight just a few decades back. Today few parents dare to let them do so thanks to the incessant traffic and reckless drivers. Yet one finds this to be a common sight in Japan with its narrow streets where pedestrians rule and Japan’s per capita income nearly 20X India’s. As several western observers noted, “Japanese cities are defiantly anti-modern and anti-rational”. In fact there is little causal relation between owning vehicles and being a “developed” country. The Japanese road system was quiet underdeveloped well into the 1980’s compared to Europe and USA but their per capita income had already caught up with the West. Even today most Japanese highways tend to be heavily tolled and only consist of two lanes in each direction with lanes being narrower than western highway lanes.

Those interested in the connection between traffic and the death of community life can look up the extensive research of Donald Appleyard on this topic.

9) National security infrastructure: Railways are not as useful or crucial as they once were during war due to the development of airpower but they can still play an important role in upholding the internal security of the nation state. The military in PRC has conducted HSR test runs with soldiers fully loaded in their combat gear to Xinjiang to see railways performance. The objective is to rapidly deploy troops to put down any future Dungan jihad. They already used trains to rapidly deploy troops to crush the Tibetan uprising in 2008.

As a nation facing multiple insurgencies by religion of peace, religion of love, and religion of Marx, it is important the we prepare to deal with what circumstances will throw at us in the future.

These are just some of the reasons on why rail transport should be prioritized and we have not even touched on personal financial benefits (just calculate what % of income you are forced to spend on your vehicle including fuel costs, repair and maintenance).

At a moment when economically advanced countries (e.g. Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, France, Spain) are questioning their past transport choices and reorienting towards more sustainable transport, let us not repeat their mistakes for as the ancient Greek historian Polybius says in his “Histories”:

For there are two ways by which all men can reform themselves, the one through their own mischances, the other through those of others, and of these the former is the more impressive, but the latter less hurtful. Therefore we should never choose the first method if we can help it, as it corrects by means of great pain and peril, but ever pursue the other, since by it we can discern what is best without suffering hurt. Reflecting on this we should regard as the best discipline for actual life the experience that accrues from serious history; for this alone makes us, without inflicting any harm on us, the most competent judges of what is best at every time and in every circumstance.

Disclaimer: The author practices what he preaches and does not own any motorized vehicle out of choice.

Additional reading:

Japanese Urban Planning

Lessons for Hindus: Learning from a 19th century Anglo-Saxon study of Islam Part 1

In the late 19th century, the journalist and poet Wilfrid Scawen Blunt undertook a journey in Muslim lands. He wrote 5 essays which are not only an account of his travels, but also a deep analysis of the nature of Islam and a discovery of its strengths and the mode of its operation, based not on fanciful theoretical studies and interviews with ideologues but deduced from on ground facts that were carefully collated, verified and analyzed with sound logic. The author was a friend of the rAkshasa Churchill, and no doubt his insights must have percolated down to the Angalika foreign office which, from the evidence of the past century is essentially following his recommendations regarding the marunmattas. Of course we include madhyama-mleccha desha as it took over as the leader of the Anglosphere sometime during the 1930’s. If we are to ever catch up with them and destroy our enemies, it is essential to at least know what they were planning 130 years ago and whether the plan is still in operation, and work out any modifications that might have been made since then considering the changed circumstances if any. Even as a purely theoretical exercise, it is immensely important for H to retrace the steps taken by our enemies on our own and thus build our intellectual, strategic and military muscles. Some H might object: this is not cutting edge, and the ground situation, players might have changed and we might not gain from these activities. Such objections betray a lack of understanding of what knowledge is and how it is created and maintained. Additionally, in geostrategy, such timescales are only medium as opposed to the constant refrain that the world has changed (when in fact changes are restricted largely to the urban classes and that too in the most superficial things which is interpreted by these shallow people as being fundamental). Geostrategy itself emerged as a result of the 2nd and third unmada’s obsession with exterminating the “other”, and is an area which has never occupied heathen intellectuals (one might cite Alexander, Genghis, Cyrus etc. but these were rAjans conquering desha-s, not a politico religious combine hell bent on the annihilation of a well-defined other, hence the hostility isnt permanent, dies down once the conquest succeeds or fails). Therefore there is no shame in admitting that we lag behind, and we should not play the game before at least taking a strategy 101 course. In this piece the aim shall be to summarize the main points in Blunt’s essays, and we shall not be wrong in asserting that he may be a watered down Ibn-Khaldun for the Anglo-Saxons, who set the agenda and offers a sound theory for the expansion of their influence.

These write ups are meant to indicate to H the capabilities and qualities of even an Anglo Saxon journalist and poet, which in Bharata today is synonymous with a treasonous sybarite. In addition, if any persons in our supposedly academic institutions, cut off from their roots, and essentially a conduit for the memes and practices of the whites, want to do something for the civilization, they may utilize their skills to approach our enemies from the below perspectives and come up with possible solutions, even if they cannot be immediately admitted as full members of our sabhyata. In case of success, which erases all dishonor and past sins, they shall surely be accepted back. Such also applies to many H collaborators (intentional or unintentional) of various hues who occupy prime positions in academia, government and the sEnA.

For each essay, a summary of the text shall be given followed by our own comments.


The work is not fit for critical acceptance, but has been released due to the speed of events that have overtaken the world. Modern Britain, a unique historical experiment where public opinion guides state affairs cannot have a narrow vision confined to itself, especially when it rules a huge agglomeration of races across the world and on whose lands the sun never sets. So, to inform the public of the momentous changes occurring in the Islamic world, the work has been released in spite of its incompleteness and inaccuracy which are mitigated by the general truths asserted and which were confirmed during the visits after these essays were written. The ulema at Cairo, though not explicitly opposing the Turkish Abdul Hamid, have already begun to speak of reform which essentially means a return of the religious authority of the Muslims back to Arabic hands. Their not announcing an Arabian kalifa at this point is a remarkable testament to their political sagacity, which means that they will have a much greater triumph once the Ottomans fall fully. Apologies are due to the Muslims for whom a period political misfortune is predicted, but there is no doubt that Islam will after this period emerge even stronger and glorious.

Comments on the preface:

[1] A summary of why the work is important; surprising admission of Britain being a unique and new country where public opinion matters. It is the very same “public opinion”, which the Anglo Saxons mould in other countries which helps them to maintain their hegemony; they have a rich experience, starting from their own land, where they execute it successfully. In any future strategy for H the possibility of bypassing public opinion must be factored in without hangups about rights, democracy etc (other notions that have been programmed into our foolish elites, by AS)

[2] While during those times public opinion of the middle class males and gentry might have mattered, AS countries are run by other cabals and this may not be true today

[3] Even in 1880’s, when they were supreme, an Englishman could not offend a Muslim and asks pardon from them on account of their numbers and organization. H have to learn to apply such pressure tactics through which their presence itself evokes at least superficial respect and fear among our enemies.

[4] Blunt notes that schisms will weaken the dar el islam and that the marus shall have to be satisfied with a limited dar el islam till better times come, and on no account an anticaliph should not make an appearance anywhere. Here, Blunt is guided by the anti-Pope at Avignon and the western schism that split the Catholic Church and weakened it till the council of Constance (which also delivered a decisive verdict against the hussite movement)

Essay 1:

A revival is taking place in the Muslim world which no Englishman can ignore. It can destroy us if our policy is incorrect, but can be to our advantage if the right steps are taken. The work and responsibility to solve this problem cannot be avoided in the usual manner of politicains, stating it to be theoretical and impractical as it will affect the future of Britain. To get an accurate idea of the problem and gather reliable data, one must go to Jeddah and see for oneself. During the pilgrim season, it is a far more cosmopolitan city than any in Turkey, and all manner of race and people can be seen here right from China thorugh to Morocco. These have given rise to a mixed population; and due to this mighty influx of people from every corner of the globe, one sees that Islam is much more than the sum of its parts. On a more mundane level intelligence from every corner of the globe is to be heard in the bazaars of Jeddah. This concoction induces confidence in the hejazi and he is much more open about the ambitions of Islam than a turk or an Indian Muslim would be. The ulema in Cairo, Constantinople and Baghdad have little idea of the vibrant, alive and moral force that Islam is and are into theological arcana, but which are always looked at from a worldly and practical standpoint; but only in Jeddah can one see the vast hordes of Malays, Indians, Africans in front of whom the Turk pales into insignificance numerically. From the statistics of pilgrims (after cross checking with local authorities), one can form an estimate of the Islamic world, which though sketchy will be of immense help. While the Indians, Malays and Africans number in the tens of millions, and even matter in terms of wealth, it is the Arabs who shall be the driving force of Islam and will matter most in their religion.[1] The statistics of pilgrims are taken from the past few years and corroborated as far as possible by European observers, and all of them hold the following notions:

1) A belief in one true god as the creator and ordainer of all things

2) There is a life after death and we are to be judged there

3) Divine revelations have occurred periodically and they are to be practiced in legislation and politics, not merely believed and this practice is called Islam

4) The koran is the literal word of god and Muslims alone have preserved it through their tradition of fiqh and isnad.

Different Muslim sects however at variance, do not dispute the above; also, they do not eternally damn the others (except Wahabis, who consider other Muslims as polytheists and idolaters, violating the above 4 beliefs) like Christians do and are less irreconcilable than the sects of Christianity.[2] Let us now look into the composition of the Muslims and what they believe.

The Sunnites are the most numerous and are divided into four schools. Apart from the above beliefs, they hold that authorized channels of tradition exist which have equal weightage as the above, such as the opinions of the rightly guided caliphs, the books of the doctors abu hanifeh, malik, shafi and hanbal (the schools of fiqh) and with progressively lesser force the fatwas of succeeding ulema within the tradition till the present day. In addition, the Sunnites see themselves as a political body, a point missed and misunderstood by most.[5] Islam cannot be controlled by normal means as there are too many adherents who are fanatical and are not amenable to anyone except their sheikhs. Among the different schools of Islam, there is a hierarchy and some are more influential and powerful than others. The different schools of Islam more or less are independent, and their sheikh al Islam’s might meet at mecca; but one doesn’t control or influence another. The measure of influence and power is determined not by conventional methods, or even by an open conduct of war but by a strange tribal process unique to the Arabs of the Hejaz and in particular the Quraysh, the tribe of Muhammad:

The ultimate control of the Muslims rests with an entity in the Hejaz that fulfills the following conditions:

1) Directly in the blood line of Muhammad

2) In control of the cities of Mecca and Medina

3) Has the backing of the various factions within the Quraysh, and to whom the other sheikhs of the Quraysh submit, either voluntarily or by the sword

4) No political entity outside of the clans will ever have absolute authority, whether the Turks, Egyptians or Mughals (didn’t even try)

5) Even to the superpower of the day, only nominal recognition as guardians/sultans, only ceding of power temporarily[6]

The schools of Islam are as follows:

Hanefite: Mainly of the upper classes, it is associated with the Osmanlis. There are some in Egypt too but while they are represented in the Al Azhar, their numbers and their contribution to the haj are not much from that part of the world. However, since Indian marus are mostly hanafi and rich, H must focus on them. These people hold that all inquiry and changes to the law are closed, while at the same time allowing for much laxity in behavior. They are not distinguished for their piety and learning.

Malekite: It is a “low” sect in the sense that its followers are commoners; strict and severe, the majority of Egypt and all west of the Nile follow this school and constitute a strong section of opinion among Muslims. They are the most fanatical and devout and a major part of the haj. The western Moroccans and Algerians have a better awareness of the sharia than even the Arabs, and the only point they diverge on is the question of the kalifa, especially that of the Turkish kalif. Their fanaticism and zeal has led them to convert black Africans in large numbers; effete and aloof Christian missioanries are no match for the open and frank Moor who shares food and women with the blacks and thus gains their allegiance.

Shafite: They are numerous in the places where the Arab missionaries went and especially in the Deccan. They are the ones whose reforms may carry through in the modern world, and in addition have a humane approach towards the Jews and Christians which even if I exaggerate, has at least a kernel of truth to it. Opposition to the Turkish califate is most palpable within this school with some openly questioning it.[8]

Here it might be apposite to consider the Indian case. While Muslims have lost power there by no means the religion is in decay and from the haj numbers and the people who do it we can estimate that they are the future of Islam. Indeed, in Mecca there is frequent talk of India being the new Mussalman land and a place where the fortunes will turn for the better. [9]

Shiites: This sect is basically a consequence of the Persian mind, which is equally prone to credulity and suspicion. The strange feature of this sect is that it does not have a formal hierarchy, and there is no sheikh el Islam like in other sects. Each congregation is semi-autonomous and depends on the charisma of the preacher as long as he has a diploma from Ispahan or Karbala, and whose fatwas will carry weight among his congregation. Some of the more educated mullahs preach pantheism while the vulgar give credence to all sorts of superstitions. Heredity is absent, which makes likely multiple claims to authority thus weakening the overall cohesiveness in addition to diverging dogma in each congregation. The birth rate too of this sect is inferior to the others in Islam and it is likely to have only an indirect influence on the Muslim world ever in the future. Shiites adopt the superficial atheisms of Europe very easily, and all extremes of behavior can be found among them.[10]

Abadiyeh, Zeidites and others: These sects hold some quaint opinion or the other, being fanatical on that point but have no sound political principle or ideological strength or numbers to decisively influence the course of Islam. They will be absorbed by the victorious school after a severe example is made of some of their leaders and ulema.

Wahabites: This is a school, which, though small in numbers has a clear program of reform for the Muslim world. It is much more influential than it appears and at one point of time all Muslims of India were about to be converted to this school, such that the closeness of it success escapes even Muslim observers. The freshness and audacity of the reformer is in full evidence in his principle:

  1. He declared himself a mujtahed, breaking away from the traditional schools
  2. Only the Koran was the written law; the rightly guided califs’ claims alone were to be admitted
  3. He established it politically in Medina, just as Muhammad had done
  4. As a result the Wahabis conquered large areas and their influence spread right across Africa and Asia, with many following it secretly

This success, similar to the initial expansion of Islam was not to last because of some of the Wahabis’ actions. Arabization of the world could not happen again except through arms, and they had not taken into account the changes in the modern world (Comment: AS- Saudi alliance filling up this lacuna) and lacked the sagacity and patience of Muhammad. Insisting upon returning Islam to its initial days, they destroyed the tombs and minarets of the saints and even that of Muhammad, arousing the ire of the entire Muslim world which began to see them as barbarians; the world had not come down to the level of civilization of islam as yet (Comment: more work was needed, which happened in Bharata, Java, Suvranadvipa, Mesopotamia etc in the 20th century greatly facilitated in every way by angalikas and Saudis. Marus are far more cohesive and radicalized in far greater numbers today). In addition the horror stories spread and greatly stemmed the haj alarming the hejazis for whom it was the main source of revenue. They complained to the Turk sultan Mahmud. After gathering the support of the ulema, who asked him to do his duty as the protector of the holy places Mahmud sent Mehmet ali who eradicated the Wahabis and decapitated Ibn Saud as a heretic (Comment: An exact replay of this event occurred, this time with the Saudis in place of the Osmanlis during the siege of the grand mosque in 1970. Contrary to H who interpret the gore within Islam as a weakness, it is a selection mechanism that increases their collective fitness. If Saud/Otaibi had succeeded he would have attempted another early Islamic expansion like post-Muhammad, perhaps aided by AS).

Though the movement failed, it did not die out and has sown its seed far and wide across Asia and Africa. As of now the old establishment was too entrenched, the movement too immature, which made victory difficult if not impossible. However, this sect contains a sound ideology and is uncluttered; it managed to deeply influence a great many people and was undone solely because of inexperience, which will be acquired in the coming decades. Therefore its importance exceeds that of all the other sects of Islam. [11]

Comments on essay 1:

[1] Here Blunt, instead of theorizing, starts to gather tangible data (verified as far as possible by euros) about arrivals, retention and departure, and also observes the interactions among various races of Islam. This is a most critical step neglected by the so called H RW and even our “analysts”, “strategists” etc.

[2] This is a crystal clear summary of the Muslims’ psyche. From the H standpoint, it offers insights as to why the pretas appease the marus, and how maruism is more robust having removed the weaknesses of pretaism (eg politco-legislative-theological role of kalif, split in pretaism & resultant troubles; terrible fights between sects/heresies of Xtianity-marus deal with heresies much more effectively, with less human & ideological losses; the iron clad 4 core rules above which are impregnable, whereas preta beliefs have been torn to shreds; also note the numberless heresies in church history and the protestant denominations)

[3] Here it must be noted that the AS have estimated that Wahabism is doctrinally superior for the control of the maru population which is sitting on taila. While their plan has worked for so many years, we forget the Naqshbandiya and Kubraviya sheikhs waiting patiently, grinding out the decades and waiting for the decline of the west after which they plan to enforce sharia on all, perhaps riding the Wahabi wave. It is this group that H must hunt down across eurasia and exterminate to the last man. Wahabis don’t have enough people and will transfer power to these sophisticates who alone will be able to manage the dar el islam. Bharata marus supply much of the IQ for this work and no time should be lost in exterminating them.

[4] A part of the effort should be to destroy every element associated with isnad by identifying the “chains” of narration and exterminating them. It was this aspect that Hulagu failed to achieve which resulted it in events as we know it, even as he rounded up the ulema and removed them along with decimating the ghazis effectively. Isnad or the supposedly authentic version of maruism still survived in bharata and Bokhara and marunmada was able to bounce back as a result. Nowadays the best and supreme isnadists are held to be in bharata, which means that H are nourishing the seeds of their own doom right within their lands. The importance of complete annihilation of these elements cannot be overstated; upon their destruction, marus can be split up into various factions and made to destroy each other. The existence of an authentic strain makes possible the otherworldly solidarity and coalescence of marus across the world, which has been attempted in vain by Christians, and it must be removed if we are to defeat them. OTOH, the lack of such might potentially split them up into various groups after which the maru populations can be moulded according to our specifications (in particular extract the IQ & health while isolating and removing the aggression).

[5] This implies that a maru, by his very belief and existence can never consent to any political authority apart from the ulema’s sharia. Due to the so called freedom of belief, they are permitted to continue in Bharta even though by definition they are traitors for the mentioned reason. This unity of religious and political belief is quietly avoided by AS media and its Indian stooges who portray the marus as a religion alone and don’t highlight their political nature which is built in. Thus when H wax eloquent on secularism and vacillate on their faith (having admitted the Ithasas as myths etc), the maru confidently spites them and challenges them whereupon they have to back down and slink away. It is also used to bamboozle new recruits that Islam is a “complete system”.

[6] Even though the actual kalif may be challenged and disputed, the idea of a kalif wielding spiritual power and the temporal authority to enforce his will is irresistible for every Muslim, and this brilliant psychological trick has lost none of its effectiveness. It promises an internally consistent utopia, and if it fails can always be explained away as imperfect (as has been said of various Islamic rulers). But the idea itself of an infallible spiritual and political kalif ruling the world wide dar el Islam make marus fight for it every day of their lives in some manner or the other. The setup ensures that any belief can be enforced by the sword.

[7] Blunt, ever the observer, carefully notes the numbers of each school and their guiding beliefs to predict their behavior. He wonders if each has a reformation, what would be the consequence, and whether the reforms of a particular school would be feasible and applicable to most marus and above all whether it could be turned to the advantage of the British. Of course the wahabis are chosen for their possible future influence on marus, closeness to the Brits and ideological robustness (which leads to the first).

[8] It might be noted that the Brits literally broke up the Turkish caliphate and grabbed all the prime pieces of real estate, duping even the French with whom they had conspired

[9] As has been discussed in other places, Bharat marus (like Bharata pretas) are the most fanatical and intelligent of all the minnow eka-rakshasas. In addition they live among the pagans where their hatred gathers fuel on a day to day basis and their relative lack of power rankles them; their anger will morph into overt physical aggression once they sense the balance of power is in their favor (vide Acharya of MT’s Indiafacts article). Thus they are the most dangerous elements who have to be comprehensively neutralized no matter how much some of the brainwashed H squirm.

[10] Here Blunt has already judged the inability of the Shiites to come to power in islam and thence acquire the leadership of marus, in spite of their civilizational capital. This is a crucial aspect; what matters is not the past of an ethnos but the current state of its core and the future possibilities contingent upon the core surviving. Many highlight Iranian achievement in civilization and the intellect to hold them up as an exemplar of a supposedly benign and cosmopolitain Islam. But the religion and the populace had decayed and were no longer robust and vibrant and would not be able to overcome the main schools of Islam in the struggle for dominance. Specious arguments about how Persian Muslims apparently brought tehzeeb to hind must be countered and demolished along with a statement of the coming ruin of the said ethnos. The same reasons wrt the Persians still hold true today and have been brought out on twitter by Rjrasva.

Based on such sound observations, blunt indicates that Shiites shouldn’t be supported by the Brits, or rather should be pushed under Sunni hegemony with their help. This policy continued throughout the 20th century with AS essentially doing all to shore up the wahabis and scuttle Shia Iran.

[11] This paragraph shows why the Angalikas have ruled the world so effectively. We do not know of any other account that so crisply identifies the usable components of islam for an external force. One might point to Aizawa, but his analysis was more general and fearful, focusing strictly on the preservation of the Japanese. While that was indeed the right thing to do, he does not have the catholicity, maturity and confidence of Blunt in accepting and manipulating these great forces which is necessary to become a world power. The sulapurushas, of even greater strength and IQ than the angaliks were unable to capitalize on the various opportunities they too got in the Middle East and thus having lost resources and allies, lost the world wars with much loss and underwent subsequently close AS monitoring and fine grained control. The Rus too despite being right next to the Shia and Middle East blew it with their meat grinder approach, leaving the Angalika-s to enjoy dominance and the resources of this region. Note that inspite of winning, Engalikas have never permitted these places to stabilize; whereas Rus and sulapurushas, while exceedingly brutal would have at least let the populace in peace after a period of time just extracting the resources as in CA republics etc.

Blunt’s focus is never far away from the issues that really matter: the numbers and beliefs of those numbers. Thus he forms an accurate idea of what these numbers are likely to do, and how they might go about doing it and how they might be controlled. His brilliance in deducing the falling fortunes of the Shia and backing the wahabis, inspite of their lesser numbers can be regarded as a stroke of genius, which have proved enormously fruitful for the AS in the 20th century. Here the apportioning of weightage to the numbers, cohesiveness, ideological soundness of each sect of Islam and the subsequent conclusions betray a fine political mind, perhaps approaching the Sunni Ibn Khaldun, in whose time the situation was simpler and less complicated, though he was indeed the pioneer theorist and frameworker. We suspect that having identified the group, the Angalikas made sure that the elements lacking for their success were supplied by them in exchange for influence and control over the Muslim populace. This makes clear all the actions of the AS over the past century when, even while claiming to advance democracy, they actually  bombed civilization out of so many places, thus preparing the ground for a wahabi brand of maruism which latches on to a low level of complexity and civilization. Similarly, they also aid TSP and TSB against H so that the entire subcontinent can be controlled through their influence on the triumphant strain of Islam in addition to the parasitic evangelists and pretas already present. Jambudvipa is also expected to provide a steady stream of low end workers till Abrahamic practices control the population (as in CA regions). Then they might either dump their dregs and let them multiply here or use former H itself as de facto slaves, but now in an ekarakshasa cult and armed with intoxicating buzzwords like freedom, democracy, rights etc. To keep such numbers within behavioral control, psychotropic substances and sexual stimuli might be supplied as suggested in some dystopian novels-such experiments have already been tried on their own people and there is no doubt that such can be done. In fact SM and media already allow for a direct back door into the minds of foolish H and a lever for their control, who unlike marus are not religiously immunized against such tricks. Such a society is a collection of zombies or robots having no vitality-numbers will come down invariably (note the hedonistic Iranian society) thus resulting in the extinction of the Hindu ethnos one way or the other.

[12] Great as the maru problem seems it is an academic matter once the angalikas are removed. Contrary to what many H rw think, solving the maru problem will hardly give us any breathing space and peace. Instead, AS might come out into the open as our enemies and destroy us. So painful though it may be, we must solve the AS problem first, and then deal with the unmadas as a corollary. In that case some degree of recovery of populations might be possible; otherwise we shall fight a long and bloody battle against the marus, and when we finally liquidate them, we shall have the AS ready to strike us with their conserved power and resources just as it happened in the second world war with the Rus.

An essential reading list for Hindus

Background note

I was asked to create a sort of “essential reading” by multiple compatriots so I put the following together. In my experience the modern Hindus are rather lazy and disinclined to read anything unless it is something along the lines of “One Night in a Call Center”. Therefore I limited the list to what I felt was essential reading material keeping in mind the current situation that we Hindus face. In addition, I assume some familiarity with basic texts such as Ramayana, and thus did not include them. My Hindi is rather middling and certainly not good enough to read books, so while I am sure there are many good books in Hindi, I am not a proficient Hindi reader. I can read, write, and speak Telugu fluently, so perhaps I may make a separate post later on for Telugu readers with books of interest I came across.

In this list I have tried to cover a range of books and articles on different subjects which I felt were essential reading for Hindus and may help our continued existence as a civilization. Readers may also note the books on China and Japan which are important civilizations for Hindus to understand, especially with the current rise of the Han empire with global ambitions. Particular attention must be paid to the “Anti Foreignism…” book by Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi because it contains a full translation of the great Japanese thinker Aizawa Seishisai’s Shinron (New Theses) which in my view must be compulsory reading for the navel gazing Hindu elite alongside our own classics.

If the books/articles are available online even partly, I provided links.


How the World Works by James Fallows


Bad Samaritans by Ha Joon Chang


How Rich nations got Rich Essays in the History of Economic Policy by Erik S. Reinert


National System of Political Economy by Friedrich List


Report on Manufactures by Alexander Hamilton



Arthashastra by Kautilya


The Shukraniti (Original Sanskrit Text with English Translation, Index of Verses, Sanskrit Word Index and Notes)


Mahabharata (attention must be paid to the shAnti parvan where the grandsire expounds on rAjanIti)


Anti-Foreignism and Western Learning in Early Modern Japan The New Theses of 1825 by Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi

Fully available at:


Jimusaku by Aizawa Seishisai, translated by Donald Keene


The Book of Lord Shang


The Republic by Plato


On The Commonwealth by Marcus Tullius Cicero


The Ajnapatra or Royal Edict – Relating to the Principles of Maratha State Policy by S. V. Puntambekar

China’s Legalists: The Earliest Totalitarians and Their Art of Ruling By Zhengyuan Fu


Autocratic Tradition and Chinese Politics By Zhengyuan Fu


The Muqaddimah by ibn Khaldun Translated by Franz Rosenthal



Peter the Great by Robert K. Massie


New History of the Marathas in 3 Volumes by GS Sardesai



The Anglo-Maratha Campaigns and the Contest for India: The Struggle for Control of the South Asian Military Economy by Randolf G. S. Cooper

The Secret History of the Mongols


The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler


“Rulers Ruled By Women” An Economic Analysis of the Rise and Fall of Women’s Rights in Ancient Sparta by Robert K. Fleck

Click to access hanssen.pdf


Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth?: Demography and Politics in the Twenty-first Century by Eric Kaufmann


In addition to this we suggest going through the work of Michael Blume here:






Muslim Separatism: Causes and Consequences by Sita Ram Goel


Jesus Christ – An Artifice for Aggression by Sita Ram Goel


Understanding Islam through Hadis Religious Faith or Fanaticism? by Ram Swarup


The Passion of the Greeks: Christianity and the Rape of the Hellenes by Evaggelos G. Vallianatos

The Word as Revelation: Names of Gods by Ram Swarup

Moses the Egyptian: The Memory of Egypt in Western Monotheism By Jan Assmann


The Price of Monotheism by Jan Assmann



Hindu Law: Beyond Tradition and Modernity by Werner Menski


Comparative Law in a Global Context: The Legal Systems of Asia and Africa by Werner Menski


History of Dharmashastras by PV Kane



The War Against Human Nature II: Gender Studies by Frank Salter

The War against Human Nature II: Gender Studies (Part 1)

Sex and culture by J. D. Unwin (with particular attention to Chapter 5)


On Human Nature by EO Wilson


ఆరవీడు వీరుడు సోమదేవుడు – హిందువుల స్వాతంత్ర్య పోరాటం

ఆరవీడు వీరుడు సోమదేవుడు – హిందువుల స్వాతంత్ర్య పోరాటం

1326 ప్రాంతంలో కంపిలదేవ రాజు పరిపాలిస్తున్న కంపిలి రాజ్యంపై జీహాద్ యుద్ధం చేయడానికి ముహమ్మద్ ఇబ్న్ తుగ్లక్ తన ఇద్దరు తురుష్క ఘాజీలైన మాలిక్ జాద మరియు మజీర్ అబు రజాలను దండయాత్రకు పంపాడు. మాలిక్ జాద గుజరాత్ నుండి తెచ్చుకున్న తన సైన్యాలతో మరియు మజిర్ అబు రజా దేవగిరి నుండి తెచ్చుకున్న తన సైన్యాలతో కంపిలి పై దాడికి దిగారు. కంపిలి దేవరాజు మరియు ఆయన కుమారుడు, తమ సైన్యాధ్యక్షులు హరిహరరాయలు,బుక్కరాయలు మరియు తమ సోదరులు, సామంతులతో కూడిన సైన్యంతో ఇస్లామిక్ సైన్యాలను అడ్డుకోవడానికి తన బలమైన కోట కుమ్మట నుండి సాహసోపేతమైన పోరాటం జరిపారు. హిందూ సైన్యాలు రెండుసార్లు తుగ్లక్ సైన్యాలను తిప్పికొట్టాయి. కాని మూడవ పర్యాయం తుగ్లక్ సైన్యాల ముట్టడి సుదీర్ఘంగా కొనసాగడం వలన హిందువుల వద్ద ఉన్న వనరులు తరిగిపోయి వారు తమ కోటని వదిలిపెట్టారు. ఆ తర్వాత హొసదుర్గ కోట నుండి వారు తమ పోరాటాన్ని కొనసాగించారు. కాని హొసదుర్గ కోటలో కూడ తగినన్ని వనరులు లేకపోవడం వలన హిందువులు తుగ్లక్ సైన్యాలతో ముఖాముఖి తేల్చుకోవలసి వచ్చింది. ఆ యుద్ధంలో కంపిలిదేవ రాజ మరియు అతని పుత్రుడు హతమార్చబడటంతో పాటు హరిహర మరియు బుక్కరాయలు తుగ్లక్ సైన్యాలకు పట్టుబడి ఢిల్లీ చెరసాలకు పంపబడ్డారు. ప్రజలను భయభ్రాంతులను చేయడానికి గడ్డిని కూర్చిన కంపిలిదేవ రాజు తలను బహిరంగంగా ఊరేగించారు. ఈ సమయంలోనే మాలిక్ జాద తన సైన్యాలతో వీరభల్లాల పరిపాలిస్తున్న హోయసల రాజ్యంపై దండయాత్రకు వెళితే పూనే దగ్గర్లోని కోహ్లీ ప్రాంతాలను తుగ్లక్ ధ్వంసం చేశాడు. ఆ తర్వాత కర్నూలు, అనెగొంది, రాయచూరు మరియు ముద్గల్ ప్రాంతాల మీద జీహాద్ చేయడానికి మాలిక్ ముహమ్మద్ని పంపాడు తుగ్లక్. ఘాజీ ఈ ప్రాంతాలను పట్టుకున్న తర్వాత అక్కడి హిందూ ప్రజలు విచ్చలవిడి ఊచకోతకు గురయ్యారు.

మాలిక్ దండయాత్ర సందర్భంగా జరిగిన అఘాయిత్యాల గురించి విలాస రాగి శాసనం కళ్ళకు కట్టినట్లు ఇలా చెప్పింది :

” ధనం కోసం పలువిధాలుగా గృహస్థులు పీడించబడ్డారు. తురుష్క భూతాలను చూచినంతనే కొందరు తమ ప్రాణాలను వదిలివేసిరి. తమ యఙ్ఞయాగాదులను, పూజలను బ్రాహ్మణులు నిర్వహించలేకపోయారు. దేవాలయాలు కూల్చివేయబడ్డాయి. విగ్రహాలు అపచారానికి గురయ్యి ధ్వంసం చేయబడ్డాయి. అనేక సంవత్సరాలుగా విద్వాంసులైన బ్రాహ్మణుల ఏలుబడిలో ఉన్న అగ్రహారాలు చేదాటిపోయాయి. పండిన పంట తమ చేతికి రాకుండా బలవంతంగా తరలిపోవడంతో ధనికులైనా,పేదలైనా రైతులంతా కష్టాల పాలయ్యారు. ఈ విపత్తు కాలంలో ప్రజలెవ్వరూ తమ భార్యలను గాని, తమ ధనాన్ని గాని మరియు ఇతర భౌతిక వస్తువులనుగాని తమవిగా భావించలేదు. మద్యపానం చేస్తూ, గోమాంసం తింటూ, స్త్రీలను చెరబడుతూ మరియు బ్రాహ్మణులను చంపుతూ దుర్మార్గులైన మహమ్మదీయులు కోలాహలంగా గడిపారు. ఇటువంటి విపత్తులో ఈ జీవ ప్రపంచం ఎలా మనగలదు? కలలోనైనా తమను కాపాడు ఆపద్భాంధవుడిని ఊహించలేక రాక్షసుల వంటి తురుష్క సురత్రాణ సైన్యం చేత ఈ విధముగా హింసింపబడిన తెలుగు నేల బడబాగ్ని చేత చుట్టుముట్టబడిన అరణ్యమువలే ఉండినది”

ఇటువంటి కఠినమైన పరిస్థితులలో అంధ్ర దేశం యొక్క తూర్పు మధ్యభాగములో శూద్రుల నాయకత్వంలో ఒక గొప్ప స్వాతంత్ర్య పోరాటం మొదలైంది. శూద్ర వీరులైన ప్రోలయ నాయకుడు, కాపయ నాయకుడు మరియు ప్రోలయ వేమారెడ్డి హిందువుల ప్రతిఘటన పోరాట బాధ్యతను తీసుకున్నారు. కాని పశ్చిమ తెలుగు నేల మరియు పొరుగు కర్ణాటక ప్రాంతంలో ఈ పోరాట గౌరవాన్ని శూరుడైన సోమదేవుడు చేపట్టాడు. గొంకల దేవి మరియు పిన్నయ్యల కుమారుడైన సోమదేవుడు తాను ఒకటవ పులకేశి యొక్క పురాతన చాళుక్య క్షత్రీయ వంశానికి చెందిన వాడిగా చెప్పుకున్నాడు. వీరి వంశావళి నుండి కొన్ని విషయాలను మనం గ్ర్రహించవచ్చు. క్రీ.శ 500 నాటి వీరి వంశ పురాణం ప్రకారం విస్తృతంగా పరిపాలించగల, గొప్ప యఙ్ఞాలు నిర్వహించగల మరియు భూమిని రక్షించగల సుదీర్ఘ వంశావళిని దేవుడైన కార్తికేయుడు వీరికి వరంగా ఇచ్చాడు. వారి పరిపాలన ఉచ్చస్థితిని దాటిన తర్వాతి కాలంలో చాళుక్యులు అనేక భిన్న వంశాలుగా విడిపోయి భారతదేశమంతటా పరిపాలించారు. వీరి ఉత్తర ప్రాంతపు వంశ శాఖ సోలంకి రాజపుత్ర వంశస్థులుగా రాజస్థాన్ మరియు మధ్య ప్రదేశ్ ప్రాంతాలను పరిపాలించారు. ఫశ్చిమ శాఖలో ప్రధాన వంశం గుజరాత్ ప్రాంతాన్ని పరిపాలించగా, ఇంకో చిన్న శాఖ కల్యాన్ మరియు కొంకణ్ ప్రాంతాలను పరిపాలించారు. వాతాపి రెండవ పులకేశి చిన్న సోదరుడైన విష్ణువర్ధనుడి నుండి తూర్పు శాఖ పుట్టింది. వాస్తవానికి ప్రధాన సైనిక కేంద్రమైన సతార(ఆధునిక మహారాష్ట్ర; సతారా శాసనం) వద్దనున్న సైన్యానికి విష్ణువర్ధనుడు సైన్యాధిపతి. పల్లవులతో జరిగిన యుద్ధ సమయంలో వాంగీపురానికి పంపబడిన అతడు రాజప్రతినిధిగా అక్కడి నుండి పాలన కొనసాగించాడు. తర్వాతి కాలంలో చోళులతో కలిసిపోయిన ఈ తూర్పు చాళుక్యులు తెలుగు నేలను పరిపాలించిన చాళుక్య-చోళులుగా రూపాంతరం చెందారు. కాని కాకతీయుల ఉత్థానంతో చాళుక్యుల ప్రభ తగ్గిపోయి స్థానిక దండనాయకుల స్థాయికి చేరిపోయారు. ఆ స్థానిక దండనాయకుల వంశం నుండి సోమదేవుడు ఉధ్బవించాడు.

తెనాలి అగస్త్యేస్వర ఆలయ శాసనం ప్రకారం ఓరుగల్లు ప్రతాపరుద్రుని కింద ప్రముఖ దండనాయకులుగా సోమదేవుని వంశస్థులు ఉండేవారు. తాను యువకుడిగా ఉన్నపుడు కాకతీయుల పతనాన్ని మరియు తదనంతరం మహమ్మదీయుల చేత ఆ ప్రాంతంలో జరిగిన విధ్వంసాన్ని కళ్ళారా చూసిన సోమదేవుడు తన పురాతన క్షత్రీయ వంశం పేరును నిలబెట్టేలా జీవించాలని నిర్ణయించుకున్నాడు. మాలిక్ ముహమ్మద్ మీద పోరాడటానికి తన సైన్యంతో పాటు రాయలసీమ హిందువులను సమీకరించిన సోమదేవుడు 6000 సంఖ్య గల బలమైన అశ్విక దళాన్ని ఏర్పర్చగలిగాడు. కృష్ణా, తుంగభద్ర నదుల మధ్యన ఉన్న ప్రాంతంలో ముస్లింలు పట్టు సాధించడానికి కారణమైన కోటల వరుస మీద ఆకస్మిక దాడులు చేయడం ద్వారా 1331లో  సోమదేవుడు స్వాతంత్ర్య పోరాటాన్ని మొదలుపెట్టాడు. పురాతన శాతవాహన వంశానికి చెందిన చక్రవర్తి శాతకర్ణి ఆధ్వర్యంలో శ్రీశైలం పాంతంలో శాతానికోట నిర్మించబడింది. ఆ కోటను ఆక్రమించుకున్న ముస్లింలు ఆ ప్రాంతంలో చెలరేగే హిందూ ప్రతిఘటనను రెండు సైన్యాల మధ్యన అణిచివేయడానికి ఆ కోటలో సైనిక శిబిరాన్ని ఏర్పరిచారు. కాని ఈ వ్యూహం గురించిన సమాచారాన్ని రెడ్డి మరియు నాయక్ మనుషులు సోమదేవుడికి అందించారు. శాతానికోట మీద రాత్రి సమయంలో మెరుపుదాడి చేసిన సోమదేవుడు  అక్కడి ముస్లిం సైన్యాన్ని ఓడించి తరిమేశాడు. ఆ తర్వాత కర్నూలు ప్రాంతంలో విస్తరించుకొని ఉన్న ముస్లిం దళాలను, వర్తక దండులను ధ్వంసం చేసి తదనంతర పోరాటాలకు అవసరమైన పునాదిని ఏర్పరచుకున్నాడు. ఆ తర్వాత ప్రథమంగా 7 కోటల యుద్దాన్ని మొదలుపెట్టాడు. మొసలిమడుగు, కందనవోలు, కల్వకొలను, ఈతగిరి మరియు గంగనేనికొండలను చేజిక్కించుకోవడం ద్వారా రెండు నదుల మధ్యనున్న ప్రాంతంలో ముస్లింల సరఫరా మార్గాలను, సమన్వయ అవకాశాలను ధ్వంసం చేశాడు. ఆధారాల ప్రకారం గంగనేనికొండ పోరాటంలో సోమదేవుడు స్వయంగా కోటగోడను ఎక్కి తాను ముందుండి ముస్లిం సైనిక శిబిరం మీద దాడిని నడిపించాడు. ఆ తర్వాత తనను అడ్డుకోవడానికి పంపబడిన ముస్లిం సైన్యాన్ని రాయచూరు వద్ద ఎదుర్కొని ఓడగొట్టి తురుష్కుల బారి నుండి రాయచూరుకు విముక్తి కల్పించాడు. కర్నూలుకు తిరిగి వెళ్తున్న సోమదేవుడిపై  గోసంగి నుండి సైన్యంతో వచ్చిన మజిర్ దాడి చేశాడు. కాని ఆ దాడిని తిప్పికొట్టిన సోమదేవుడు ముస్లిం సైన్యాలను కోటలోకి వెనక్కు తరిమేశాడు. కోటను ముట్టడించిన హిందువులు ఆ తర్వాత కోటలోకి దూసుకెళ్ళారు. మజిర్ తల నరికిన సోమదేవుడు కోటలోని చెరువుకి అధిదేవత అయిన అఘోర భైరవునికి ఆ తలను బలిగా సమర్పించాడు. అటు పిమ్మట, తుగ్లక్ వశమైన అనెగొంది కోటను తురుష్కుల బారి నుండి విడిపించడానికి ముందుకు సాగాడు. ఆ కోట గోడల పైకి రహస్యంగా ఎగబాకి తన సైన్యం కోటలొకి రావడానికి దారి చేసి కోటను ఆక్రమించుకున్నాడు. ఆపై తుగ్లక్ ప్రతినిధి నుండి ముద్గల్ కోటను చేజిక్కించుకొని ఆ పట్టణంలో ఉన్న ముస్లిం సైన్యాలను సంహరించాడు. మాలిక్ ముహమ్మద్ ని లక్ష్యంగా చేసుకొని పోరాటం మొదలుపెట్టిన సోమదేవుడికి చివరగా ఆ అవకాశం రానే వచ్చింది. కంపిలి నుండి ముందుకు వచ్చిన మాలిక్ ముహమ్మద్ సైన్యంతో ముఖాముఖి తలపడ్డాడు. అతని సైన్యం ముస్లిం దళాన్ని ఊచకోత కోసింది. అతని సైన్యం నుండి తప్పించుకొని ప్రాణాలతో బయటపడిన వారు చెల్లచెదరై రెడ్డి, వీరబల్లాల మరియు నాయక్ సైన్యాల చేతిలో బలైపోయారు. మాలిక్ ముహమ్మద్ కూడా బందీగా దొరికాడు. కంపిలి పై తన అధికారాన్ని వదులుకున్న మాలిక్ ముహమ్మద్ ని మూర్ఖంగా ఢిల్లి వెళ్ళనిచ్చాడు సోమదేవుడు. అయినప్పటికి, తన విజయాల అనంతరం సోమదేవుడు ఎక్కువ కాలం జీవించలేదు. కాని సోమదేవుడు నెలకొల్పిన ఆరవీడు వంశం ఆ తర్వాత తమ శౌర్య పరాక్రమాలతో అనేక యుద్దలలో విజయనగర ప్రభువులకు సేవలందించింది. చివరికి, కృష్ణదేవరాయల వంశ తదనంతరం ఆరవీడు వంశానికి చెందిన రామరాయలు విజయనగర పరిపాలకుడు అయ్యాడు.

ద్విపద బాలభాగవత గ్రంథం సోమదేవుడి చరిత్రని చెబుతుంది. ఆ గ్రంథంలో సోమదేవునికి ‘చతుర్దశ పుర నిషూదన ‘(14 కోటలను ధ్వంసం చేసినవాడు) బిరుదు కలదు. ఇంకా ఇలా చెబుతుంది : ” అతడు ఇంద్రుడి వలె గొప్ప శక్తిని కలవాడు. దుర్గమమైన ముస్లిం కోట గోడలను చేధించినవాడు”. అలాగే, సోమదేవుడు తన భార్య కమలాదేవి ద్వారా రాఘవేంద్రుడు అనే పుత్రుడిని పొందాడని ఉంది. రాఘవేంద్రుడు తన భార్య బాచలదేవి ద్వారా పిన్నభూపాల అనే పుత్రుడిని పొందాడు.

తుగ్లక్ మరియు ఖిల్జీలు హిందూ ధర్మాన్ని నాశనం చేయడానికి చేసిన ప్రయత్నాలను ప్రతిఘటించడానికి చేసిన పోరాటంలో శూరుడైన సోమదేవుడు ఆ విధంగా హిందువులను ముందుకు నడిపించాడు.

Translated from: https://manasataramgini.wordpress.com/2005/10/09/somadeva-of-aravidu-and-the-freedom-struggle/

ప్రోలయ వేమారెడ్డి – హిందువుల స్వాతంత్ర్య పోరాటం

ఏం జరిగినా సరే హిందూ ధర్మం తట్టుకుంటుందని, తిరిగి పుంజుకునే శక్తి హిందూ ధర్మానికి ఉందని హిందువులు తరచూ చెబుతుంటారు. కాబట్టి హిందూ ధర్మం మీద ఎన్ని దాడులు జరిగినా పట్టించుకోనవసరం లేదని, ఎవరికి వారు తమ జీవితాలని చక్కదిద్దుకుంటే చాలని, ఏదో ఒక రకంగా, ఏదో ఒక అద్భుతం జరిగి హిందూ మతం తన ఉనికి కాపాడుకుంటుందనే భావన కలుగుతుంది. మరి విదేశీ శక్తులు విధ్వంసం చేస్తూ దోపిడీలలో మునిగి తేలుతుంటే మన అప్పటి పూర్వీకులు కూడా ఏమీ పట్టించుకోకుండా తమ జీవితాలని గడిపేశారా? చరిత్రని పరికిస్తే దానికి భిన్నమైన సమాధానం దొరుకుతుంది. సుమారు వేయి సంవత్సరాల పాటు ప్రతీ స్థాయిలో యుద్దాలు చేయటం ద్వారానే హిందూ ధర్మం తిరిగి పుంజుకొని నిలబడిందన్నది చరిత్ర ఇస్తున్న సాక్ష్యం. హిందూ సన్యాసులు మరియు యుద్దవీరులు కలగలసిన ప్రవాహమే ఈ సనాతన ధర్మం శతాబ్దాల తరబడి నిలదొక్కుకోవడానికి కారణం. సనాతన ధర్మాన్ని నిలబెట్టడానికి సల్పిన ఈ పోరు బహుశా ఈ భూ మండలం మొత్తం మీద జరిగిన యుద్దాలలో అతి సుదీర్ఘమైనది. ఏదో ఒక రూపంలో ఇప్పటికీ కొనసాగుతూనే ఉంది.

మనం ఈ రోజు హిందువులుగా ఉన్నామంటే దానికి కారణం పూర్వ కాలంలో ఎప్పుడో, ఎక్కడో, ఎవరో మన హిందూ జీవన విధానాన్ని కాపాడటానికి తన జీవితాన్ని త్యాగం చేయడం వలననే. కానీ మన దురదృష్టమేమిటంటే ఎవరెవరు తమ కోసం ఏఏ త్యాగాలు చేశారో తెలియని స్థితిలో నేటి హిందువులు బ్రతుకుతున్నారు. హిందూ చరిత్రలో చోటుచేసుకున్న త్యాగాలు, ధీరత్వాలు మరియు అసామాన్య సాహసాలను స్మరించుకోవడం, ఉత్సవంగా జరుపుకోవడం పక్కనపెట్టి కనీసం గుర్థుపెట్టుకోవడం కూడా జరగటం లేదు. హిందూ నాగరికత ప్రతి దిశలో, దశలో, అడుగులో మరియు ప్రతి పుటలో ఇప్పుడు మనం స్మరించుకోబోతున్న గాథ లాంటివి కోకొల్లలుగా ఉన్నాయి.

1311లో తెలంగాణ ప్రాంతాన్ని అల్లకల్లోలం చేయడానికి అల్లా-ఉద్-దీన్-ఖిల్జీ తన శతృభయంకర ఇస్లాం సైన్యాన్ని తన ప్రియుడు మరియు సైన్యాధ్యక్షుడు మాలిక్ కఫూర్ ఆధ్వర్యంలో పంపాడు. ఈ దండయాత్ర పరమ కిరాతకంగా జరిగింది. హిందూ క్షత్రీయ వంశాలైన కాకతీయులు, చాళుక్యులు మరియు చోళులు గొప్ప శౌర్యంతో పోరాడినప్పటికీ వరంగల్ చుట్టూ జరిగిన యుద్దాలలో ఓడిపోయి చెల్లాచెదరయ్యారు. బ్రతికి బట్టకట్టిన వాళ్ళు కొండపల్లి కోటలో ఆశ్రయం తీసుకొని మహమ్మదీయుల తుఫానును అడ్డుకునే ప్రయత్నం చేశారు.

కాని 1316లో అల్లా-ఉద్-దీన్ చనిపోవడం, గుజరాత్ లో తిరుగుబాటు వలన ఢిల్లీలో గందరగోళ పరిస్థితులు ఏర్పడటం వలన మహమ్మదీయులు తెలంగాణ మీద తమ పట్టును స్థిరపరచుకోలేకపోయారు. దీని ఫలితంగా తీవ్రమైన ప్రాంతీయ అస్థిరత్వం ఏర్పడి ప్రతాపరుద్రుని నాయకత్వంలో కాకతీయులు తిరిగి తమ అధికారాన్ని స్థాపించుకోవడం మొదలుపెట్టారు. ఆఫ్ఘనిస్తాన్ నుండి వచ్చిన అనుభవఙ్ఞుడైన ఘాజీ అల్ మాలిక్ తుగ్లక్ ఢిల్లీలో మహమ్మదీయుల పరిస్థితిని చక్కదిద్దిన తర్వాత భారత ద్వీపకల్పంలో జరుగుతున్న జీహాద్ యుద్ధాన్ని ఒక క్రమ పద్దతికి తీసుకురావాలని నిర్ణయించాడు.

దక్షిణ భారతదేశంలో దృఢమైన తీవ్రతతో జీహాద్ కార్యక్రమాన్ని పూర్తి చేయడానికి సమర్ధుడైన తన వారసుడు మొహమ్మద్ బిన్ తుగ్లక్ ను పంపించాడు. పూణే, దేవగిరి, తెలంగాణ మరియు తొండైమండలాల పై దండయాత్రలకు పూర్తి ప్రణాళికలు రచించిన తుగ్లక్ 1321 నుండి వాటిని అమలుపరచడం మొదలుపెట్టాడు. నాగనాయకుడి చేత వీరోచితంగా రక్షించబడిన పూణాలోని కొండన కోటను ఒక సంవత్సర కాలంలో వశం చేసుకున్న తుగ్లక్ ఆ తర్వాత దేవగిరిని స్వాధీనం చేసుకొని ఆగ్నేయం దిశగా సాగి 1322లో తెలంగాణను చేరుకున్నాడు.

దేవగిరి, ఢిల్లీల నుండి నిరంతరాయంగా అందుతున్న సహకారంతో మహమ్మదీయ సైన్యాలు  సుదీర్ఘంగా, భీకరంగా జరిగిన ముఖాముఖి పోరులో ప్రతాపరుద్రుడి కాకతీయ సైన్యాలను ఓడించారు.

రాజమహేంద్రవరం కోటను నలుదిక్కుల నుండి భారీ ఇస్లాం సైన్యాలు చుట్టుముట్టి దాడి చేయడంతో వారు రక్షణలో పడిపోయారు. వారు ఆరు నెలలపాటు కోటను కాచుకున్నప్పటికీ చివరికి మహమ్మదీయ సైన్యాలు కోటలోకి ప్రవేశించి కోటను రక్షిస్తున్న వారందరిని ఊచకోత కోశారు. ప్రతాపరుద్రుడిని మరియు అతని కుటుంబాన్ని పట్టుకొని ఢిల్లీకి పంపారు. కానీ ఢిల్లీకి చేరితే ఇస్లాం మతంలోకి మారవలసిన అగత్యం పడుతుంది కాబట్టి అందుకు బదులు ప్రతాపరుద్రుడు తనను తానే చంపుకున్నాడు. చాళుక్యులు నిర్మించిన ఘనమైన శ్రీ వేణుగోపాలస్వామి దేవాలయాన్ని కూల్చిన తుగ్లక్ ఆ శిధిలాలతోనే మసీదును నిర్మించాడు. దీనితో తెలంగాణలో క్షత్రీయుల ఉనికి పోయి ఇస్లాం సైన్యాలు ఆ భూమిని భయోత్పాతానికి గురిచేశాయి.

1325లో ధర్మ రక్షణను నిర్వహించే బాధ్యతను శూద్ర యుద్దవీరుడైన ప్రోలయ వేమారెడ్డి తన భుజానికి ఎత్తుకున్నాడు. ఒక స్థానిక దండనాయకుని కుమారుడైన వేమారెడ్డి ‘శ్రీ మహావిష్ణువు పాదాల నుండి ఉద్భవించిన నాలుగవ వర్ణమైన శూద్రులలో తాను ఒకడిగా’, క్షత్రీయుల తర్వాత బ్రాహ్మణులు మరియు అగ్రహారాల రక్షణార్థం ఈ భూమి మీద నుండి తురుష్కుల పీడ విరగడ చేయడానికి సంకల్పించిన వ్యక్తిగా తనను తాను  వర్ణించుకున్నాడు.

యుద్ధ దేవుడైన కుమారస్వామి మరియు తన నాలుగవ వర్ణం లాగానే శ్రీ మహావిష్ణువు పాదాల నుండి పుట్టిన తన ఇంటి దేవత గంగమ్మల నుండి స్ఫూర్తి పొందిన వేమారెడ్డి ధ్వంసమైన ఆయా ప్రాంతాల నుండి సమీకరించిన రైతులు, కాపరులతో ఒక పెద్ద సైన్యాన్ని తయారుచేశాడు.పశువుల కోసం జరిగే ఘర్షణలలో ఎప్పటి నుండో ఆరితేరిన ఆయన వంశం ఆకస్మికంగా దాడి చేసి నష్టం కలిగించి పారిపోయే(గెరిల్లా) యుద్ధతంత్ర పద్దతులలో అపార నైపుణ్యాన్ని పెంపొందించుకున్నారు. ప్రొలయ వేమరెడ్డి ఇతర ప్రముఖ స్థానిక యుద్ధవీరులైన ప్రోలయ నాయకుడు మరియు కాపయ నాయకులతో చేతులు కలిపాడు. వారు సుమారు 75 మంది స్థానిక యుద్ధవీరులు మరియు బలం కలిగిన వ్యక్తులతో కలిసి ఒక కూటమిని ఏర్పరిచారు. అద్దంకి వద్ద తన హిందూ సైన్యాన్ని సమీకరించిన వేమారెడ్డి తుగ్లక్ సైన్యాల మీదకు దండయాత్ర మొదలుపెట్టాడు.

ఈ యుద్ధంలో జీవసంబంధ యుద్ధతంత్రాన్ని వాడిన రెడ్లు మహమ్మదీయ సైన్యాల వద్దకు ప్రవహిస్తున్న నీళ్ళలో మురికి నీటిని కలిపి కాలుష్యం చేశారు. ఈ నీటిని సేవించిన తుగ్లక్ సైన్యానం తీవ్ర విరేచనాల బారిన పడి క్షీణించిపోయింది. స్వయంగా తుగ్లక్ అనారోగ్యం పాలయ్యి తిరుగుముఖం పట్టాడు. ముస్లింలు ఈ విధంగా అల్లకల్లోలంలో ఉండగా వారి మీద పడిన హిందూ సైన్యం వరంగల్ శివారులలో జరిగిన ముఖాముఖి పోరులో మిగిలిన వారిని నలిపేసి పని పూర్తి చేసింది. తుగ్లక్ సైన్యం వదిలివెళ్ళినా హిందూ పరిపాలనను తిరిగి స్థాపించడానికి స్థానిక ముస్లిం ఆమిర్లు మరియు ముస్లిం వర్తకులు అడ్డం అవుతారని వేమారెడ్డి అర్థం చేసుకున్నాడు. వరుస దాడులతో వారి వర్తక వ్యవస్థలను, చిన్న సైనిక దండులను మరియు ఆ భూప్రాంతమంతా విస్తరించుకున్న ఇస్లామిక్ ఆయుధగారాలను ధ్వంసం చేసి నిర్మూలించాడు. ముస్లిం సైన్యాల కేంద్ర స్థానమైన దేవగిరి నుండి జరుగుతున్న దాడులను కాచుకోవడం ద్వారా వీరభల్లాల ఈ ప్రక్రియలో హిందూ కూటమికి సహాయపడ్డాడు.

1335లో తెలంగాణాలో హిందూ పునరుత్థానాన్ని నిర్మూలించడానికి మక్బూల్ ఇక్బాల్ ఆధ్వర్యంలో ఒక పెద్ద సైన్యాన్ని ముహమ్మద్ బిన్ తుగ్లక్ పంపాడు. కాని వీర భల్లాల పంపిన సహాయక సైన్యాలతో కూడిన రెడ్డి మరియు నాయక్ సైన్యాలు ఆ యుద్ధక్షేత్రంలో 15 మంది ముస్లిం ఆమిర్లను చంపేసి తుగ్లక్ సైన్యాలను ఘోరంగా ఓడించాయి. ఇక్బాల్ మరియు అతని సైన్యాన్ని వేమరెడ్డి వెంబడించగా వారు వరంగల్ కోటలోకి పారిపొయి తల దాచుకోగా కాపయ నాయకుడు కోటను తన సైన్యాలతో ముంచెత్తాడు.

ఆ తర్వాత వేమారెడ్డి కొండవీడు కోట మీదకు తన సైన్యాలతో దండెత్తి ముఖ్య సేనానాయకుడు మాలిక్ గుర్జార్ని వధించాడు. ఆ తర్వాత జరిగిన ముఖాముఖి పోరులలో నిడదవోలు, ఉండి మరియు పిఠాపురాలను విడిపించాడు. ఆ తర్వాత తొండైమండలం పై చేసిన దాడిలో ఒక వైపు స్వయంగా సుల్తానుతో వీరభల్లాల తలపడుతుండగా జలాల్-ఉద్-దిన్ షా సైన్యాన్ని వేమారెడ్డి ఊచకోత కోయించాడు.

కాని, మదురై మరియు ఢిల్లీ సుల్తానులతో సుదీర్ఘంగా జరిగిన యుద్ధంలో వీరభల్లాల చివరికి ముస్లింల చేతికి చిక్కాడు. ఆయన బ్రతికి ఉండగానే ఆయన చర్మాన్ని ఒలిచి మదురై గోడకు ఆ ఎండు చర్మాన్ని వేలాడదీశారు(ఆ తర్వాతి కాలంలో ఇబిన్ బట్టూటా దీన్ని చూశాడు). అయినా భయపడని వేమారెడ్డి బెల్లంకొండ, వినుకొండ మరియు నాగార్జునకొండ కోటలలో ఉన్న ముస్లిం ఆయుధగారాల మీద వరుస దాడులు చేసి వాటిని రక్షిస్తున్న వారిని తెగనరికి వాటిని స్వాధీనం చేసుకున్నాడు.

కొండవీడు కోట మీద తన పతాకాన్ని ఎగురవేసి తనను తాను రాజుగా ప్రకటించుకున్నాడు. ఆయన శాసనాలలో ప్రకటనలు :

” దుష్టులైన తురుష్క రాజుల చేత తీసుకుపోబడిన బ్రాహ్మణ అగ్రహారాలను నేను పునఃనిర్మించాను”. ” తురుష్కులతో నిండిన సముద్రానికి నేను అగస్త్యుడి వంటి వాడిని”.

శ్రీశైల రుద్ర దేవాలయానికి మరమ్మత్తులు చేయించడంతో పాటుగా కొండ మీద వున్న దేవాలయం నుండి కింద వున్న కృష్ణా నది వరకు మెట్ల వరుస నిర్మించి ధర్మాన్ని తిరిగి స్థాపించాడు. అహోబిళంలో విష్ణువు దేవాలయానికి మరమ్మత్తులు చేయించాడు. వేమారెడ్డి ధర్మాన్ని కాపాడటం వలన స్థానిక సాహిత్యం,కళలూ తిరిగి పుంజుకున్నాయి. ముఖ్యంగా వత్స భార్గవ భ్రాహ్మణుడైన ఎఱ్రాప్రగడ(ఎర్రన) ఆధ్వర్యంలో సాహిత్యం తిరిగి పుంజుకుంది.ఆయన రచించిన రామాయణం ఒక కళాఖండం. యుద్దలలో ముస్లింల నుండి తాను పొందిన మహిళల కోసం వేమారెడ్డి కొండవీడులో అంతఃపురాన్ని నిర్మించాడు. తర్వాతి రెడ్డి రాజుల విలాసమందిరంగా ఇది కొనసాగింది.

ఆయన వారసుడు అనవేమారెడ్డి ఇస్లాం సైన్యాలకు వ్యతిరేకంగా పోరును కొనసాగించాడు. రాజమహేంద్రవరాన్ని విడిపించి అక్కడ హిందూ మందిరం స్థానంలో నిర్మించిన మజర్ని కూల్చివేయడంతో మొదలుపెట్టాడు. ఒక చిన్న దండుతో కోరుకొండ కోటను ఎక్కి అక్కడ ఉన్న ముస్లిం సైనికశిబిరాం నుండి కోటను విడిపించాడు. ఆ తర్వాత సింహాచలం కోటను మరియు కొన్ని కలింగ రాజ్య భాగాలను ఆక్రమించుకున్నాడు. తన శాసనంలో ఇలా ప్రకటించాడు : ” నాలుగవ వర్ణపు శూద్ర వీరుడనైన నేను తురుష్క సమూహాలను సంహరించి ఈ సభలో పండితులైన బ్రాహ్మణులను పోగుచేశాను”. శ్రీశైలం గుడిలో వీరశిరోమండపాన్ని నిర్మించాడు. తర్వాతి కాలంలో మరో ఇద్దరు గొప్ప హిందూ వీరులు కృష్ణదేవరాయలు మరియు శివాజీలు కూడా శ్రీశైల మందిరానికి మరమ్మత్తులు చేయించారు.

ఖిల్జీ-తుగ్లక్ కాలాల తర్వాత స్థానికంగా జరిగిన అనేక హిందూ ప్రతిఘటన చరిత్రలలో మనం మరచిన గాథలు కోకొల్లలు. అందులో తెలుగు నేల విమోచన పోరాటం కూడా ఒకటి.

Translated from: http://www.hinduhistory.info/prolaya-vema-reddy-rise-of-the-warrior-king/

Why Shivaji was the greatest of all Hindu rulers

In the past we have been party to discussions among our compatriots about who the greatest of Hindu rAjan-s was and the answers vary depending on the person (with a strong tendency towards regional bias). Proposed names have included Chandragupta Maurya, Samudragupta, Raja Raja Chola, Rajendra Chola, and Bhojadeva but we have always stuck to our guns that it is Shivaji alone who deserves that honor (note that we are not from Maharashtra nor do we have any relations there). We have our reasons which we hope to elucidate here.

Right off the bat, it is important to make a distinction between fighting other heathens as compared to fighting the Abrahamic barbarians. Losing a war with the former does not generally mean extinction (though there can be exceptions as in when Rome wiped out Carthage) because often it is a war for resources or thirst for conquest not because one party believes that it alone has the true religion and a corresponding duty to extinguish all others.  For example even if Alexander had managed to conquer all of India, it is unlikely that Hindu civilization would have been extinguished and the more likely outcome would have been the slow assimilation of the Greek conquerors as it indeed happened in the Indo-Greek border kingdoms after Alexander’s death. One can extend this principle to the later invaders like the Huns or the Ahoms who were also assimilated. An even more pertinent example is that of the Han behemoth which was repeatedly conquered by various steppe tribes such as the Mongols and the Manchu but has survived intact and even expanded its territory vastly by swallowing up the lands conquered by these tribes for free. By contrast the Abrahamic barbarians are an existential threat who have destroyed civilization after civilization and would have done the same to our own had it not been for men like Shivaji. Thus we see Shivaji’s struggle against the Mohammedans as an existential struggle with much tougher enemies than those faced by a Chandragupta Maurya or a Samudragupta.

Fine you say, but what about the other paragons of Hindu resistance such as Mewar or the Vijayanagara Empire which also battled the Meccan demons in defense of dharma. We of course respect the sacrifices made by all the noble souls in defense of dharma but Shivaji displayed some exceptional qualities that set him apart. When Aurangzeb’s great jihad of 27 years against the Marathas was grinding down and it seemed as if all was lost, Rajaram wrote letters on the need to first reconquer peninsular India before moving onto Delhi to put an end to Islamic tyranny in India. This may seem strange given the position they were in but the plan originated in Shivaji’s own mind and led the Marathas to their ultimate triumph. This vision also guided the great Baji Rao who convinced shAhu on the need to strike North in accordance with the departed rAjan’s vision. When we compare this with the actions of other strong Hindu kingdoms/empires such as the Gajapatis or Vijayanagara, their vision seems to have been more local (i.e. liberating Southern India). The Ajnapatra speaks as follows:

Here some points are of note in this rather remarkable document: 1) He states that they must not stop after clearing the lands from the Narmada to Rameshvaram of the kaNThaka-s and the followers of the lord of the yavana-s. Instead he makes it clear that the war should be pursued until the lands of Delhi, Agra, Lahore, Dacca, Bengal, Tattha and the whole sea coast is conquered. Finally, after these conquests the li~Nga of vishveshvara should be re-established in vArANasI. 2) He stresses the importance of securing the coast against several types of inimical forces such as phirangi (Portuguese), ingrej (English), valAndej (Dutch) and shyAmala (Africans) by raising a naval force that can counter them.


Not only does the Ajnapatra warn of the need for securing the coast (hence Shivaji began a navy which grew formidable under the Angre’s) but it also warns against the intentions of our deadliest foes the mlecchas as follows:

While the subject of the European presence is treated mainly under the heading merchants, they are also listed as enemies of Shivaji (along with many others including a number of Maratha sardars) and the text noted that the European strength lies in “navy, guns and ammunition.” The text enumerates the Europeans as follows: “the Portuguese [Firangi]81 and the English [Ingraj] and the Dutch [Valand; elsewhere also Valandej] and the French [Fransis] and the Danes [Dingmar] and other hat-wearing [topokar] merchants.” The Ajnapatra goes on to note that these merchants are unlike other merchants:

Their masters, every one of them, are ruling kings. By their orders and under their control these people come to trade in these provinces. How can it happen that rulers have no greed for territories? These hat-wearers have full ambition to enter into these provinces to increase their territories, and to establish their own opinions [religion]. Accordingly at various places they have already succeeded in their ambitious undertakings. Moreover this race of people is obstinate. Where a place has fallen into their hands they will not give it up even at the cost of their lives.


So we can see that Shivaji’s vision was much greater in both time and space, let us not forget that it was these very same mleccha-s who ultimately destroyed the Marathas. If only the later day Marathas heeded the departed rAjan’s warnings!

A true testament of Shivaji’s leadership and greatness came during the 27 year war between the Marathas and the massive Mughal jihadi force led by Aurangzeb in an attempt to crush the fledgling Maratha power after Shivaji’s death. The rAjan was not alive for any of it but it was his spirit and foresight (he established a base in deep South during his last great campaign which came in very handy during the 27 year war, for example refer to the siege of Jinjee) which kept the Marathas going until final victory over the Mughals. Unlike the great Chingiz Khan’s sons and grandsons, neither of Shivaji’s sons inherited the intelligence and vigor of Shivaji, so it was all the more surprising that the Marathas emerged victorious and we have no doubt that it was because of the departed rAjan. Sadly today’s sybarites do not even know of this greatest of all wars in our history but are busy with Bollywood and cricket.

It is for these reasons that Shivaji is the greatest ruler of our civilization; he may not have built temples of splendor or composed beautiful Sanskrit literature like Raja Bhoja but it was his efforts that allow you and me to indulge in these for as Kaviraj Bhushan wrote:

But now? kAshI was losing its kalA, mathurA becoming a masjid, and all were about to lose their foreskin, had shivAjI not happened!


Of course this does not mean that Shivaji was always right and this is important to point out because Hindus have a marked tendency towards blind hero worship (most prominently seen in the cases of Bose & Gandhi). One area where we feel he went wrong was in continuing the Hindu tradition of confining the war to Muslim armies instead of extending it to Muslim civilians. We know he ordered his soldiers to respect the Koran, mosques, and sent back a mullah’s daughter that fell into his hands while the followers of Muhammad freely indulged in massacres of Hindu civilians and capture of Hindu women. Indeed this lack of Hindu understanding of the concept of total war may end in our ultimate extinction and it certainly prevented total victory. After the Spanish reconquered their land from the Muslims, they made sure that 0 Muslims or mosques were left in Spain to make future demands of partition where as the foolish Maratha-s made no effort in this direction. Of course it may be the case that Shivaji as a fledgling power didn’t want to antagonize all the Muslim kingdoms into uniting against him by waging total war but then what explains the Maratha reluctance to pursue the same when they had real power?

Thus it is important not to imitate Shivaji blindly in everything and in regards to this particular aspect it is more fitting to emulate the great Maharana Kumbha not Shivaji or the Marathas. It was Kumbha who made sure to destroy every mosque in Nagor and uprooted the poison tree of Mohammedanism root and branch. The Maharana was even said to have captured numerous turushka women and imprisoned them, a fitting punishment for the Meccan demons. Let us remember that in situations of total competition (and that is the situation we are in for the Mohammadeans and the followers of Yeshua won’t rest until the whole world is converted to their respective cults) the optimal strategy is tit-for-tat, so it is foolish for Hindus alone to follow restrictive rules while the enemies wage war without rules.

This is not to say that Shivaji was always so lenient towards those who terrorized the Hindus as the following from the English intelligence dispatches show:

“Sevagee, deeply resenting this rigour, invaded the precincts of Bardese, not farre distant from Goa, and there cutt off the heads of four Padres that refused to turne Moretto’s [Marathas-Hindus] of his owne pereuasion, they having councelled the destruction of all that were not opinionated as themselves; which so terrifyed the Vice Rey that he was forced to revoke his fierce and severe edict. He [Shivaji] burnt and destroyed all the country, and carried away 150 lack of pagodaes. [E. F. India 1665-1667 p. 286]”


Recently there seems to be some attempt to secularize Shivaji and in regards to that we urge people with such illusions to read the full translation of a letter he penned to Mirza Jai Singh as he was attempting to subdue Shivaji on behalf of the Mughals. We quote only a small part to give a taste:

47. This is not the time for fighting between ourselves since a grave danger faces the Hindus.

48. Our children, our country, our wealth, our God, our temples and our holy Worshippers,

49. Are all in danger of existence owing to his machinations and the utmost limit of pain that can be borne, has been reached.

50. If the work goes on like this for some time, there will not remain a vestige of ourselves on earth.

51. It is a matter of supreme wonder that a handful of Mussalmans should establish supremacy over this vast country.

52. This supremacy is not due to any valour on their part; see if thou hast eyes to see…

  1. The most strenuous efforts should be made at this time to protect Hindus, Hindusthan, and the Hindu religion…

63. So that I may rain shower of swords from the thundering clouds of my army on the Mussalmans;

64. So that from one end of the Deccan to the other, I may wash out the name and very vestige of Mahomadanism.


There is Shivaji the “secularist” for you.

Let us end this note with a question that has often been on our mind, i.e. what would the rAjan make of today’s sybaritic degenerates who go by the name of Hindus. He and his immediate successors struggled so hard to uphold Hindu honor and the survival of our civilization in the face of murderous ghazi-s only to see their perverse descendants squander everything away. Today the china-s have joined our two older enemies and we are behind in technology and military might to them and the mlecchas. Meanwhile the Mohammedans lodged inside our land are continuing to eat away at the nation through their tried and tested method of womb warfare while the likes of Mohan Bhagwat repeat puerile nonsense that will ensure our final demise. All this suggests that Hindus will be extremely lucky to survive this century intact unless we put in efforts greater than even Shivaji. As the learned acharya pointed out:

It was by fighting as though inspired by the deva-s described in the veda within the sūkta known as apratiratha aindra that we rolled back the marūnmatta-s and mleccha-s. Now you all have to put in even greater efforts as the enemy is really stronger than you in the military sphere. The lessons learned by other nations show what lies ahead. You have the rudhira-varṇa-s of mahākrauñcadvīpa whose numerous tribes were overpowered and exterminated by the mleccha-s. Then there are the kṛṣṇa-s of sthūladvīpa whom they along with the marūnmatta-s reduced to being slaves. They have been excluded from civilization and left with merely the preta/rākṣasa-pustaka in their hand. Among the pītavarṇa-s, the cīna-s and the ati-prācya-s fought the mleccha-s but were defeated. Yet, by paying an enormous price they either expanded their territorial integrity (the cīna-s) or at least kept the śava-mata limited in their lands (the bindudhvaja-s). These illustrate to you the options that are available for bhārata-s – either you make an exit without even realizing you are out, or you prepare for a conflict where your costs will be enormous. Else a puerile existence will indeed be the nation’s lot like that of the cīna-bhṛtya-s at the edge of the mahādvīpa. Of the dasyu-s, the mleccha-s do not even need to attack directly anymore – by using the marūnmatta-s and their plants, the śavārādhaka-s, they can sink the Hindus if they continue the way they are. The cīna-s will joyfully grab up the rest even as the Hindus are claiming that they had civilizationally subjugated them from the time of Taizong.


Today while you celebrate Shivaji Jayanti mull this over and think about what is coming in the future if we continue on the current course, the rAjan certainly would have wanted you to do so.

Demography, elections and memetic viruses

Too much noise is being made about Delhi election results as we write this. We always wonder why the Hindus have become so short-sighted. When the fake vAjapeyin won, many Hindus did run amok in happiness. The party of vAjapeyin is also infected by anti-H virus in various forms. V himself was affected by it. This short note is to put our perspective on record.

In our day to day interactions, we find that majority of the Hindus are affected by the western memes and have lost the connection to their own roots. Western memes are considering as the way for success and development. Various progressive ‘-isms’ are supported by the educated H. The so-called right wing BJP has too many liberals in its ranks. Most of the Hindutva ranks are filled with those who are afraid of a Muslim resurgence but are themselves liberals. Thus, we do not even have a proper pro-Hindu political party at national level.

In the recent visits to rural areas, we found that the viral infection is spreading to even remote villages. The greatest obstacle for Hindus is not some election results in short term. Even if BJP wins the elections for two decades, it will not help us in the long run. We are losing the demographic war. The real war is being fought on the demographic front ad we are seeing no major effort to win on that front. If we lose the demographic war, our enemy shall achieve a comprehensive and complete victory, no matter how many elections we won before that loss.

Arunachal Pradesh is being lost to Christian conversions. We lost Nagaland and Meghalaya post independence. Arunachal seems to be the latest loss. We are on a retreat and this time we are giving up completely, rather than any idea of a strategic or tactical retreat. This is slow dissolution of Hindu power which is being uprooted in a methodical manner.

Given that BJP has proven to be a party of liberals, we can utilize them only to ensure a less anti-Hindu regime. Nothing more. So, an electoral victory or loss is no reason for us to jump in joy or cry in defeat. This was the reason why we did not post any ‘we have won’ article on this page. Hindus have proven to become short-sighted at the instance of any seemingly grand victory – without a view on the long term strategic requirements. The post-Attock disaster faced by Marathas is a perfect example of this. We had expected something similar post the 2014 results. Our belief was proven right today.

If Hindus want to do something positive, they should concentrate on building their numbers. Though the census figures of 2011 seem to show Hindus at 78% of population, the number of uninfected Hindus cannot be more than a fifth of that number in our opinion. Being so, the proportion of uninfected Hindus to Muslim population is nearing 1. The right way forward would be for the former to start emulating the Orthodox Jews by having more children per family. This shall ensure that we win the demographic war in the next few decades. When that is won, election results will always favor us. Electoral losses are occurring due to our numbers not being enough. Rather than looking at short term stop gap arrangements, a permanent solution must be arranged. Even more than electoral losses, decrease in our proportion of population means the way being opened for another partition, exodus of Hindus from certain areas etc. The classic example is Haryana where Muslims have increased to 8% of total population from 2% within 6 decades. A further four-fold increase in the next few decades shall take them to 32% of population.

In 20th century, Christians lost Lebanon due to demography. Hindus must stop worrying about short term results and start playing the long term game of demographic strategy. Orthodox Jews have achieved several of their goals in Israel by planning and implementing tactics using this strategy. While the Hindu right in India seem to eulogize Israel for her achievements, they seem to have no clue about the why and how behind these achievements.

We suggest that discerning Hindus should start forming gated communities/colonies or occupy existing colonies and expand outwards from these nuclei. Suburban areas are good starting points. C-sections are bringing down TFR (we shall write a separate post on this in future). Cost of education is another impediment. Being self sufficient in schooling and health care requirements must be primary motives of these communities to overcome these hurdles. So much to do and we have not even taken the first step yet.

The situation being so, I would suggest that Hindus would do well not to concentrate too much on electoral results but rather focus on long term strategy of building their strength and numbers for the unavoidable fight expected in future.

Venkatapati Deva Raya – the Great Savior of Southern India

Disastrous two decades post Talikota

The most common opinion among the people and historians has been that post the disaster at Talikota, Vijayanagara had fallen into a period of misfortune facing defeats after defeats – losing territory gradually. They either defended their borders or lost territories. The famed aggression seen from the days of Saluva Narasimha to the last days of Aliya Rama Raya had deserted the empire completely. The truth is much different.

It is indeed true that the period from 1565 to 1585 was nothing but two decades of misfortune and ignomy. Tirumala Raya, who lost one of his eyes and his eldest son at the talikot.a battle, tried to re-establish the Hindu rule at Vijayanagara but had to abandon the city for good by 1567 when he transferred the capital to Penukonda – due to constant attacks from the Mohammedan rulers of Bijapur and Golkonda. By the time he left the throne to his son, Sri Ranga Raya, he had faced several invasions in the northern parts of his empire – wherein he lost Adoni, Turkal, Dharwad and Bankapur to Adil Shah of Bijapur. While he was able to drive back the Mohammedan forces which invested Penukonda, he was not able to recapture any of the territories lost to the enemies. His transfer of capital to Penukonda effectively ended any attempt to regain Raichur doab for the empire. Portuguese compelled the nayaks of the western coast to pay tribute to them by using the opportunity of a weak empire. This further alienated the nayaks from the emperor as the emperor was not able to help his nayaks – as he was facing constant attacks on his northern borders from Mohammedan neighbors.

Sri Ranga Raya’s fortunes turned to the worse year after year. Though initially, he was able to regain the forts lost to Golkonda – his inscription of 1576 mentions that he conquered Vinukonda and Kondavidu which must have been captured by Golkonda army sometime prior to this. Nayak rulers of the western Kanarese districts accepted the suzerainty of Adil Shah. In 1575, when Adil Shah invested Penukonda, Sri Ranga Raya was able to repulse the Bijapur army with the help of his vassal, Hande chief of Bukkarayasamudram. But in the following year, when he tried to check the expedition of Adil Shah towards Penukonda, he was imprisoned alive by the Bijapur army leading to a rout of the Hindu army and had to be ransomed back for a huge sum. Hande, the vassal who helped him in the previous year, defected to Adil Shah thinking that the Hindu empire was due to set very soon and the days numbered. In a period of 11 years, twice the Hindu rulers were captured by the Sultans. After Talikota, the empire lost all possessions to the north of Tungabhadra while after the second defeat, they lost all possessions to the north of Penukonda. The following year, we see another invasion of Penukonda by Adil Shah. But this time, Jaggadevaraya, the son in law of the emperor, killed two of the four Bijapur generals leading the attack and drove back the Mohammedans with huge losses. Some terrirory seems to have been regained back but not all the lost lands were reconquered. The empire was continuously on a backfoot. The rebellion and treachery of the nayaks post Talikota also contributed to the weakness of the empire.

Post 1579, Qutb Shah of Golkonda dispatched his troops against the empire capturing Vinukonda, Kondavidu, Bellamkonda and Udayagiri. Golkonda army, led by a traitorous Brahmin general named Murari Rao captured Ahobilam and sent the ruby encrusted image of Vishnu to the Sultan. This was one place where Sri Ranga Raya was able to decisively defeat the Mohammedans later. Srivan Satakopa Svami, pontiff of Ahobila math during that time, conveyed to the king that Vishnu appeared in his dreams and asked the two generals Venkataraju and Tirumalaraju to lead the armies of the empire against the occupying forces and reestablish his worship at Ahobilam. The emperor dispatched these two generals against the Golkonda forces entrenched in Ahobilam. They achieved a signal victory against the Mohammedans and captured Murari Rao alive (who was left alive due to his being a Brahmana – in our eyes, he was no Brahmana and was fit for the most torturous death possible).

The eastern Telugu region was lost to Golconda while the north western Kanarese and parts of western Telugu region was lost to Adil Shah. Sri Ranga Raya was able to quell the rebellion of his vassals on the Southern and western coasts. Later towards the end of his rule, he regained Ahobilam but the empire had indeed effectively lost most of the possessions to the north of Penukonda when he breathed his last during 1585-86. The annual jihads which were stopped by Krishna Deva Raya were resumed by the Sultans post Talikota. That the sultans gained a decisive upperhand is established by this. His brother, Venkatapati Raya, during his viceroyalty at Chandragiri, managed an expedition to Lanka and gained tribute from there (this action of Venkatapati during one of the most turbulent periods of the empire seem to indicate a reversal of fortunes for the better which shall occur during Venkatapati’s reign).

Ascension of Venkatapati Deva Raya

It was at this juncture that Venkatapati Deva Raya (generally called Venkatapati Raya by historians) adorned the throne of Vijayanagara at Penukonda. He was the youngest of the four sons of Tirumala and gained the throne after the death of Sri Ranga. Though there were sons to another one of his elder brothers (Rama of Sri Rangapatnam) – who had perhaps a better claim to the throne – the Brahmins, generals and ministers of the court preferred to raise Venkatapati to the throne as he was considered the fittest man to rule the empire at such a critical moment. The empire appeared to be tottering everywhere and seemed to be nearing its death in a few years. Most major vassals had become non-cooperative and were trying to become independent. These nayaks had lost the vision for Hindu unity and were destroying the very foundation of the empire for their selfishness.

Venkatapati Deva Raya was crowned by his royal preceptor Lakshmi Kumara Tathacharya, who was 13-14 years of age at the time, as Srimad Rajadhiraja Paramesvara Sri Vira Pratapa Sri Vira Venkatapati Deva Maharaja. Despite popular beliefs, Vijayanagara had not folded so easily post Talikota. While the two decades post Talikota was indeed a period of disaster for the empire, a complete reversal of fortunes occurred during the reign of Venkatapati Raya. He is one of the three monarchs whose life size statues are found in the precincts of Tirumala Venkatesavara svami mandira. The other two being Krishna Deva Raya and his brother, Achyuta Deva Raya. We shall now look at his conquests and accomplishments.

Invasion of Golconda territories

He began his reign with an invasion of the dominions conquered by Golkonda during the reign of his elder brother. Qutb Shah sent a vast army against Venkatapati, driving him back to Penukonda and invested it. Venkatapati sent ambassadors to Qutb shah asking for a peaceful settlement and after this submission, Qutb Shah left Penukonda – happy that his newly conquered lands will remain with them. But Venkatapati proved to be a mastermind in strategy and tactics. Within three days he filled the Penukonda fort with required materials to withstand a long siege and on the fourth days, 30 thousand musketeers under Jaggadevaraya entered the fort to strengthen the defense. Matla Anantaraju, who later was called the right hand of the emperor, also participated in the defense of the fort. Where the fort was almost defenseless a few days ago, it became almost impregnable. Raghunatha Nayaka, prince of Tanjore Nayaks, also arrived to Penukonda with the Tanjore army. The Sultan understood his mistake and returned to commence the siege once again but it was of no use. Raghunatha Nayaka, Matla Anantaraju and Jaggadevaraya inflicted crushing defeats on the Golkonda forces forcing the latter to raise the siege and retreat.

Pennar Massacre

On the banks of Pennar, Venkatapati led the troops in person. He ambushed the Golkonda forces in the waters of Pennar, killing 50000 Muslims and dyeing the river red. This grand victory of Venkatapati broke the back of the Qutb Shah forces. For the first time since Talikota, Hindu forces had decisively crushed the invading marauders. The fear which had earlier engulfed the hearts of the Sultans during the reigns of Krishna Deva and Aliya Rama Raya came to re-occupy the place once again. Post this crushing defeat, Venkatapati chased the remnants of Qutb Shah’s forces till the banks of Krishna. Prince Muhammad Shah is shown as having lost a battle every other day while on this disastrous retreat. The vassals who ruled to the south of Krishna revolted against the Qutb shah and joined the cause of Vijayanagara. Golconda forces were also involved in defending their kingdom against the Mughal Prince Murad in the north, This split worked in favor of Venkatapati even more.

Annihilation of Qutb Shah’s forces – regaining territories lost

Qutb shah tried to recover from this disaster by sending an able general Amin-ul-Mulk to defend the possessions to the south of Krishna. While Amin-ul-Mulk managed to put down the revolts to some extent, it was very temporary ; as within a year, Venkatapati had successfully forced the Muslims forces to retire beyond Krishna. While Muslim chronicles state that he did not recapture Kondavidu, a careful study of the texts show that it is a lie. The Muslim chronicles state that when Venkatapati attacked Kondavidu, he became alarmed on seeing the Golkonda reinforcements and sued for peace. But the fact that he put the Muslim general to death and had even reached Kassimkota (north of Vishakapatnam), whose ruler Mukunda Raja, defected to Vijayanagara shows that he not only managed to reduce Kondavidu but even cross Krishna along the coast and conquered coastal lands upto Kassimkota and Palkonda ( i.e) almost the entire coastal region of current day Andhra Pradesh came under his control.

Defeat of Adil Shah

Adil Shah attacked the Kanarese districts and besieged Penukonda. But it seems Venkata convinced a Hindu general of Bijapur to defect and inflicted a crushing defeat on the Bijapur army forcing the Sultan to flee to his capital. It appears that during this retreat Venkata managed to recapture some territory from Bijapur as well – we come across a renewed invasion in western Kanarese districts where the nayaks who had earlier accepted suzerainty of Adil Shah rebelled against the Sultan and joined Venkata’s army in conquering Bankapur and adjoining areas (lost in the reign of Tirumala Raya). Venkatapati Deva Raya ruled from 1586 to 1614. We do not find any Muslim invasion of his dominions post 1595. He achieved what Krishna Deva Raya achieved – putting an end to the annual jihads. Where Krishna Raya had a strong empire bequeathed to him and built upon the edifice further; Venkatapati was handed a weak empire whose vassals were not even cooperating with the sovereign. In such a tenuous situation, he managed to turn the tables on the Mohammedan neighbors of the north.

Consolidation of the empire

The later portion of his reign was spent in subjugating the vassals. He forced the Nayaks of Madurai and Jinji to accept his suzerainty. When Lingama Nayaka of Vellore revolted, he dispossessed Lingama of his fort and moved his own capital to Vellore. Till his death in 1614, he ensured that the empire remained intact and strong. The empire broke up only due to unfettered internecine struggle which began after his death leading to the Nayaks once again declaring independence – thus, disunity leading to defeat.

Where the empire was on way to disintegration and complete destruction before 1600, Venkatapati turned around the fortune of the empire singlehandedly. The importance of his reign in the defense of Hindu culture in Southern India has been greatly underestimated, nay even forgotten. The importance of strong Hindu rulers has not been understood either. The presence of Jaswant Singh stopped the hands of Aurangzeb from indulging in open anti-Hindu activities in northern India. Though a vassal, Jaswant was seen as a strong Hindu ruler and it was feared that Hindus might band together under his banner if they were persecuted. This prevented Aurangzeb from imposing Jiziya and destroying temples till the death of Jaswant. Upon the death of Jaswant, the tyrant is known to have thanked the rakshasa the Mohammedan’s worship as the creator for the death of this Hindu ruler. It was the arrival of a resurgent Maratha power in the Deccan which saved the holy land from being swamped by the unmatta-s.

Savior of Southern India

In the case of Southern India, the destruction of Vijayanagara would have made the field open for the Sultans to indulge in complete eradication of dharma and its institutions. Had the empire been destroyed before 1600, the Sultans would have got a period of 5 decades before any prominent Hindu power arose in the region (Marathas under Shivaji). Rather, the long reign of Venkatapati put an end to this possibility. Vijayanagara’s destructions was postponed by 4 decades due to his strong reign. The ultimate destruction happened in late 1630s and 1640s. By the time Vijayanagara reached its sunset in the 1640’s, Chattrapati Shivaji had begun his rise among the Marathas while his father began to exercise great power in his jagir of Bengaluru. A new fountain of Hindu power was established around the same time, thus saving the Hindus from a period of absolute tyranny which would have otherwise been inflicted upon them. Venkatapati Raya was indeed the savior of Southern India. One of those rare gems whose value has been wrongly assessed by most of us.

Stronger Pratap of the South

Where Rana Pratapa Simha declined to bow his head before any Mohammedan, Venkatapati had made a similar statement in South. During the early 1600’s, an ambassador from Akbar visited Venkatapati at his durbar in Chandragiri. It was suspected that the visit was more to spy on the empire rather than being a diplomatic visit. It was expected that Akbar would conquer the Deccan Sultanates and force Vijayanagara to submit to him. To which Venkatapati supposedly stated “I will not kiss the feet of a Mohammedan”. He was preparing for a war against Akbar rather than even think about accepting the suzerainty of some Mohammedan ruler – however powerful he might be. We end with this note on the indomitable spirit of this last great emperor – perhaps even the greatest emperor of Vijayanagara. Where Pratap is now popular among the Hindus, this stronger Pratap of Southern India (who ruled a vast empire and kept the Mohammedan Sultans at bay – whose title also includes Pratap) has been forgotten by the masses.

Kicking away the Ladder – in a different context

‘Kicking Away the Ladder’ by Chang is well known to most who are interested in economic history of the world. We agree with Chang’s views. The colonial powers gained economic strength through interventionist policies. But they now try to kick away the growth ladder of third world countries by advocating a ‘liberal free market’. Most ‘modern’ economists who advocate liberalism will not. But his stance is supported by a great amount of facts which is never properly countered by his adversaries.

In this post, we look at another such behavior of the western world. While this post shall only give a couple of examples, the idea is to impress upon the minds of the H how the Western mind works. We cannot play and win in geo-politics unless we understand the strategies of our adversaries. This is a small lesson which is immensely important. Christianity is just one of the tools used by the western powers to subjugate the third world. The use of this religion was noted by Aizawa almost two centuries ago –

By trading with that nation, they learn about its geography and defenses. If they be weak, they dispatch troops to invade the nation; if strong, they propagate Christianity to subvert it from within. Once our people’s hearts and minds are captivated by Christianity, they will greet the barbarian host with open arms, and we would be powerless to stop them. Our people would consider it an honor and a privilege to die for this foreign god, and this willingness to die, this fearlessness, would make them fit for battle. Our people would gladly cast their riches into the sacrificial coffers of this foreign god, and those riches would finance barbarian campaigns.” (see https://vajrin.wordpress.com/2013/12/03/148/)

But his is not the only way. Being a result of Abrahamic tradition, the western powers also created a new race of dhimmis – whom we shall call ‘Gunga Dins (GD)’. In India, for example, Sikhs formed a major pillar of support for the British empire. The targets were almost always some particular community which can be molded to see the imperialist outsider as their ally against the other community/ies in a nation. Sometimes, entire countries have been used as GD against their enemies. It has been the practice of the western powers to kick these GD off after they have been used. The western world, especially the elite, has a clear difference between them and the rest of the world. Loyalty towards an outsider has no meaning to those barbarians. Unfortunately, H seem to miss this lesson from history just as they have missed several others. Even today, we hear about how we can expect Uncle Sam to intervene in our favor, how the gora-s will wake up to the reality of terrorism (as if they don’t know about it!!), how we shall benefit from a strong partnership with western world – we shall be rewarded for our loyalty to democracy etc. We shall look at a couple of examples of GD’s and how they were treated by the western powers. A further evidence for mleccha-marUnmattAbhisaMdhi (as put by the author of manasataramgini) shall be seen in these examples.

Sikhs – Sikhs, by and large, were favorably disposed towards British Raj. But at the time of partition, the Sikhs were left to fend for themselves against the demonic brutality displayed by Muslims in West Punjab. No step was taken by the British Raj to contain the violence against the turban-wearers in West Punjab – which had started in earnest as early as March 1947. Where the Sikhs were good GDs to the British Empire, the majority of Muslims stayed away from freedom struggle. Muslim League was not as much interested in freedom as opposing Hindus and Congress. When the time came for the British to select one of the two for favor, the Raj selected the Muslims over Sikhs. The loyal Sikhs were left defenseless to satiate the Muslim hunger. We are sure that the heathen vs abrahamic sentiment played not a small role in this decision. After all, aren’t Hindus a beastly people with beastly religion? While the Sikhs might love to see themselves as closer to monotheistic Abrahamists (as most GD love to do), the master has no wish to be compared to such low life beings.

Assyrian Christians – Pagan Assyrians had been exterminated by the Islamic rulers centuries ago. The pretopAsaka-s survived as they were ‘Ahl-al-kitAb (people of the book). They paid jizyah and lived as dimmi-s but were able to survive where the pagans faced only extermination. These Christians of Iraq (descendants of the ancient Assyrians) joined the British army and served the empire post First World War. They had fought against the Ottoman Empire during the First World War. Their struggle was for the establishment of a separate independent Assyrian state. With the surrender of Russia (post Bolshevik revolution) and the destruction of Armenian resistance, the Assyrians were caught in a precarious situation – surrounded by enemies and lack of supplies. Those who escaped concentrated in northern Iraq where they were in some good numbers and expected the British to save the fellow Christians from the other Abrahamism. The Assyrians were loyal to British and they were used by the British to rule over Iraq. But when the Kingdom of Iraq was given independence (along with an alliance with British), the British left the Assyrians to fend for themselves. Assyrians demanded an independent Assyrian state – so that they could live in peace. Their plea went unheeded. They were made to swear fealty to King Faisal. Encouraged by British indifference, the Arabs began a genocide of Assyrians once again – Simele Massacre of 1933 being one of the most notorious. The Assyrian Levies (Assyrians who were in British Army) wanted a discharge within 30 days – so that they could go back to their lands and defend their people. But their wishes were not granted. Not a single Arab was convicted for the massacre.

William Saroyan notes in his ‘Seventy Thousand Assyrians’:

 “Well,” he laughed, “simply because everything is washed up over there.” I am repeating his words precisely, putting in nothing of my own. “We were a great people once,” he went on. “But that was yesterday, the day before yesterday. Now we are a topic in ancient history. We had a great civilization. They’re still admiring it. Now I am in America learning how to cut hair. We’re washed up as a race, we’re through, it’s all over, why should I learn to read the language? We have no writers, we have no news- well, there is a little news: once in a while the English encourage the Arabs to massacre us, that is all. It’s an old story, we know all about it. The news comes over to us through the Associated Press, anyway.”

    These remarks were very painful to me, an Armenian. I had always felt badly about my own people being destroyed. I had never heard an Assyrian speaking in English about such things. I felt great love for this young fellow. Don’t get me wrong. There is a tendency these days to think in terms of pansies whenever a man says that he has affection for man. I think now that I have affection for all people, even for the enemies of Armenia, whom I have so tactfully not named. Everyone knows who they are. I have nothing against any of them because I think of them as one man living one life at a time, and I know, I am positive, that one man at a time is incapable of the monstrosities performed by mobs. My objection is to mobs only.

    “Well,” I said, “it is much the same with us. We, too, are old. We still have our church. We still have a few writers, Aharonian, Isahakian, a few others, but it is much the same.”

    “Yes,” said the barber, “I know. We went in for the wrong things. We went in for the simple things, peace and quiet and families. We didn’t go in for machinery and conquest and militarism. We didn’t go in for diplomacy and deceit and the invention of machine-guns and poison gases. Well, there is no use in being disappointed. We had our day, I suppose.”

    “We are hopeful,” I said. “There is no Armenian living who does not still dream of an independent Armenia.”

    “Dream?” said Badal. “Well, that is something. Assyrians cannot even dream any more. Why, do you know how many of us are left on earth?”

    “Two or three million,” I suggested.

    “Seventy thousand,” said Badal. “That is all. Seventy thousand Assyrians in the world, and the Arabs are still killing us. They killed seventy of us in a little uprising last month. There was a small paragraph in the paper. Seventy more of us destroyed. We’ll be wiped out before long. My brother is married to an American girl and he has a son. There is no more hope. We are trying to forget Assyria. My father still reads a paper that comes from New York, but he is an old man. He will be dead soon.”

A few H might wonder about this behavior of the British towards the Assyrians – who are Christians. But the reason is clear for all who wish to see the truth. The powers of Western Europe have always held contempt for the Orthodox Church as well the Eastern Europeans (let alone those of the Middle East). This contempt was so high that the English and French joined hands with Muslim Turkey to ensure that Jerusalem does not pass into the hands of Orthodox Russia from Islamic Turkey. While the majority of Assyrians are connected to the Catholic church, they are not gora enough in the eyes of the powers that be. Thus, they can be sacrificed for the ‘greater good’ (economic/political) of the ruling classes of the world. Had the oppressors been heathens as in the case of Boxer revolution, the West may have indeed taken note. But in this case, the perpetrators were Arabs who were also followers of a different strain of monotheism and thus, not as widely different as the heathens. The scale of difference has always mattered a lot to the sensibilities of the mind of the white man. As Vivekananda pointed out, to attract the sympathies of the white man, missionaries printed posters in the US depicting Hindu heathen woman (black in color) throwing her baby (white in color) to the crocodiles. The revulsion towards those of different color is heightened even more when the other is also a heathen. This explains the discomfiture of the western powers when the Russian Empire was defeated by the yellow-skinned Japanese heathens. Out of the Axis powers, Japanese alone were selected for a heap of insults – even forcing complete disarmament and lack of a military force – by thrusting a constitution on the heathen nation. The Germans were never made to face such ignomy.

Several more such GD can be found throughout history. In a way, even Ukrainians and Georgians have become GD for the West – but we do not see any Western intervention against the resurgent Rus lead by the wannabe Emperor, Putin. In Iraq, those who supported the Americans are facing genocides and massacres. But we do not see any major interference by Uncle Sam. The latter is the true inheritor of Western Europe’s penchant for global domination and hegemony. The successor state is not so different from its predecessors.

Kicking away the ladder is true in several levels when it comes to Western policy making. They might utilize us till we are useful to them but they will not feel any unease in leaving us to face destruction if they feel that they have nothing more to gain. The West is very pragmatic in their approach to geo-politics. Only fools can expect loyalty or true allies among those nations.

We hear some fellow H who feel that if we align ourselves alongside the West, we can become great once again – as the West shall support us. They feel that if we support the West, the West shall be loyal to us. The above given examples (many more can be cited) show that the West does not care about the fate of GD much. At most, we can expect some romance being written about GD. H must decide whether this is their greatest desire. We must build a more pragmatic geo-political alliance to face the twin dangers of Abrahamic cults as well as Hans. West cannot be trusted to support us as true allies. Are we ready to face the truth?

Lessons for Hindus from the terminal phase of the Qing dynasty

The Qing/Manchu were the last of the steppe tribes to conquer and rule China. Initially strong and conscious of their own identity, they tried to avoid Sinicization which had subsumed previous steppe dynasties such as the Yuan dynasty or their own Jurchen ancestors whom the Mongols conquered. But by the 19th century, internal weakness combined with mleccha aggression paved the way for a series of disastrous rebellions and wars which led to their overthrow in the early 20th century by the resurgent Han nationalism.

One may ask how all this is relevant to the issues facing Hindus today?

A quick glance at the 19th century Qing history shows that many of the factors responsible for the disasters that befell the Manchu & their Han subjects are present in today’s India but at an even more advanced stage. Let us then take a quick survey of the century.

In the 1820’s the Ghazi Jahangir Khoja launched a Jihad against the Qing and even briefly defeated them to conquer Altishahr in 1826-27 but the Qing dispatched an overwhelming force which crushed this Ghazi.

This was followed by the first Opium war wherein the Qing were dealt a crushing blow by the same barbarians who conquered us (with Hindus serving as the faithful lackeys/cannon fodder for the mlecchas against Qing). The defeat only increased the contempt of other would be aggressors and paved the way for a series of disasters.

The first Opium war  was followed by the bloodbath of the Taiping rebellion (1850-1864) led by the chIna brother of Jesus who founded his own mutation of the original preta cult. The end result was an estimated 20 million dead accompanied by immense devastation and further weakening of the dynasty before it was put down. As this 14 year conflict raged on, the Rus moved in and conquered nearly 1 million sq. km’s (they barely even needed to fire any shots for victory) of sparsely populated land along the Amur river which was formalized by the Treaty of Aigun. The parallel to the cult of the chIna brother of Jesus is of course the immense growth of rice preta’s in Andhra & Tamilnadu who can serve as future fodder for their mleccha masters.

As if the above were not enough the 17 year Panthay rebellion broke out in 1856 and lasted till 1873. The rebels were the followers of Muhammad in Yunnan in Southwest China and at least over a million were said to have died before it was crushed. Just as this jihad was crushed, another massive jihadist uprising known as the Dungan rebellion (1862-1877) broke out and spread over Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, and East Turkestan (or Xinjiang as the Han imperialists call it). This time the maru’s in East Turkestan even managed to establish an independent khilafat of sorts for a short period under the leadership of Yaqub Beg and were supported by external powers like the Ottoman empire, Rus empire, and the British empire. The Rus moved in again and occupied strategic areas while the Manchu-Han were battling the jihad which they finally  managed to crush after a long war of annihilation characterized by wholesale massacre of civilians on both sides. It is said that between 8 and 12 million people lay dead in this rebellion accompanied by a massive reduction in Muslim numbers due to the massacres. For good measure, the china-s also practiced advanced sunnat on the sons and grandsons of Yaqub Beg who ended up as Imperial palace eunuchs after their castration. I do not know accurate statistics for the Muslim numbers but have seen upper bound estimates of 10% in the Qing empire and after this rebellion they were reduced to less than 2% of the empire (i.e. an over 80% reduction in numbers). If 10% of maru-s can cause such damage, what do Hindus think our 15%+ maru-s filled with much more Islamic zeal can do?

As if all this was not enough, the Nien rebellion (1851-1868) broke out in parallel in northern China due to lax response of the Qing gov’t to floods and according to Valerie Hudson, a skewed sex ratio caused by selective female infanticide. This rebellion was said to have resulted in 500,000 deaths and was referred to by Hu Jintao in talking about the dangers of the skewed sex ratio in contemporary PRC. In India too, many bhrashta’s engage in the papa of bhrunahatya (https://vajrin.wordpress.com/2012/11/25/abortion-an-astika-view/) particularly of girls with the result that Hindus have a very skewed sex ratio. The Nien rebellion should serve as a warning bell for the nincompoop leaders of Hindus about the catastrophe awaiting us if we continue on the same path.

In 1856 the second Opium war broke out and lasted till 1860, this time the drug peddling British barbarians were joined by their fellow mlecchas, the French, the Americans, and the Rus. The result was another crushing defeat with a humiliating treaty including financial and territorial losses to the British and Rus.

In 1884-85 the Sino-French war broke out followed by another humiliating defeat in which the Qing lost control of Northern Vietnam. By 1894-95 the first Sino-Japanese war broke out and while most outsiders expected the Qing to win, the newly modernizing ushAputra-s dealt them a humiliating defeat which ended in the loss of Taiwan, Korean independence etc. An important detail to note is that as this war was being fought, another Dungan jihad broke out simultaneously in 1895 and was crushed by 1896. Our domestic maru’s too can launch such an internal jihad while our secular sena is busy fighting an external war with the Sino-Pak combine (the Qing had no delusion of secularism nor were they bound by any Geneva convention), are Hindus prepared for such an eventuality?

Finally between 1898-1900 the anti preta Boxer rebellion broke out and was crushed rather easily by the mleccha powers. The china-s wished to uphold their religious traditions against the preta-s but suffered a humiliating defeat with the intervention of the mleccha sena-s. Bharata too could suffer the same fate even if a Hindu gov’t comes to power and wishes to uphold dharma against the preta and maru aggressors, are the Hindus ready for a military showdown in case of such an intervention by mleccha powers?


The china-s do not call this the “century of humiliation” without reason, it was truly a terrible period for their civilization as it was for ours and at the hands of the same forces. The differences creep in when considering the luck of the china-s & their tenacity. They retained a semblance of independence because no mleccha power wished the others to be the sole conqueror of china and china-s fought valiantly against odds to retain much of their conquered land (e.g. East Turkestan). One may compare this with the cowardly Hindu response of giving into partition without a fight and even celebrating it as a triumph!

In addition the china-s remember this era of humiliation and seek to avenge it while the Hindus are reduced to repeating puerile nothings and even praising the British barbarians as bringing us the “rule of law” and other such nonsense. A large section of Hindus have such little knowledge of history that they even claim the British liberated us from Islam (instead they strengthened Islam) when in fact they took over the land from the Marathas who had already eradicated Islamic political power from much of India.

Let Hindus also mull over the enormity of sacrifices the china-s had to make to keep their land. For example the Taiping rebellion alone was said to have killed 20 million. Are we prepared to sustain 60 or 80 million dead in war (considering contemporary India has 3 or 4 times the total population of the 19th century Qing empire)? Are Hindu civilians  ready to form militias to wage war against their maru neighbors if they launch a nationwide jihad during an external war with PRC?, for this is what the Han civilians did during the Dungan jihad or Taiping rebellion including conducting large scale retaliatory massacres of maru civilians.

Instead we see well meaning Hindus (some of them even rather well known Hindu “intellectuals”) ignorantly prattle claims that the Hindus supposedly conquered the china-s civilizationally 2000 years ago. By contrast the china-s are sharpening on the advice of Lord Shang, and Sun Tzu even as we we have forsaken Chanakya for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. I guess one can’t expect any better from a civilization which seems to have forgotten the great God Indra and is instead enthralled by the various proliferating Babaisms. May the great thunderer take pity on his unworthy children and guide them to light from such puerile preoccupations for otherwise we may end up in the museum at best or the maru’s may not even afford us that luxury and obliterate even the traces of our civilization completely.

And let the right thinking Hindus reading this contemplate the brave fight of the china-s and mull over whether today’s Hindus are prepared for such sacrifices instead of mouthing boastful feel good nonsense.