“Management of Savagery” by Abu Bakr Naji: Analysis from a Hindu viewpoint


Even after our long struggle against the marUnmattas, few Hindus have any inkling of the aims and motives of the unmada, let alone its foundational principles and internal processes. The majority of Hindus choose not only to believe the propaganda of the whites and the taqiyya of the marUnmattas but also mix their own romantic conceptions with these false ideas, thus aiding the unmadas and which causes them to exult at the gullibility of the nivAsi­s (dwellers) of Jambudvipa. As a result, Hindus are correctly judged as having no discernment or concentrated strength to speak of, and therefore are treated as weaklings to be gobbled up and divided up amongst themselves by these predators. Amidst this, Hindus after their military defeats have been denuded in the financial, ideological and social aspects of their civilization. The extent of the degradation (and the amnesia imposed upon us) is such that even Hindu elites have no inkling of their own civilizational principles and processes. This has left both the educated and the laity defenseless against the crude but apparently well justified assertions and claims of the monotheists and they are forced to go on the defensive, thus ceding a lot of ground to enemies. Since the profound and sophisticated nature of the brahma­kshatra politico­ritual systems is beyond the grasp of most or would not be accepted from emotional considerations, it is not possible for us to educate the average Hindu and make him consign his resources to a Hindu pUrnayuddha, which alone can match the scale and intensity of the white plans for dominance or the Islamic jihad. It is true that the unmadas have been effectively refuted by the barahima (http://manasataramgini.wordpress.com/2012/04/01/5030/), that the jihad has been rolled back several times by people of any given varna or jati. Yet collectively we have been losing territories and international influence, and are essentially a football for various forces around the world, getting kicked around by all and sundry. The much vaunted success of Indians is merely the use of high end hindu talent as slaves by the whites which is never adequately rewarded. It is doubly debilitating, the Hindu civilization’s best are weaned away from their ancestral culture and their efforts used to denigrate and destroy the very culture they came from. In this snowballing crisis, there seems to be no route for the hindu civilization, i.e. the genetic and the memetic heritage of bhArat to survive beyond the next 4 or 5 decades except as a slave minority in some mleccha lands akin to the Jews.

In light of this the average Hindu might ask­why should we try and preserve a losing ideology, which in addition has the famous stratification of society into varna­s? The answer, as has been hinted in various places is that the monotheisms are merely covers for the replacement of populations by the dominant holders of the ideology; In Islam the Arabs will almost certainly replace every other ethnic group, even the Turks and Persians at a later stage. It follows that even if a Hindu jati/Hindu converts to a monotheism, after its/his political and cosmetic purposes are served they/he will certainly be disposed off genetically by various pressures; we can see it in operation in the Philippines, Latin America, Persia, Egypt, Central Asia etc. where entire ethnicities have been wiped out and replaced partially by Arabic/White genetic material. This process will only amplify and continue, and the populations will get more White and Arab as time spent under Islamic and Christian dominance increases. Thus the monotheisms will end even the genetic existence of the ethnicities grouped as Hindus. In this struggle for existence, our memes too shall play a great role, and the memes that have resulted in the survival of every kind of jAti into modern times, are the brAhminical or brahma­kshtra memes. This important fact is glossed over by the proponents of liberalism who, in their rants against Hinduism never mention the ethnicities and the great similarity of populations all over the monotheist lands; in the whole of europe only a few like Basques, Sorbs survive (as Christians) from the pre monotheist eras. Apart from the Romas, who are brutally treated and are late entrants to Europe not many have survived the monotheist inspired racism and extermination campaigns. On the other hand, even in vaidika times there had been some sort of accomodation with the various non Arya communities by the Arya­s; for example the nagas of various regions, some nishada sthapatis were allowed to sponsor yajna-s, Rana Pratap fought marUnmattas alongside the bhilla­s, the sanskritization of many shudra jatis (as mutual opposition with brahmanAs waned over centuries, ended post gupta age) and the entry of Avarnas into public life in the modern republic of India. These successful social processes of integration are never acknowledged as the credit would have to go to Brahmanical Hinduism. On the other hand one can clearly see how Blacks/Filipinos are treated by whites, and by Muslims who explicitly enslave them. So, if we want to see our children and their children, we have to remove monotheism from the world especially Islam whose rate of Arabizaton & Turkization is extremely rapid.

The removal of monotheism is a problem whose scale is gargantuan, and nature most obtuse (very strong biological prallels exist as the acharya has explained http://manasataramgini.wordpress.com/2013/07/20/khilonmada-charcha/).While we heathens instinctively feel that there is something wrong about their ways, we are unable to completely get at the core of their existence, and understand why they perform a specific action or not. Conversely in trying to understand us Hindus as a single group, they too made errors which have now been corrected, thus paving the way for our destruction. While the monotheists know our ways intimately, we have no knowledge of theirs; very few Hindus have studied Arabic, or have anything more than a superficial knowledge of Christianity and the western civilization. This places us at a serious disadvantage when faced by monotheist aggression at every level from the military (leads to less/wrong motivation) to intellectual (they can dismiss our understanding of our own texts, and shout us down when it comes to theirs). So it must be a top priority (apart from military production & training, modern heavy industry) for Hindus to study the monotheists’ dogma and most critically work out how they actually operate and whose recommendations and orders amongst them are obeyed and carried out. Towards this end, a literate Hindu might voluntarily take up an area say the economy of the whites, or evolution of the church, learn Arabic and the ideas of the Koran etc. and produce Wiki like articles at the level possible in his spare time. This will act as a kernel for future correction and expansion by Hindus as their ability improves. While more scholarly and exhaustive tomes might exist, it is important for Hindus build up their own understanding and strength, which alone leads to confidence and the capacity to win genuine victory in war. As for the study, rebuilding and rejuvenation of our own traditions, it is too great a task to be done by amateurs, and anyway institutions exist for that activity, which can be prodded and encouraged through other methods to improve their quality and productivity.


This write up tries to outline the salient points in the document “Management of Savagery” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Management_of_Savagery) which is available for download (http://azelin.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/abu-bakr-naji-the-management-of-savagery-the-most-critical-stage-through-which-the-umma-will-pass.pdf). The document lists the basic theory and the operational aspects but what is critical is present in the first 50 pages, which shall be our focus. The rest of the pages contain operational details, which, while being of great interest, follow from the general theory of acquiring power outlined before. The other points of interest shall be outlined in the next post, time and energy permitting.

The document is remarkable in many ways. While the Muslims had always proclaimed their intentions, the thinking and the principle have been hidden, or at least never noticed by Hindus (even now, we have to rely on an English translation made by a mlechCha). While it does not reveal much about the exact chain of command of the Sunni leadership, we can be confident of the following:

  • The work has been done by a solid scholar of the Sunni school, with access to the highest class of shaykhs, who are regarded as absolute authorities, and their advice followed to the letter.
  • It must be noted that the author is unfazed by modernity and aims only to impose the sharia worldwide; a common mistake is to assume that the Muslim clergy is backward and obscurantist while they themselves show complete clarity about the nature of modernity and use it to further the imposition of the sharia.
  • The maxims of Ibn­Khaldun are reiterated (implicitly) as though they were axioms and well known; therefore it does represent an authentic strain of Sunni Islam.
  • The author does not so much emphasize on Islamic practices as much as the imposition of the authentic version of the sharia and the obedience of the populace to the shaykhs of Islam, the expansion of which is the primary theme of the document.
  • The references, effort made and the general aim of the document indicate that it is unlikely to be a red herring meant to deceive non Muslims.
  • The striking brazenness of releasing the document to the public underlines the confidence that the Sunnis have in their theory and calculations that they can afford to openly broadcast their long term aims and the methods for their achievement. This implies that they have worked out in some detail the methods of acquiring power and have a definite roadmap for imposing sharia on the rest of the world.
  • The author has clearly identified the weaknesses of their enemies: in particular the effects of media and communication, Geneva convention (which skews any battle in favour of the Muslims) and the economic systems of the whites which are declared as being based on deceptions and false foundations.
  • The author’s strategy depends in crucial way on his enemies’ following of certain rules and the assumption that the media and communications will continue as before, and that the media greatly inflates the actual coercive capabilities of the superpower.

These preliminary observations already indicate the depth of understanding of politics that the Sunni Muslims have and must alarm all Hindus who are completely ignorant of these dangerous plans against them. Till now not a single word has been written in the Indian media about this work; while whites and no doubt even the Japanese have set their best men on it, our strategic “experts” wax eloquent on outdated frameworks and betray an utter lack of understanding of real politick. Their loose talk, facile analysis and slapdash productions will cost Hindus dearly, much like how kAshmira was lost as its intellectuals reveled in producing exquisite literature and arcane philosophy. (Also, if this is the level at which the Muslims are operating, what do the whites have in store for us? Their skills and techniques are way beyond these levels and must be operating in a more subtle way which we do not have any inkling of).

In his introduction, the author outlines the various groups that are fighting for Islam, and classifies them according to his own views (which can be deemed absolutely authentic). Some of them were on the correct path, following sharia methods and politics, whereas some that failed like the Egyptian Muslim brotherhood, erred in some point of strategy, or the application of sharia rules, or had their ideology contaminated with that of other undesirable entities, which led to their destruction. The lack of obedience to the shaykhs and infighting, and the mismanagement of these movements is highlighted by the author, who at the same time acknowledges, to varying degrees their contribution to Islamism. He lists the advantages and drawbacks of the movements that have written programs (Jihadi Salafism, Sahwa Salafism, Ikhwan, Turabi Ikhwan, and popular Jihad like Hamas). He advocates Jihadi Salafism and recommends it after modifications in consideration of human limitations, and rejects others on grounds like:

  • Inability to progress to the stage of power.
  • Incorrect teaching and dissemination of Islamic practices.
  • Neglect of some sharia conditions.

The Ummah is now asked to prepare for the stage of management of savagery which must follow current times. This stage is crucial as the correct steps shall result in the quick establishment of a sharia Khilafat, while failure will only increase the savagery which in itself is not too harmful for the Ummah, indeed far less harmful than existence under a non sharia regime.

Henceforth where the comments presented are those of the author of this analysis; it will be indicated as such.

Some History

When a large empire falls, the successor is rarely able to inherit it intact; several distant regions descend, on account of the different powers and human nature, into savagery. For example, the peripheral states of the Khilafat, which disintegrated, were stabilized by the Sykes-Picot treaty and the recognition and help given to the new regime by the superpowers of the day. Some regimes collaborated with the imperialists and thus were permitted to rule[1],while others were independent; however that did not matter as most of them soon gravitated towards either of the superpowers for aid and strength, and acted as the peripheral states for a superpower, even as a cover in the form of the UN was provided to hide the reality of a bipolar world. Without support the regimes collapsed and lapsed into the stage of savagery which had been avoided by the stabilizing influence of a superpower. This collapse could be caused due to various factors including that of subversion by a rival superpower. From the standpoint of Islam, this phase under the influence of a superpower caused nothing but the dilution of sharia and the weakening of Islam in these regions (e.g. the presence of secular Arabs, and Shia), and the plunder of resources by the influenced regimes spread inequity among the Muslim masses.

The belief system of the host society was not allowed to govern the state. The two components of power, that of the masses and that of the army were placed at loggerheads with each other. The masses were diverted by entertainments and luxuries, and those that did protest were put down by the army which was purchased with money. This kept the state within the orbit of the superpower. Thus the setup is stable and those who plot to overthrow the regime by inciting the public or the army are doomed to fail, and even if a revolt does occur, the old regime will only be replaced with a new figurehead, as the superpowers are quite skilled in the management of such events. [2]


[1] The transfer of power to INC and Jinnah is a good example

[2] The author clearly rejects working with or within any existing non sharia regime.

Analysis of the balance of power

The superpowers dominated through a mixture of overwhelming military power and propaganda. Propaganda was critical as even great superiority was not sufficient to assert its power and dominate the peripheral areas far away from the central regions. The regimes co-opted took part in this as their own survival and luxuries were dependent on the superpower. Thus while the actual coercive power was not at all sufficient, propaganda gave an inflated picture of this power, which prevented the masses from asserting themselves and deterred their enemies. But as time went by the superpowers, believing their own propaganda and convinced of their internal stability, overextended themselves when some weaknesses and fissures were revealed.

The military power of any state depends completely on the cohesion of its society and its institutions, and if society decays (through hedonism, lack of values, exclusive love of worldly things), its military power itself becomes a liability. The collapse can be very rapid if many factors are present as they reinforce each other. The end of the USSR is a classic example where, after initial weaknesses were exposed, the pre existing decadence of society hastened the fall of the superpower. The war in Afghanistan crippled the Soviets economically and accentuated the ills of their society. The blows to their economy were a critical factor since those societies’ values were worldly; scarcity of money resulted in unfulfilled worldly desires that increased the competition which soon led to crime in society. Thus cultural annihilation in their society was achieved through the denudation of their economy. The people and states at the periphery began to move away from the declining power whose image was shattered and with it its legitimacy to rule.

The shaykh Abdallah Azzam had calculated the above, not even taking into account the withdrawal of USSR from Afghanistan. He asserted that the economic cost alone would ruin the Soviets, which in fact played out just as he said.

However, some of these regions through efforts of existing administrations and help of the Americans who stabilized them, were prevented from turning into regions of savagery (which result in the periphery of large states that collapse), and are a part of the American order under their influence. Now it is the turn of Americans to face what the soviets did. In Afghanistan and Chechnya, the stage of vexation and exhaustion is underway.

The great effects of the victory against the Russians are:

  • In spite of the overwhelming superiority of the Russian army, its foundational weaknesses were exposed by the Taliban of Afghanistan, which in turn inspired even more many more Muslims to jihad from faraway lands (Tajikistan, Egypt, Tunisia), and showed that a military superpower could be defeated.
  • Even though the Russian army was greater than the American army (in materials, viciousness of men, capacity to take losses), it was still done in by the moral decay of Russian society.
  • Various Islamic movements have been “purified” by exposure to combat for 30 years and can now be used for coordinated and sharia based action rather than random, uncoordinated and less effective action as before

Now we can state the goals that can be achieved:

1) Remove respect for America and increase confidence of Muslims:

  • The American media’s productions must be shown to be fake and the propaganda of Americans must be completely removed. This will reveal the actual power of America which is far less than projected.
  • The superpower must be made to engage Islam directly and not by proxy, which will force even the puppets to side with Islam.

2) Human aid for the struggle will continue because:

  • Of the inspirational value of spectacular attacks.
  • America’s control over the regimes shall be exposed.
  • Direct attacks by America (which will be forced) will compel Muslims to help.

3) By exposing the media as false:

  • American public, used to hedonism will see inability to hold the periphery and agitate as their luxuries lessen.
  • They will fear the onset of savagery and will ask their government to stop engaging Islam.


This strategy, which has been released, is quite sound and not as fantastic as one might think. The shaykh has carefully explained the reasons as to why it should succeed. As for Hindus, they are nowhere near such deep, long range attempts and will fall to concerted Islamic action (first terrorism & denudation of economy and then the actual conquest by army). Our society too is rapidly moving towards the decadence as present in Russia. Note that our society is incapable of tolerating strife and shortages and gore, which Islamist societies can.

The Management of Savagery

Upon the fall of the strong empire, some regions far from the centre enter a state similar to that of Afghanistan before the Taliban, when the law of the jungle was the only one in force. At this time it is not possible to control the region as well as an administration should, but only to manage the barbarism that exists, which has to be done keeping in mind the aims of Islam. In such a land, even criminals hope that the situation would be managed by some strong authority. Sharia provides the following recommendations for such governing regions, as Islamic regions have passed through this stage in the past:

  • Spreading internal security.
  • Providing food and medical treatment.
  • Securing the region of savagery from the invasions of enemies.
  • Spread sharia in all its aspects among the people (other points can be seen in the document).

Such administrations have been established at critical junctures in Islamic history:

  • After the hijra (migration of Muhammad & his followers from Mecca to Medina), before zakat and jaziya were instituted.
  • During the crusader wars as shaykh Umar Mahmud Abu Umar says: It was these many small administrations of savagery (centered on some small castles and citadels) at the periphery of the Christian kingdom that, through constant terrorist attacks exhausted the enemy and vexed him; they unceasingly harried and denuded the Christian kingdoms. Thus when they united, the enemy was already tired and the battle of Hatin was only a formality; what made the victory possible were the constant raids by the small savagery based rulers.
  • al-Imam-al-Sayyid in mid 19th century, stirred the Sunni square of Kashmir, Afghanistan, India, Pakistan; it resulted in the separation of Pakistan and is a source of everlasting inspiration for the jihadis of that region.

We [the core Muslims] are now in the stage of vexation and exhaustion of the enemy and must prepare for the next state by studying management as taught in the west, and apply it if it does not contradict sharia.


[1] Invariably, the muslim victory is preceded by a long series of raids and terrorist activities (e.g. Armenia, Greece and nowadays against the Hindus of India, see: http://musingsofhh.wordpress.com/2011/09/27/madrassa-and-terrorists-in-the-expansion-of-dar-ul-islam/) till the country falls and is converted.

[2] Terrorist activities like that of the Turkish sipahis and ghazis in India constitute the vexation and the exhaustion of the enemy (in medieval India too cities were selected for terrorist action by Muslim irregulars).

[3] The shaykhs are unanimous on the point that such efforts on the part of the Muslims alone can lead to the next stage and thence to the establishment of sharia and the conversion or decimation of the kaffirs.

[4] Therefore the very existence of marUnmada shaykhs is an existential threat to any non-marus and survival demands that the said element be neutralized.

How to establish an Islamic state

There are various stages of jihad which are as follows: the stage of vexation and exhaustion known as stage VH, stage of chaos and savagery known as stage CAS and the management of savagery known as stage MOS. In addition states can be divided into “priority” states and the other, and the stages that have to be passed are different for those labeled as priority states compared to the other states.

The priority states are the ones such where stage VH is underway. These states include the Hejaz, Pakistan, Nigeria, Yemen etc. Fighters should concentrate on these regions and avoid dissipating their energies elsewhere, and their actions should be guided by the central high command. Further, the entire region covered by the borders need not be involved; stage VH might be restricted to a few towns and areas as in crusader times, and the aim should be to establish stage MOS regions which are under the guidance of the high command. As these areas are far away from the centre of the superpower, pockets of stage VH should be made by taking advantage of the geography and gradually moved to stage CAS. To quote the Sunni directly:

The normal, small operation and its results must be considered very valuable. Sometimes the small operation leads to harmful results, or problems, or the discovery of other groups preparing for a specific, medium operation. If those who are undertaking small operations are able to advance and develop themselves for the undertaking of a specific medium operation, then they must do so, even if the small operation has to be cancelled for its sake. However, in general, the best path of advancement for nascent groups toward the undertaking of qualitative operations is to carry out small operations in the beginning, which they undertake with sound movements and precautions.

The goals of stage VH are as follows:

1) Weakening the enemy and collaborator regimes, strike and perform continuous attrition both militarily and economically. Striking is easy as sleeper cells are present everywhere, and the superpower or enemy’s interests can be struck at different places. This will aid economic draining of the enemy as he has to provide security for all his assets spread over a wide area, and far away from the centre of his power.

2) Attracting more jihadis through public and spectacular operations at the medium level which can be done without the HC’s involvement.

3) Removing the control of the existing regime so that management of savagery can come to pass.

4) Prepare terrorists for the gore which will come in the management of savagery.

The goals of stage MOS are many and can be seen in the document, and are all in accordance with sharia. To proceed towards the goal, the superpower must be attacked with a series of strikes at its varied interests. This will reduce its prestige among the Ummah. The enemy will either avenge itself upon Islam or launch a limited war. In the first case there is not much possibility of holding out for long, and it will enable us in our goal of arriving at stage MOS as in Afghanistan. In the latter case, it will not have an enemy to attack but many small stage VH, CAS or MOS regions which will increase in number if they are attacked. If not attacked, anyway recruitment will continue due to the spectacular nature of the strikes against the superpower.

Now, the masses in the places where the super power is present will rise against it as it has fallen in their esteem. The superpower will find it difficult to hold out so far from its periphery. At home too, the economic drain will result in discontent spreading amongst the hedonistic population which will demand an end to the war and engagement.

By harrying the armies of the puppet regimes, foreigners, petroleum, and the economy, the superpower can be forced to open conflict or at least its image can be damaged beyond repair. Once this happens groups in regions of stage VH and stage CAS can be persuaded and managed such that they establish stage MOS regions which will herald the sharia age in those lands.

As for the non priority states they can be first denuded by constant raiding and attack by states in stage VH/MOS near them. Once a proper administration is established in stage MOS states, the weakened non priority state can be conquered using the usual preparations and techniques.

Here we end our look into the document. In the future, deva­s permitting, we shall see the operational recommendations and their counters and attempt to formulate a response that can help us overcome the marUnmattas.


[1] Note the use of terrorism as an integral aspect of policy, and its coordination and management throughout the world; especially Pakistan which is held to be in stage VH, and it conducts terrorism in India.

[2] The strategy is a deep one involving all elements of political power, and clearly identifies the different components of power including the media. It provides for methods to undo the power of the media and use it against the superpower and is sophisticated in its combined use of terror, media and stage MOS regions to achieve its ultimate goal: the worldwide imposition of sharia.

[3] Hindus don’t have anything to match the document in breadth and depth of political vision and future planning. As a defeated people, we have forgotten to expand our territories and influence and meekly accept the narratives that have been foisted on us. We remain non­aggressive and peaceful due to inability, both physical and intellectual.


This is just one of the strategies for the expansion of the marUnmada, which is sound, and likely to be effective, as it considers economic, psychological and social factors in addition to military and terrorist action. The USA itself has a reasonable chance of falling unless they have an even better plan worked out; but the nature of this plan is that it is based on very basic principles and is long range, and impervious to external meddling; recommended actions of terrorism must result in the calculations of the shaykhs coming to pass, as the whittling down of any enemy, the constant terror tactics will ultimately wear the enemy down economically, in manpower and in willpower, given that they have an inexhaustible supply of jihadis and the extreme fanaticism of every Muslim. This ace up their sleeve can never be removed, even by America and that is what makes their victory possible.

From the Hindu standpoint we have virtually no counter either in arms, or in social cohesion or in the intellectual abilities of our elites. Indeed moral decadence, a much abused phrase must be used for a society whose best men prefer luxuries and recognition from their civilizational enemies instead of fighting for their own. May the deva­s change the state of affairs!

Heroic pratihAra-s and lessons to be learnt

We were too engrossed in personal life during the past two months to allot time for writing. But ideas always pop up in mid, a result of the devas’ wish. We have been hearing about the 1000 year foreign rule claim too often these days. When I met a few kids from nearby school, I could understand how bad the knowledge of history is among our younger generation. It seems this punyabhUmi was an open garden into which anyone came and looted the fruits. The successful defense offered by hindus are never acknowledged. The arab invasion of sind under bin qasim is mentioned but not the failed expeditions which were made earlier nor the expulsion of arabs within a few decades.

One of the major defenders of dharma against the mahAmada AtatAyin-s were the rulers of gurjara-pratihAra dynasty. The word ‘pratihAra’ means door-keeper. They indeed remained as the door-keepers of Aryavarta, holding back arab invasions for more than a century. They managed this feat against the most formidable, expansionist armies of their times – the arabs, who had destroyed the persian empire in a matter of years and had pushed the byzantine empire on back feet. While they were battling arab-s on the western front, they had to face the pAla-s of van~ga and rAs.trakUt.a-s of karnAt.a – both of whom were aiming to occupy the majestic kannauj. Thus, the pratihAra empire was in a state of continuous warfare. The glory of this dynasty begins with nAgabhat.a I. He is credited to have thrown out the arab-s from sind by heading a coalition against the mahAmada-s. The famous arab invasion of sind was nullified by this nAgabhat.a who is hailed as the very image of nArAyan.a by his descendant, mihira bhoja. nAgabhat.a’s rule is considered to have ended sometime after 756 CE. He was followed by his brother’s sons, kakkuka and devarAja, neither of whom distinguished themselves. The latter’s son, vatsarAja, who had to face the pAla-s and rAs.trakUt.a-s for kannuaj. The wars left his empire weaker with kannauj falling to dharmapAla.

The mahAmada-s were waiting for this instance. But their resurgence was crushed by the successor of vatsarAja, nAgabhat.a II. The dvitIya nAgabhat.t.a proved why he was born in the line of the arab crushing nAgabhat.a I. Even while he was enganing his enemies in north, east and south within the indian subcontinent, he is credited to have crushed the turushka-s in the west and captured their forts (which could refer to the border towns held by the mahAmada-s). The mahAmada adventure was kept in bay by this nava nAgabhat.a. He was followed by a weak ruler rAmabhadra, who certainly did not live up to his name. This napuMsaka rAma was followed by the greatest of pratihAra rulers, mihira bhoja.
The rAjyas’rI of pratihAra-s gained the greatest strength under this devotee of vis.n.u and bhagavatI, mihira bhoja. He minted coins bearing the legend ‘AdivarAha’ and it is believed that he took the name as one of his titles. Just as AdivarAha saved mother earth from rAks.asa hiran.yAks.a, mihira bhoja saved the punyabhUmi from the ravages of the rAks.asamatAbhimAnI-s. His empire extended from pan~canada to magadha and from himAlaya-s to narmadA. An arab, sulaimAn, refers to the might of this king of juzr (gurjara) as follows:

“This king maintains numerous forces and no other indian prince has so fine a cavalry. He is unfriendly to the arabs and still acknowledges the king of the arabs is the greatest of the kings. Among the princes of india, there is no greater foe of the mohammeddan faith than he…. There is no country of india more safe from robbers”.

We need not look for any other evidence to establish the prowess of this emperor. He was considered as the greatest foe of rAks.asamata. He was followed by his son mahendrapAla who had the great kavi rAjas’ekhara as his guru. The emperor mahendrapAla secured his western borders against the rAks.asa-s while in the east, he gained territories even in gaud.a. The feats of mahendra were so great that he was called ‘nirbhaya narendra’.The poet continued as the guru of mahedrapala’s son mahIpAla as well. He proudly calls his emperor-student as the mahArAjAdhirAja of Aryavarta. MahendrapAla ruled till 908 CE and his son mahIpAla ruled till 932 CE if not till 946 CE as some historians claim.
The pratihAra empire maintained its animosity towards the rAks.asa-s and they were forced to maintain large forces to keep their enemies at bay in all four directions. The arab historian, al-masUdI has written that mahIpAla maintained about 7 or 9 lAkh troops in each of the four cardinal directions. He specifically mentions that mahIpAla’s western army is in constant conflict with the mahAmada ruler of mUlasthAnapura. He also mentions that the pratiharA-s were in a state of war with the rulers of mankir (mAnykhet.a).

The destitute state of the mahAmada garrison at mUlasthAnapura (multan) can be surmised from the words of al-masUdI: “When the unbelievers march against mUltAn, and the faithful do not feel themselves strong enough to oppose them, they threaten to break their idol, and their enemies immediately withdraw”. Another writer (this one from persia), al-ishtakhri also mentions the same state of affairs regarding the defense of the city against hindu invaders. The self proclaimed butshikan-s were forced to take refuge behind the famous ‘but’ of their capital to retain their kingdom. The mUrti must be that of sUrya (supposedly built by the son of kr.s.n.a as per tradition). This is even more significant considering that mahIpAla titled himself as paramAditya bhakta. Thus, mahIpAla had reduced the arab-s to such a misery that only the existence of the temple of his is.t.a deva in the city could save the mahAmada kingdom. The pratihAra power began to lose strength in the second half of the tenth century – result of rAs.trakUt.a invasions and by the time the demonic ghaznavI attacked kannauj, it was ruled by a helpless, weakling who abandoned the city than rather than face the rAks.asa armies.

When we consider that the victorious armies of arab-s had marched without any great resistance such that by 732 CE, arab-s were at the entrance of france – entire northern africa and persian empire had fallen like a pack of cards against the arab invasions – the resistance offered by the hindu rulers of this land is indeed praiseworthy. The pratihAra rulers managed to keep the demonic arab-s at bay even when they were forced to fight long wars against their neighbor kings within the subcontinent.

But rather than feeling proud about this achievement, we must learn a very important lesson here. Hindus had defeated mahAmada-s for more than two centuries. But it went in vain. The hindu victories were never consolidated. We were happy with mere defence of our territories (much as we are doing against the western neighbor now). While every rAks.asa victory was followed by widespread massacres and destruction aimed at uprooting the foundation of hindu strength. Thus, we never completed our victories, being satisfied with safeguarding our borders – which was well utilized by our enemies. A single mahAmada victory could undo centuries of hindu resistance. Mere defense of one’s lands is never enough. Lack of offensive actions taking the war into enemy territory let us down in the long run. The short-sightedness of leaving battlefield to protect the temple could also be seen. When the mahAmada-s gained strength, they destroyed the temple and the mUrti. This is lesson number two. While the rAks.asa-s may allow us to worship and generally follow our religions when they are not in a position to oppose us; the situation will chage drastically when they gain enough strength. Therefore, to say that mahAmada-s of a particular place/land are not as bad as others is nothing but illogical.

It is indeed eerie to think about the current situaion. History does repeat. The city of mUlasthAnapura is once again ruled by the mahAmada-s. We have won some victories against the mahAmada-s in west. But nothing decisive came out of it. The mahAmada-s are gaining in numbers and weapons. When they reach a boiling point, we might face a defeat which could destroy our civilizational centres once again.

We have clear examples in history for what we could expect in future – if we do not change our strategy. We must prepare ourselves to face this uphill task by a u-turn in our military doctrine.

For the Ashes of their fathers and the temples of their Gods: The Hindus of Armenia


Then out spoke brave Horatius, the Captain of the Gate:

“To every man upon this earth, death cometh soon or late;
And how can man die better than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his Gods,

And for the tender mother who dandled him to rest,
And for the wife who nurses his baby at her breast,
And for the holy maidens who feed the eternal flame,
To save them from false Sextus, that wrought the deed of shame?

Though one of our worst enemies, this poem of Thomas Babington Macaulay has never failed to move our heathen sensibilities and none exemplify the spirit more than the ancient and now forgotten Hindus of Armenia who died defending the temples of their Gods even though their cause was hopeless against the Christian fanatics.

According to the Syrian writer Zenob, a disciple of “St.” Gregory and a witness to this tale, the Hindus of Armenia descended from two Hindu princes named Gissaneh and Demeter of Kanauj who fled to Armenia around 149 BCE after they were caught conspiring against their king Dinakspall. They were supposed to have been welcomed along with their followers by King Valarsaces of Armenia and given the province of Taron (western Armenia, now Turkey) where they built a city called Veeshap. They then proceeded to install the Hindu Gods alongside the national Gods of the Armenians in the city of Ashtishat, famous for its temples.

Later the king was supposed to have executed the two princes though no reason is given by Zenob. They left behind three sons named Kuars, Meghten, and Horeas who inherited the privileges granted to their fathers in Taron. The Hindus were supposed to have deified Gissaneh (Krishna) and Demeter after their deaths, built them temples and appointed priests for their worship. The colony thus flourished for around 450 years and grew in numbers but it was not to last for the first great plague was just beginning to spread.

We presume that the deities Gissaneh and his brother, Demeter must be the vr.s.n.i kula warriors Kr.s.n.a and Balabhadra. Demeter is the Greek Goddess for harvest and Balabhadra with His halAyudha very much qualifies for the title Demeter.

In 301 CE the bearer of the Christian plague “St.” Gregory converted the Armenian ruler Tiridates III and thereby inaugurated a reign of terror on the heathens of the land. Armenian pagans were converted by force. The temples of Gods were destroyed to make way for pretAlaya-s. The tiny Hindu minority were also targeted by Gregory. This made the world to witness the grand resistance offered by these few Hindus with the meager resources available. It was the first time that Hindus had to face the iconoclasm of Abrahamic traditions. Faced against great odds, the Hindu civilians fought battles against the well trained Armenian army in order to defend their dharma and their Gods. KavirAja bhUs.an.a said:

“himmata amAna mardAna hinduvAnahU ko” (pointed out by Sarvesh ji

bhUShaNa’s characterization of different nations


Hindus are known for their courage and manliness.

These words especially apply to those Armenian Hindu brethren who breathed courage such that they fought for their dharma against all odds and preferred death to ignominy. Those Hindus had indeed internalized the teaching of Kr.s.n.a – “svadharme nidhanam s’reyaH” (gItA – 3.35) – To die following one’s dharma is indeed most excellent and preferable – than giving up one’s dharma for something else.

War Breaks Out

Let us go to the vivid description, given by Zenob, of the resistance offered by the miniscule minority community of Hindus against the Armenian armies. Soon after the conversion of the king, the Hindus got wind of the Christian plans to demolish their temples of Gissaneh (Krishna) and Demeter as they did with the Armenian temples. The Hindus removed the temple treasures to a safe place at night and sent messages to the arcaka-s of nearby village, Ashtishat, to collect an army and join them to resist.

Zenob gives us the message sent as follows:

“Gather every man who is a warrior and hasten to reach us tomorrow for the great Gissaneh (Kr.s.n.a) will go into battle against the apostatizing princes.”

The head arcaka Artzan (Arjun – indeed a fitting name for an arcaka who had taken up arms for Kr.s.n.a) and his son Demeter (must be BalarAma or Balabhadra) took charge of the 400 Hindu troops and prepared an ambush for the 300 Christian troops coming in to demolish the temples. “St.” Gregory was leading the 300 Armenian troops towards Kuars near which the temple of Kr.s.n.a stood.  Hindus had taken position on a hill opposite Kuars through which invading armies had to pass.

The pretAcArin had expected no real resistance as he proceeded with three princes and the three hundred men without a care. He must have thought that with the strength of the Armenian royalty at his side, no one will dare to rise against him, especially the small minority of Hindus. But the Hindus of Armenia were born to prove what BhUs.a.n.a wrote 13 centuries later.

When the Armenian troops had ascended the hill where our brethren had stationed themselves, Arjun caused the battle horns to be sounded and came out with his men to attack the Armenians with full might. The Armenians responded as though the great archer Arjuna himself was blowing his conch devadatta and attacking them. The fear, which filled the hearts of the kaurava army when Arjuna was seen in virAt.a battle, came to occupy the hearts of the Armenians upon seeing the gleaming standards of the Hindus who had come to defend their Gods and dharma to death.

The princes sent the pretAcArin to safety with three riders and tried to hold back the Hindus. The Armenian forces who tried to stop the surging Hindus were put to death. Hindus of nearby village had also gathered along the way of Armenian retreat and began to chase the pretAcArin and his men. Gregory took refuge at the fort of Vogkhan. Hindus laid siege to it. The Armenians had to beg for help from a nearby prince who came with an army of 4000 men to beat the Hindus back with his superior numerical strength.

Arjun rallied his forces at the same hill where he had defeated the Armenians earlier and began to curse the Armenians for abandoning the Gods of their ancestors. Zenob reports the following conversation:

“Advance,” he said, “O you who are irreligious and who have forsaken your nation’s Gods; you who are the enemies of the glorious Gissaneh. Do you not know that the great Gisaneh has come out in battle against you and he will deliver you into our hands and will strike you with blindness and death.”

At this an Armenian prince rushed forward and said “Oh you braggart, if you are fighting for your gods, you are false, and if it is your for your country, you are altogether foolish for behold the prince of the house of Angegh and the prince of the house of Sunnies and the other nobles whom you know but to well.”

To which, Demeter, the son of Artzan replied thus.

“Listen unto us O you Armenian princes, it is now forty years since we are engaged in the service of the mighty gods and we are aware of their powers, for they fight themselves with the enemies of their servants. We are not, however, able to oppose you in battle for this is the house of the king of Armenia and you are his nobles, but let it be known to you all that although we cannot possibly conquer you, yet it is better for us to die a glorious death to-day in upholding the honor of our Gods rather than live and see their temples polluted by you. Death is, therefore, more welcome to us than life. But you, who are the prince of the house of Angegh come forward and let us fight singly.”

What better words could have come from the mouth of this son of Arjuna!! We are indeed reminded of Abhimanyu, who preferred fighting to death against insurmountable odds. Here, we have a son of another Arjuna from a later era. But we see the same flame for dharma burning brightly within him, filled with courage to the brim.

Such a sacrifice for dharma has never been alien to Hindu history. When Alexander invaded our lands, brAhman.a-s exhorted the local rulers to stand up to that barbarian. Alexander is said to have furiously targeted the brAhman.a community as they made the entire western AaryAvarta to rise in revolt against him. Greeks mention several small cities which stood up to Alexander and fought till the last man rather than submit to him. Where the Persians had submitted to Greeks meekly, Hindus of even small states gave a tough time to the Greek conqueror. Later, during the invasions of Muslims, we find jauhar and saka being performed by Hindus where the women immolated themselves to death and men fought to death against insurmountable odds. This was done to avoid the ignominy of being forced to change one’s svadharma. The same ideal is echoed in the words of this Abhimanyu from Armenia who roared that they will die a glorious death upholding the honor of Gods rather than live to see their temples being polluted by the pretAcArin’s men.

Sacrifice for Dharma – Death over apostasy

In a single combat between the old Arjun and an Armenian prince, Arjun managed to inflict wounds on the prince but the prince managed to cut Arjun to death. While the Armenian troops were rejoicing about this victory, Hindu civilians led by their arcaka-s came to that hill and began attacking the Armenians with great vengeance. When the Armenian troops tried to flee downhill, Hindu infantry threw rocks and weapons from atop causing damage to their cavalry while the villagers who gathered at the foothills began to attack the fleeing Armenians. The trained Armenian army was then rallied around by the princes who managed to get a foothold on one side of the hill and held it when the sun began to set – battle was called off at that juncture.

On the next day, as per Zenob, Hindus had managed to gather 6946 men while Armenians had gathered 7080 troops. There were other Armenian troops numbering a few thousands in the vicinity – who were indulging in looting and destruction of the Hindu villages. Where the Hindu army consisted of local Hindu civilians who had come to defend their temples and dharma, Armenian army consisted of trained warriors. The advantage of a well trained army began to show when Armenians began to gain upper hand over the Hindus. A sliver of hope came to Hindus when a vassal prince of Hashtyank, who was a Hindu, switched sides to join his Hindu brethren against the pretAcArin’s hordes. Armenian troops were clobbered under his leadership – he was well known to be a great warrior and leader. But the hope was shortlived as the other Armenian princes rallied their troops again and one of the princes managed to behead the prince of Hashtyank. Demeter, the son of Arjun, managed to kill the son of an Armenian prince. But this was not enough to stop the well trained Armenian troops.

The grim scenario of defeat, which was expected by the Hindus but welcomed to avoid a meek surrender, came clear later in the day when the leaders of their army, the temple arcaka-s fell in the battle one after another. Demeter, the son of Arjun and their last leader left, was also beheaded and his head was collected in a sack by an Armenian prince. 1038 Hindus were killed in this battle and the rest were captured alive & stripped naked.

The local Hindu priests buried their dead there and also proceeded to bury the dead Armenians. The place was marked with the following inscription as per Zenob in Syriac and Greek:

“This was the first battle of Artzan, the high priest and a great warrior. He is buried here and with him are 1038 men. And we fought this battle for the idols of Gissaneh and Demeter and for Christ.”

Gregory, the pretAcArin, was brought back and he ordered to destroy the murtis of Kr.s.n.a and Balabhadra. Six arcaka-s of the temple, who were alive at that time, fought the Armenians who had entered the temple. The arcaka-s had stated

“Let us die first and then let the great Gissaneh be destroyed!”

This reminds us of those rAjpUt warriors who defended the temples to their last breath. Kavi PadmanAbha records how the warriors died defending the temple of SomanAtha during the reign of Ala-uddin. The beginning of this tradition was made in Armenia by the small community of Hindus. Even as late as 18th century, 3000 rAjpUt-s entrenched themselves in the temple of S’rI ran~gam to save the temple from the European AtatAyin-s. They vowed to defend the temple from intrusion of any non-Hindu until the last one of them was alive. This prevented the victorious British from indulging in any misadventure within that temple. The fire lit at Armenia was kept burning here by successive generations of Hindu warriors who preferred death to apostasy. This indifference towards death and firm resolve to defend dharma have been the main source for the Hindu resistance movements under the Muslim yoke.

Gregory destroyed the two temples  (of Kr.s.n.a & Balabhadra) and built a pretAlaya over the remains. An arcaka was caught alive and he was tortured to find out the location where the temple treasures were hidden. But the arcaka remained true to His dharma and did not utter anything – preferring to embrace death than lead the barbarians to the treasures.

Gregory then had the civilians of the Hindu villages converted to his preta cult. 5000 men and youth apart from women were baptized. After this, he collected the children of the arcaka-s and the attendants of the temples – numbering 438 in all. He offered to baptize them as well. The children replied

“Keep this in mind, as long as we live, we shall seek revenge upon you; even if we should die, the Gods will exact their revenge”

One Armenian prince ordered to shave their head (the Hindus had sported s’ikhA-s) and sent these brave children to prison. Nothing is heard about them after this. We can imagine what their fate would have been. These brave young souls faced their end with the grace of seasoned warriors – preferring a torture and death to the dishonor of abandoning their Gods.

Zenob also notes that while the Hindu civilians had been converted. They still had not given up their ancestral religion. Hindus continued to ensure that their children sported s’ikhA and the worship of their Gods was maintained in a clandestine manner. Zenob warns the pretAcArin-s to be attentive towards this tendency of Hindus, lest this practice spread in other lands. We hear nothing about Hindus in Armenia after a century or so. It seems that the Christian fanatics destroyed the remnants of these Hindu communities so thoroughly that nothing is left now.

Thus ended the first struggle between the Hindus and the Abrahamic fanatics. Where the Armenian heathens were cowed down by the might of the army, Hindus put up a brave struggle – setting stage for the centuries of struggle that followed in order to protect their religion and traditions. While we have lost half of our lands and people due to numerous mistakes on our part, we cannot deny that our survival has also been due to the single biggest strength of dharma – it inspires its followers to face even insurmountable odds than submit meekly. It gives us courage to face our enemies.

There are a few lessons to be learnt from this chapter in our history. We shall look at them in another post.

Christian Missionaries: The Vanguard of Western Imperialism-I

Whenever they seek to take over a country, they employ the same method. By trading with that nation, they learn about its geography and defenses. If they be weak, they dispatch troops to invade the nation; if strong, they propagate Christianity to subvert it from within. Once our people’s hearts and minds are captivated by Christianity, they will greet the barbarian host with open arms, and we would be powerless to stop them. Our people would consider it an honor and a privilege to die for this foreign god, and this willingness to die, this fearlessness, would make them fit for battle. Our people would gladly cast their riches into the sacrificial coffers of this foreign god, and those riches would finance barbarian campaigns. The barbarians believe it their god’s will that they seduce other peoples into subverting their respective homelands; they borrow the slogan “universal love” to achieve their desired ends. Barbarian armies seek only plunder, but do so in the name of their god. They employ this tactic in all lands they annex or conquer.

– Shinron (New Theses) by Aizawa Seishisai, 1825 CE

First the Bible, then the trading station, then the cannon

– Prithvi Narayan Shah, founder of the Hindu Rajya of Nepal & expeller of Christian missionaries

Separated by time and space the words of the two heathens should give one pause for thought for they seem to be saying the same in regards to missionaries acting as the vanguard for European imperialism. This is an image at odds with the one cultivated by the Indian movie industry which involves loving padre’s and missionaries like the late Theresa who were supposedly serving us while the “evil” Hindu pujari’s are merely salivating over their expected offerings. The astute of course know that the record of Christian missionaries in general has been one of destruction, genocide, and acting as the vanguard of Western imperialism. In this article we focus on some examples of missionaries acting as spies, subversives, and destroyers of native culture all over the world. We will focus on examples from around the world, not so much on India specifically (though we will briefly touch on India in part II) because we wish to demonstrate that this is a global phenomenon hardly unique to India and part of a time-tested Western strategy for conquest.

“Let us invade Japan for Christ”

In 1587 Hideyoshi after taking control of most of Japan passed the first anti-Christian edicts banishing missionaries. Hideyoshi’s reasons included destruction of Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples, selling Japanese into slavery, and forcible conversions of the populace by Christian daimyo (warlords).

The Jesuit response was led by one Gaspar Coelho, the Vice-Provincial of the Jesuits in Japan and is summarized by the following quote:

Daft Coelho in the meantime brewed the plan to take up arms, stand a siege in Nagasaki, and wait for aid from abroad. 52

52. See Boxer, Christian Century, p. 149: Coelho “endeavored to get Arima to induce the other Christian daimyo to unite in armed resistance against the expulsion edict. In this he failed, so he fell back on a more temporizing policy. But he still had not learned his lesson entirely, since he wrote to Manila, Macao, and Goa begging for two or three hundred soldiers and firearms wherewith to stiffen the Christian daimyo. The Spanish authorities contented themselves with referring his request to Madrid, and the Jesuit Superior at Manila sent him a severe reprimand for his imprudence. The Portuguese sent him some weapons but no troops.”

The precise nature of Coelho’s plans is unclear; and Matsuda Kiichi laments (Taiko to gaiko, p. 86) that although the existence and place of repose of voluminous Jesuit correspondence on the topic are known the material’s confidential nature has kept it from publication.

– Deus Destroyed The Image of Christianity in Early Modern Japan by George Elison, p. 133

Note the fact that even after 400+ years the Jesuits were hiding records of these events at the time this book was published in the 1970’s. Indeed considering that the Vatican is the longest operating and largest crime syndicate in history, this is not very surprising. We hold that the secret archives of the Vatican if they are ever cracked open will reveal far more shocking details than Wikileaks.

To get back to the issue at hand, this was hardly the first time that Coelho had proposed such schemes. In 1584 & 1585 he addressed the following pleas:

That the Jesuits had their military adventurist faction is all too well established. Gaspar Coelho was one of its members. In 1584 he had addressed to the Spaniards in the Philippines a plea for the dispatch of “four ships laden with men, artillery, and food . . . to succor the Christians of Japan that are pressed by the heathen,”

– Deus Destroyed The Image of Christianity in Early Modern Japan by George Elison, p. 115

In 1585, Gaspar Coelho had already requested a Spanish fleet to ‘evangelize’ East Asia…

– When Pre-Westphalian Europe Meets Sinocentric Order: The Jesuit Order, Christian Samurai, and the Imjin War (1592-1598) by Myongsob KIM


To his credit Alessandro Valignano his higher up in Japan condemned his actions and secretely disposed off the arms the Portuguese sent. But his condemnation seemed more motivated by the reprisals it would bring on the Christians if Hideyoshi found out and less by any moral objections. It must be remembered that Pope Alexander VI himself divided the newly discovered lands outside Europe between Spain and Portugal with the Treaty of Tordesillas on 7th June, 1494 CE.

Finally it must be mentioned that in 1614 the Spanish seemed to have planned another invasion of Japan from Spanish Manila to save the Japanese Christians, though this never seem to have got off the ground and we can’t find much details about this proposal.

As a side note, it might interest Hindus know that according to Ishwar Sharan, this same Gaspar Coelho was also involved in perpetrating the “St.” Thomas fraud in India (http://ishwarsharan.wordpress.com/chapters/chapter-eighteen/)

“Let us colonize Ming China for Jesus”

While Padre Coelho was proposing his hare-brained schemes to invade Japan, the Spanish who had meanwhile colonized parts of what is now Philippines began to put forward a scheme to invade and colonize the weakened Ming empire. The scheme itself was idiotic and had little chance of success but more interesting are the reasons given. The following quotes summarize the issue:

 At precisely the time of Coelho’s arrival in Sakai (April 1586) Padre Alonso Sanchez SJ was in Manila submitting his project for the conquest of China, of which C. R. Boxer has to say: “The report has to be read to be believed.”10 The Padre, “a person of very holy life, much learning, prudence, and excellent judgement” (as he was touted to Philip II) envisioned that the modest objective would be obtained easily enough, with a motley force of Spaniards, Filipinos, and Japanese auxiliaries conducted by “the fathers of the Society of Jesus, who are to act as guides.” It would be interesting to know whether Coelho was aware of the project (or, better yet, Hideyoshi).

– Deus Destroyed The Image of Christianity in Early Modern Japan by George Elison, p. 115

But the cause of conquest was far from lost. The change back to a military stance was largely inspired by a strong and determined Jesuit, Alonso Sánchez, who set off for what he called the “kingdoms of China” in March 1582. When he returned to Manila he reported that it was impossible to preach the gospel in China without military backing. He talked constantly of the startling benefits which the enactment of the “China project” would yield Spain. But he thought that his predecessors in the debate had probably underestimated the numbers of combatants necessary. He, in fact, thought that 10,000 men would be needed to complete the conquest though a mere 200 would be adequate for the capture of Canton.

– Spain and the Conquest of China by Hugh Thomas, March 2012


While this was ongoing, the Coelho fellow seems to have been brighter than the Spanish in Manila and proposed the following plan:

In 1585, Gaspar Coelho had already requested a Spanish fleet to ‘evangelize’ East Asia. He argued that when the 66 states of Japan had been converted to Christianity, “King Philip could use the sharp and aggressive Japanese army to easily conquer China.” This Jesuit missionary estimated China could be easily conquered for four reasons. “First, the people are idle and effeminate, especially the aristocracy. Second, there is not a single musket in the whole country. Third, the government has forbidden the people from arming themselves out of a fear of revolts. Fourth, the conditions are ripe for revolts due to harsh rule.

 – When Pre-Westphalian Europe Meets Sinocentric Order: The Jesuit Order, Christian Samurai, and the Imjin War (1592-1598) by Myongsob KIM


It must be emphasized that the Japanese armies’ of this time were some of the best in the world thanks to nearly 100 years of civil war which made the Samurai a disciplined and lethal fighting force on land. The Japanese had mastered the mass production of arquebus’ introduced by the Portuguese and even made some improvements allowing them to fire in rain & implementing standardization. They also figured out the technique of volley fire, first implemented on a large scale by Oda Nobunaga at the Battle of Nagashino (depicted here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIs3ibPgosE). All these factors came into play in the performance of the Japanese army during the two massive invasions of Hideyoshi into Korea (known as the Imjin War), a prelude to his ambition to conquer Beijing. More often than not, the Japanese simply overwhelmed the combined forces of the Chinese & Koreans with their superior firepower and discipline on land. The weakest points of the invasion force were inferior cannon and ships which combined with the brilliance of Korean Admiral Yi Sun ultimately doomed Hideyoshi’s plans. Why do we narrate all this you ask?

Consider Coelho’s scheme & imagine that Japan had indeed been converted, and then imagine the massive Christian army from Japan augmented by Spanish-Portuguese naval power & cannon. Then it is not unlikely that the Spanish mleccha’s would have had some success regarding their China scheme, a nightmare for all heathens.

Fast-forwarding a few centuries, in 1825 the brilliant Japanese heathen political thinker Aizawa Seishisai penned his magnum opus Shinron (New Theses). Shinron was to have an explosive impact on the men behind Meiji restoration and beyond. Therein he claimed:

Russia and Britain then would subvert Japan proper by Christianizing its “stupid commoners,” and would beguile a new generation of “Japanese raiders” (wako) into attacking and weakening China. With the Ch’ing thus crippled, Russia, could deliver the coup de grace from the north.

– Anti-foreignism and Western Learning in Early-modern Japan: The New Theses of 1825 by Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi, p. 112


Thus he anticipated the time-tested strategy of the Leukosphere in using the converted rabble of ex-heathen nations as cannon fodder to advance the cause of Jesus and their imperial interests into new territories. Douglas MacArthur and the American mlecchas would later try to repeat this project in trying to Christianize post-war Japan (failed), South Korea (success), and Vietnam (remember the self-immolation Bauddha monk Thich Quang Duc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYsXH00kcaw & persecution of the majority Bauddhas by the US backed Catholic Diem regime? Also see: http://manasataramgini.wordpress.com/2014/03/13/6384/). One can substitute Spain for Russia and Ming for Ch’ing in Aizawa’s words and it would be a recapitulation of Coelho’s plan centuries earlier. We doubt Aizawa had any inkling about Coelho’s plans and he seems to have come upon this idea independently thanks to his own brilliance and intuition about the evils of the Jesus cult and its primary custodians.

Finally, it may well be likely that Lafcadio Hearn writing some 80 years later after Aizawa in the Meiji era had these Jesuit conspiracies in mind, when he commented thus on the failure of the effort to Christianize Japan:

Yet this religion, for which thousands vainly died, had brought to Japan nothing but evil disorders, persecutions, revolts, political troubles, and war. Even those virtues of the people which had been evolved at unutterable cost for the protection and conservation of society, – their self-denial, their faith, their loyalty, their constancy and courage, – were by this black creed distorted, diverted, and transformed into forces directed to the destruction of that society. Could that destruction have been accomplished, and a new Roman Catholic empire have been founded upon the ruins, the forces of that empire would have been used for the further extension of priestly tyranny, the spread of the Inquisition, the perpetual Jesuit warfare against freedom of conscience and human progress. Well may we pity the victims of this pitiless faith, and justly admire their useless courage: yet who can regret that their cause was lost? … Viewed from another standpoint than that of religious bias, and simply judged by its results, the Jesuit effort to Christianize Japan must be regarded as a crime against humanity, a labour of devastation, a calamity comparable only, – by reason of the misery and destruction which it wrought, – to an earthquake, a tidal-wave, a volcanic eruption.

– Japan An Attempt at Interpretation by Lafcadio Hearn, 1904 CE


We could not agree more.

In part II, we hope to explore Jesuit industrial espionage in India & Qing Empire, their spying for the Russian empire against the Qing empire (they saw the Russians as fellow Christians as against the heathen Manchu & Han) their role in the colonization of what is now Zimbabwe, the genocide of natives in Guam, and more.

Narendra Modi & Shinzo Abe: What explains the Western loathing?

“A stunted, lymphatic, yellow-faced heathen, with a mouthful of teeth three sizes too big for him, bulging slits where his eyes ought to be, blacking-brush hair, a foolish giggle, a cruel heart, and the conceit of the devil. . . . It is a grave question whether Japan. . . . is in the least likely to become “a world power” of the kind that Europe is likely to find useful or satisfactory. Indeed the only restraints that could be put upon her are the restraints of the Christian religion. Can she be brought to submit to them? Does she desire in her heart to submit to them? Will she ever be other than pagan and heathen and unconscionable under the surface? the answer is: No…”

– British author T. W. H. Crosland a century ago in reaction to Japanese victories against Russia during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05

“I hate Indians [Hindus]. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion.”

– Winston Churchill


The above quotes encapsulate the modal attitudes of the West towards those considered heathens. Much the same attitude prevails today in sections of the Western elite whether in the frank Christian form or its various secular manifestations.

With that in mind, it is not surprising to discerning Hindus to see a slew of articles in the Western media bashing both Shinzo Abe & Narendra Modi. The Anglosphere would have us believe that they are concerned about “human rights” even as they support various Sunni ghazis to overthrow secular Arab regimes. We on the other hand hold that it is merely a cover for the fear & loathing they have for any openly “pagan” civilization.

Shinzo Abe

Abe with his wife paying their respect to Yoshida Shoin, a nationalist thinker who contributed greatly to the Meiji restoration

Abe is a man with a mission & that mission is nothing less than the decolonization of Japan. This includes a revision of the American imposed constitution including its secularism to bring it in line with the values of Japanese civilization (https://vajrin.wordpress.com/2013/12/03/148/).

He is the chairman of Japan’s Rebirth (Sosei Nippon) an organization that seeks to reawaken Japanese pride in their history and culture with an emphasis on the Imperial Family and Shinto. He is also the chairman of the Shinto Political Alliance Diet Member’s Roundtable (Shinto seiji renmei kokkai giin kondankai), the Diet arm of the Shinto Political Alliance (Shinto seiji renmei, or Shinseiren). Thus in the eyes of the West he is already a “bad” man because they cannot ever tolerate an openly heathen leader.

Standing up to Chinese imperialism is bad enough but it gets “dangerous” when Abe starts talking about restoring Japanese values. In the past decade, under previous LDP administrations some of the most egregious American impositions have already been overturned such as the ban on shrine visits for school children. Now with Abe in charge things might go further in this direction and we might see the reemergence of Shinto taking its natural place in Japanese politics.

The West likes its leaders compliant and working within the boundaries predetermined by them & Abe does not fit the mold. Hence the recent slew of anti-Abe propaganda pieces in the Western media which can be seen here:


Narendra Modi

Modi paying his respect to Chhatrapati Shivaji

The rise of Modi seems to have taken the West by surprise as they never expected him to get so far after demonizing him for years in their media as some sort of Hitler and a Hindu nationalist (as if that is somehow bad). They have tried all their usual tricks such as unleashing their Christian attack dogs (note the recent letter of the Xavier’s College Principal Father Mascarenhas to the students criticizing Modi or John Dayal’s trip to the US to testify against India) and even propping up the fellowship of the broom (hat tip for the expression: http://manasataramgini.wordpress.com/2014/03/13/6384/) led by Kejriwal . In their own land we have seen their efforts to deny entry to Modi through lobbying by evangelicals and Muslims (once again showing the fundamental alignment of Muslims & Christians when it comes to heathens).

But in spite of all this Modi has defied their expectations and seems to have captured the pulse of the nation cutting across regional and caste lines. He has also shown himself to be an able administrator who can bring development to his people. We have good data showing that Christian proselytizers thrive in the absence of governance, so what can be worse for them than a PM who will actually do his job. A strengthening of the economy will also go along with a strengthening of the Indian military with a man perceived as a Hindu nationalist at the helm.

Having one openly heathen leader in Abe is bad enough but to have Modi in addition to him is a bad dream for the usual suspects. Thus the West has real reasons to be worried and they have indeed responded with a slew of negative media articles about Modi which can be viewed here:



In 2007 after the conclusion of Vibrant Gujarat summit, Modi personally went to Japan to woo investors. He was the first Chief Minister to do so and while there he met and spent time with Abe. Later that year Abe himself visited India but could not visit Gujarat due to protocol, so Modi personally went all the way to Delhi and spent time with Abe.

It was during the same visit that Abe personally met and talked with the son of Radhabinod Pal, the Indian judge who stood up for the truth at the Tokyo show trials. He is widely admired even today by Japanese nationalists and has a monument dedicated to him at the Yasukuni shrine. He cast the only dissenting vote against punishing Japanese officials for war crimes, which included Abe’s grandfather Kishi. Perhaps this was one more reason for Abe’s pro-Indian stance because as early as 2007 he declared that “a strong India is in the best interest of Japan and a strong Japan is in the best interest of India.” In his 2007 book Towards a Beautiful Country: My Vision For Japan, Abe had also written that it would “not be a surprise if in another decade, Japan-India relations overtake Japan-U.S. and Japan-China ties.”

More recently when Abe won the elections in Japan, Modi sent him a congratulatory message even though he was still just a Chief Minister at that time. So considering their past history, we can expect the relations between India and Japan to become even stronger. This combined with what is seen as their “heathen” credentials truly fills the usual suspects with dread. To quote one of their Japanologist (quiet like the Indologist subversionists) attack dogs:

Mullins says this magnetic tug of the past is not unique to Japan. “I see Shinto fundamentalists as very similar to U.S. Christian fundamentalists and Hindu neo-nationalists,”


If you set aside the obfuscation about Christian fundamentalists, it becomes obvious that the real target is the heathens and their leaders.


Just as in the past, the Abrahamics cannot stand to see rival pagan powers left standing and it is all the more dreadful to them if these powers start collaborating with each other. So we can expect them to do all they can to thwart the India-Japan relationship, and any nationalist policies that can challenge the Christian Anglo-Saxon (note that David Cameron has recently reiterated that the UK is a Christian country) hegemony. May the Gods foil their designs and grant success to both Modi & Abe in their endeavors.

How Japan dealt with the Christian Threat

We have touched on the topic before (https://vajrin.wordpress.com/2013/03/02/japans-defeat-of-christianity-lessons-for-hindus/) & advise people to read that piece first before reading this one. We hope to briefly cover the actual measures that the Tokugawa Shogunate employed to suppress Christianity. The Japanese employed a range of measures for this because they correctly saw Christianity as a very serious threat intent on destroying their civilization. The following list covers each method only briefly and those interested may look up more information in the relevant books.

The below are the various methods that were utilized by the Japanese government to wipe out Christianity from Japan before the Christians could destroy Japan. Naturally some of this may seem cruel & Christian propagandists have tried their best to exaggerate their suffering & paint themselves as victims. But it must be remembered that the Christians were the aggressors who used forcible conversion (when a daimyo converted he imposed Christianity on the populace under his rule), destruction of Shinto shrines & Buddhist temples, and even armed struggle (Shimabara uprising) to take over Japan. All this was done after taking advantage of the openness & religious tolerance of the Japanese, and the ongoing civil war in Japan. In fact the Christians were warned by Hideyoshi in his proclamation banning missionaries not to indulge in such tactics while continuing them to permit to trade. But far from listening to his warning they even upped the ante & started interfering in local politics, fighting among themselves (the Spanish Franciscans vs. Portuguese Jesuits with the former surpassing the latter in their fanaticism), and were even rumored to be laying the groundwork for the invasion of Japan by a Spanish Armada. Considering all this, it is no surprise that the Japanese reacted as they did. The only surprise is that they tolerated this nonsense for 90 years though the civil war may have been one reason for this delay. Lafcadio Hearn commented as follows on these events:

With the massacre of Shimabara ends the real history of the Portuguese and Spanish missions. After that event, Christianity was slowly, steadily, implacably stamped out of visible existence. It had been tolerated, or half-tolerated, for only sixty-five years: the entire history of its propagation and destruction occupies a period of scarcely ninety years. People of nearly every rank, from prince to pauper, suffered for it; thousands endured tortures for its sake – tortures so frightful that even three of those Jesuits who sent multitudes to useless martyrdom were forced to deny their faith under the infliction;* and tender women, sentenced to, the stake, carried their little ones with them into the fire, rather than utter the words that would have saved both mother and child. Yet this religion, for which thousands vainly died, had brought to Japan nothing but evil disorders, persecutions, revolts, political troubles, and war. Even those virtues of the people which had been evolved at unutterable cost for the protection and conservation of society, – their self-denial, their faith, their loyalty, their constancy and courage, – were by this black creed distorted, diverted, and transformed into forces directed to the destruction of that society. Could that destruction have been accomplished, and a new Roman Catholic empire have been founded upon the ruins, the forces of that empire would have been used for the further extension of priestly tyranny, the spread of the Inquisition, the perpetual Jesuit warfare against freedom of conscience and human progress. Well may we pity the victims of this pitiless faith, and justly admire their useless courage: yet who can regret that their cause was lost? … Viewed from another standpoint than that of religious bias, and simply judged by its results, the Jesuit effort to Christianize Japan must be regarded as a crime against humanity, a labour of devastation, a calamity comparable only, – by reason of the misery and destruction which it wrought, – to an earthquake, a tidal-wave, a volcanic eruption.


It would also be helpful to imagine the scenario in reverse i.e. Shinto missionaries landing up in 16th century Europe, preaching that only Shinto was the true faith, destroying churches, telling the native converts their first loyalty to should be to the Emperor in Kyoto not the Pope in Rome or their King. The scenario is farfetched (for a start because Shinto is neither intrinsically evil like Christianity nor missionary oriented) but if it did happen, imagine the reaction of the European Christians who were busy slaughtering each other over sectarian squabbles. But this is exactly what the Christians did in Japan (as they did/are doing now in India) and they have the audacity to portray themselves as victims!

In a subsequent post we shall do a comparitive analysis about the response of Hindus, Japanese, Romans, & Chinese to the Christian threat which will show why the Japanese were by far superior in their response.

1) Deportation

The Shogunate deported many missionaries foreign & domestic, prominent native converts, and mixed children to Portuguese controlled Macau or Spanish Manila. This was to deprive Christians of prominent leaders such as the daimyo (warlord) Takayama Ukon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dom_Justo_Takayama). The mixed children (products of marriages between the Spanish/Portuguese & Japanese Xtians) were dreaded. Lafcadio Hearn provides an explanation for this measure:

The policy of isolation, – of shutting off Japan from the rest of the world, – as adopted by Hidetada and maintained by his successors, sufficiently indicates the fear that religious intrigues had inspired. Not only were all foreigners, excepting the Dutch traders, expelled from the country; all half-breed children of Portuguese or Spanish blood were also expatriated, Japanese families being forbidden to adopt or conceal any of them, under penalties to be visited upon all the members of the household disobeying. In 1636 two hundred and eighty-seven half-breed children were shipped to Macao. It is possible that the capacity of half-breed children to act as interpreters was particularly dreaded; but there can be little doubt that, at the time when this ordinance was issued, race-hatred had been fully aroused by religious antagonism. After the Shimabara episode all Western foreigners, without exception, were regarded with unconcealed distrust.


2) Torture

If words did not work then torture was the next preferred method and was used extensively with great success. Initially the Japanese started executing the Christians but they soon realized that Christians have a fetish for martyrs and would go to great lengths to worship their relics. Therefore they switched to torture for the following reason:

As mentioned before, the preferred result was when Christians were captured was that they would renounce their faith and live their lives as Buddhists. According to George Elison, Inoue Chikugo-no-Kami Masashige “wants not martyrs, but apostates. Apostates better than martyrs attest the impotence of a religion, especially when those apostates had been apostles of the faith and priests.” After they renounced their faith, priests were forced to take wives as part of their new lives and were constantly monitored by the authorities. If renunciation was not forthcoming through torture, however, the final act would be execution.

Source: The Sakoku Edicts and the Politics of Tokugawa Hegemony By Michael S. Laver


Most Christians simply became apostates under torture and the most famous catch of this program was the Jesuit missionary Cristovao Ferreira (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crist%C3%B3v%C3%A3o_Ferreira) whose five hour ordeal not only cured him of a lifetime of Christian delusion but also seems to have spurred him into warning others against the deadly poison known as Christianity. He not only became an apostate but also wrote a tract exposing Christianity & took part in the trials of other captured Jesuits.

The tortures used covered a whole range from beatings to having boiling water poured on them at hot springs to standing in freezing water during winter. The most famous torture was tsurushi (this was what Ferreira was subjected to for five hours) which is described here:

At last they found a more hellish and exquisite way of torturing than before; they hung these sufferers by the heels, their heads in pits, which to give the blood some vent, they slasht lightly cross-waies, (but they do that now no more), and in this posture they live several daies, ten or twelve, and speak sensibly to the very last: The greatness of this torment surpasseth all other, being beyond all humaine strength to suffer and be undergone; but by such who are extraordinarilie strengthened from above. This extremitie hath indeed (by reason of its continuance) forced many to renounce their religion; and some of them who had hung two or three daies, assured me that the pains they endured were wholly unsufferable, no fire nor no torture equalling their langour and violence.

Japan’s Hidden Christians, 1549-1999: Open Christianity in Japan, 1549-1639 edited by Stephen R. Turnbull


3) Death penalty

The death penalty was a last resort after torture failed to secure apostasy and various means were employed from simple beheading to crucifixion to being beaten to death. Once the Japanese learned of Christian martyr mongering they also began to clean up the mess and dump everything into the sea so that none of the Christians would go collect bones & other artifacts from the dead as relics which they could worship.

4) Establishment of the Inquisitor’s office

In 1639-40 a new office was established, whose sole duty was to remove the Christian threat from Japan. The man in charge was Inoue Chikugo-no-Kami Masashige an ex-Christian who became very famous for his zeal in hunting down Christians and getting them to become apostates through torture. For this purpose he seems to have refined the torture and psy op techniques to keep the Christians alive as he preferred apostates to dead Christians. He knew the Christian fetish for martyrdom and he didn’t want to give them that satisfaction, and besides apostates better than dead Christians demonstrated the impotence of Jesus to the Christian sheep on the streets. He kept records of his days in the office which as far as we know haven’t yet been translated into English. This office seems to have functioned as late as the year 1792.

5) Domestic surveillance

Initially apostate Christians were expected to prove their loyalty by becoming a danka (parishioner) of a Buddhist temple and later this was extended to the entire Japanese population in 1635 to catch crypto Christians. The Buddhist priest would conduct an inspection and issue a certificate that the person was not a Christian.

In addition to this the population was divided into groupings of five families responsible for mutual surveillance regarding transgressions against the law. This was known as the gonin-gumi system and was also designed to catch hidden Christians.

Finally financial rewards were established for anyone in the public who could inform the authorities about Christians:

“The sending of Japanese ships to foreign countries is strictly forbidden.”

“Japanese must not be sent to other countries. If any try to go secretly, they shall be punished by death.”

“Rewards to those informing against Christians shall be as follows; – For religious teachers, three hundred or two hundred pieces of silver according to their rank. In other cases, as previously provided.”

“Foreigners who progagate the religion of the Fathers, and likewise persons of evil reputation, shall as before be sent to prison in Omura.”

“Descendants of the Portuguese must not be allowed to remain in the country. Any who retain them contrary to the law shall be put to death, and their relatives shall be punished according to the degree of the offense.”

A History of Christianity in Japan: Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox missions by Otis Cary & F. H. Revell, 1909


6) Isolation/Closed country

In 1639 after crushing the massive Shimabara Christian uprising, the third Shogun Iemitsu decided to close Japan to the West for good with the exception of the Dutch who had assisted in crushing the rebellion by providing cannon fire. They were allowed limited trade but with severe restrictions. The Portuguese and Spaniards were expelled, ocean going ships broken up, and strict border control established. Any Japanese who tried to defy this and leave Japan was to be put to death as was any Japanese returning from abroad. This was known as sakoku (closed country) and would last until 1853 when Commodore Perry forced Japan to open up at gunpoint.

Iemitsu was very serious about this as he demonstrated a few years later when a Portuguese embassy arrived trying to revive the past trade. He had the entire crew except those required to sail the ship back to Macau beheaded & issued a warning saying that even if their Jesus himself showed up defying him, he would meet the same fate.

7) Information gathering

We know that this was a basic policy scrupulously followed from various sources. For a start when Christianity was still a significant threat we know that Ieyasu got hold of the English sailor William Adams who reached Japan and asked him in detail about conditions in Europe, the difference between Protestantism (Adams’ religion) and Catholicism. He honored Adams and made him into a Samurai (the first foreign Samurai) and these interviews must have played a role in his conviction that Christianity was a deadly threat when he finally decided to ban it. In addition to this Japanese sources claim that Ieyasu sent a tea ceremony master by the name of Nishi Soshin to Europe as a spy to learn all he could about Christianity and report back to him (in reality he went to spy in Spanish Manila, learnt Spanish & spied). It is said that Soshin became an outward Christian, lived in there for 3 years, came back to Japan and reported everything he learnt such as the wars between Catholics & Protestants, the fanaticism engendered by Christianity etc (on a side note we know of no Hindu ruler who sent a spy to Europe to gather intelligence on the enemy even as the Christians were rampaging on our land during the Goan Inquisiton). We also know that future European sailors that were ship wrecked long after Christianity was wiped out were always thoroughly interrogated. The case of the missionary Giovanni Sidotti is a case in point and is described as part of the “border control” policy. Finally here is how Michael S. Laver describes official policy in gathering information from the Dutch:

Therefore, from the time Ieyasu definitively banned Christianity, the bugyo of Nagasaki played an important role in the attempt to extinguish the foreign religion in Japan – even though as noted earlier, there had already been an official since around 1640 whose primary responsibility was to stamp out the Catholic faith…

The placards that were posted to inform the public of the shogun’s orders and policies often carried the stipulation of a reward for those informing on Catholics. As late as the eighteenth century, these placards were still being erected regularly, even though serious instances of Christian apprehensions were extremely rare after the third quarter of the sixteenth century. It is striking that historical memory was so pervasive among the ruling shogunal class of Japan. The Dutch noted that they were continually pressed to reveal details of Catholic activities in Asia and were continually exhorted to keep the shogun informed should they learn of any Catholic plots. Long after a century had passed with no real instance of Christian subversion or any real Christian presence in public life, the shogunate was still concerned with the Christian “threat”…

The Sakoku Edicts and the Politics of Tokugawa Hegemony by Michael S. Laver

8) Public awareness

Public awareness of the evils of Christianity was an important policy which can be considered as a sort of vaccination/immunization program to ward it off in the future. To our knowledge no other pagan civilization took public awareness as seriously as the Japanese and this is one of the factors which sets them apart. Awareness was achieved either through popular anti Christian tracts such as Kirishitan Monogatari (Tales of the Christians) & more importantly by public boards erected by the government throughout all the areas where Christianity had spread. We know that these boards were being erected into the 1860’s long after Christianity had ceased to be a serious threat (indeed the first Western missionaries allowed in after Japan was again forced open report seeing these boards). The following provides a brief description:

References to the hated religion were not permitted in books, and its very name might have been almost forgotten were it not written so prominently on the public proclamation-boards of every town. As soon as a child could read, he saw upon the boards that the KIRISHITAN JASHU-MON (Evil Sect of Christianity) was strictly prohibited, and when he asked what this meant, he was told by his parents about the wily scheme of the barbarian nations that sought to gain possession of Japan by means of a religion that was a strange compound of foolish doctrines and powerful magic.

A History of Christianity in Japan: Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox missions by Otis Cary & F. H. Revell, 1909

9) Border control

The government was not content to just close Japan to Westerners on paper but also made sure to implement strict border control by establishing posts all along the coast as look outs for any strange ships and this was kept up for a long time after the Christian threat had receded into the background. We know this because of the famous case of the Sicilian Jesuit Giovanni Sidotti (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovanni_Battista_Sidotti) who in 1708 attempted to sneak into Japan. He was captured soon after he landed on Yakushima Island, a small outlying island and not one of the four main islands of Japan. Giovanni was taken to Nagasaki and imprisoned in the Kirishitan Yashiki (Christian Mansion) specifically built to house captured missionaries in 1646. He was then interrogated by Arai Hakuseki a government official & Confucian thinker on a wide variety of issues from geography to sciences to religion. Arai then wrote up his observations in a report that would come of use later to others & Giovanni died in the same mansion in 1714.

It must be kept in mind that the last public Christians had already died out in the 1630’s and nearly 70 years had passed since then but the Japanese never relaxed their vigilance and caught him as soon as he landed on a minor outlying island and also gathered whatever useful information they could. Part of the Japanese worry came from rumors that the Jesuits were training the Japanese Christians descendants who were deported to Macau to become missionaries and infiltrate back into Japan.

10) Monitoring of apostates & their descendants

This policy is described here:

Because the Kirishitan faith was transmitted through family lines, there began during the Kan’ei era (1624-1643) an examination of Kirishitan families (ruizoku aratame). All relatives of the discovered Kirishitan were carefully monitored for the rest of their lives. After the examination was fully institutionalized in 1687, direct descendants of discovered Kirishitan were carefully supervised for seven generations for men and four generations for women. Records for this examination usually list more than twenty relatives for each Kirishitan examined. In case of Hyoemon in Katsuragi village, in the Bungo domain, for example, a total of thirty-three of his relatives were inspected, including his (deceased) parents, three sons, one daughter, nine grand children, and eighteen relatives.

– Christianity in Early Modern Japan: Kirishitan Belief and Practice By Ikuo Higashibaba

11) Book censorship

Initially all Western books were prohibited but later on Dutch books that strictly dealt with western science and medical matters were allowed to be imported and translated to obtain useful knowledge. They were subject to strict scrutiny to make sure that they contained no references to Christianity.

All Japanese books aimed at promoting Christianity were also destroyed.

12) Isolation & monitoring of the Dutch

The Dutch being Protestants were seen as not being as terrible as the Catholics but the Japanese knew they were still Christians at the end of the day, so they were subject to very strict restrictions. For a start they were confined to a tiny island called Deshima off Nagasaki where only prostitutes were allowed to visit them. In addition to this, the ships were always thoroughly searched for any Christian related stuff and the Dutch were required to hand over their Bibles to the Japanese upon landing. The Japanese were so incensed at anything related to Christianity that the Dutch were forbidden to use the Christian calendar in trade related contracts.

13) Public testing

The following description of a shipwrecked Russian captive in the Japan of early 1800’s says it all about this policy:

The Japanese are not followers of foreign religions. They give, however, full liberty to a variety of sects, besides permitting the public profession of even the Kurile [Ainu] religion; but they are quiet intolerant to Christianity, on account of the troubles it has occasioned among them. The Catholic priests, who formerly lived in Japan & enjoyed every possible freedom, preached the Christian faith, & converted a great number of the natives; but, at last, the progress of the new religion gave rise to a dreadful civil war. For this reason after the complete extirpation of the Christians, the following inscription was placed at the head of the stone tablets of laws, which are fixed up in all public places, & even in the streets:- “Whoever knows any individual who has taught Christianity, & can convict him thereof, shall receive a reward of 500 silver pieces.” – There is, likewise, a law which prohibits masters from hiring servants, until they receive from them a written assurance of their not being Christians. In Nangasaky, where Christianity had made the greatest progress, there is a staircase, on the steps of which are laid various ornaments & utensils of the Catholic church, & on the first step a crucifix. On new-year’s day, all the inhabitants of Nangasaky are obliged to ascend these steps; &, as a proof that they are not Christians, trample on the articles. The interpreter assured us, that many Christians who live at Nangasaky comply with this regulation from interested motives.

– Narrative of my captivity in Japan during … 1811, 1812, and 1813 …: To which is added an account of voyages to the coasts of Japan and of negotiations … for the release of the author … by Captain Rikord, Volume 2 By Vasiliĭ Mikhaĭlovich Golovnin, Rikord (Captain), pg. 68

It is interesting to note that this public testing was being carried out as late as 1813 even though Christianity had been crushed for the most part by 1640.

14) Intellectual critiques of Christianity

The Japanese by and large focused less on the Christian doctrine and more on the doctrines social effects such as destruction of shrines, and shifting of the loyalty of the converts to Rome. The intellectuals by and large seem to have seen Christian doctrine as too absurd to even worth critiquing though there were a few exceptions such as Ha Kirishitan (Against Christianity) by the Zen monk Suzuki Soshan which demonstrated the hollowness of the doctrine. Another such critique was published by the Japanese Jesuit apostate Fabian Fukan who had earlier written a critique of Japanese religious practice from a Catholic viewpoint. This can be read here:

The Pro- and Anti-Christian Writings of Fukan Fabian (1565-1621)


By and large the attitude of Japanese intellectuals to Christianity can be summed up by the following quote of Aizawa Seishisai in 1825 in his very influential Shinron (New Theses) which was to play a role in the establishment of state Shinto during the Meiji restoration to defend Japan again from the renewed Christian threat:

This, their [the Western barbarians’] so-called religious doctrine [Christianity], is both shallow and evil, and at its core not worthy of even discussing. However, its basis is simplistic, its vocabulary is vulgar, and that is why it easily beguiles the masses. With pretty words it pretends to respect Heaven by forcing [meaning on] Heaven. It pretends to represent human ethical enlightenment by forsaking the Way of humanity.

15) Construction of Christian prison

The authorities built a special prison called Kirishitan Yashiki where important captured missionaries and converts were kept and tortured. The Japanese seem to have been concerned about the evil of Christianity spreading to the general prison populace, so they constructed this special prison to interrogate Christians. The captured missionary Giovanni Sidotti was also housed in this building until he died.


Shinto in politics & its significance for Hindus

Shinto’s growing influence in politics


Recently we came across this article which talks about the growing assertiveness of Shintoists in Japanese politics which is quiet significant for Hindus though our people don’t realize it and we hope to rectify that here. We recommend first going through the above Japan Times article before reading this.

Roots of State Shinto

The roots of what is called “state Shinto” go back to the Meiji era (1868-1912) when Japan was forced to open up to trade by Commodore Perry’s gunboat diplomacy. But even before this era, Japanese intellectuals had kept track of events abroad and were very worried about the ever encroaching Western imperialism which finally reached their doors with Perry. One of these intellectuals was the scholar Aizawa Seishisai who was aware of Japan’s horrible experience with Christianity in the 16th and 17th centuries (https://vajrin.wordpress.com/2013/03/02/japans-defeat-of-christianity-lessons-for-hindus/) and the continued use of Christianity for subversion/colonization by the mleccha powers. In 1825 he penned Shinron (New Theses) where he pointed this out and said that the threat to Japan from the West was not primarily military but the far more insidious poison of Christianity which could be used by the Western powers to seduce the commoners and bring down Japan. He pointed out:

Whenever they seek to take over a country, they employ the same method. By trading with that nation, they learn about its geography and defenses. If these are weak, they dispatch troops to invade the nation; if strong, they propagate Christianity to subvert it from within. Once our people’s hearts and minds are captivated by Christianity, they will greet the barbarian host with open arms, and we would be powerless to stop them…

The barbarians are triumphant everywhere and have begun to disseminate their poisonous doctrines in our Divine Realm. . . . Yet we in the Middle Kingdom remain without an unswerving moral basis of action; our people lack unity and spiritual cohesion, our leaders can dream up nothing better than stop-gap, gloss-it-over measures to tide them over each day’s crises. Our Land of Illustrious Gods has fallen to such depths that we now sit by idly and allow these foreign beasts to lure the common people away from us. Have we lost all sense of shame?

– Aizawa Seishisai, 1825, Shinron (New Theses)

Source:  Anti-foreignism and Western Learning in Early-modern Japan: The New Theses of 1825 By Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi


Aizawa’s solution to this problem was the unification of Shinto with the government which he claimed was the norm in Japan’s past but had been subverted by creeds like Buddhism and a long period of historical decline. Henceforth the Emperor would take his rightful place and resume the performance of rituals of national significance for the spiritual succor of the people. By implementing this Japan would see off the threat from Christianity and avoid national destruction.

Later during the Meiji era when the new leaders looked for a unifying ideology they found Shinto & the Emperor to be the two most essential ingredients in holding the country together. For this reason state Shinto was established as advocated by Aizawa with everyone being required to participate in certain ceremonies and rituals of Shinto origin as their civic duty. The Christian missionaries and their Japanese converts of course did not like it but could not do anything as Japan was not colonized.

The Meiji restoration was an astonishing success as Japan went from an isolated backwater to a world power in just 37 years by defeating the Russian empire in 1905.

But 40 years later Japan suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of the combined might of the mleccha’s though not before dealing a death blow to the mleccha colonial enterprise in Asia (http://manasataramgini.wordpress.com/2013/08/15/the-moment-of-silence/).

McArthur’s Christian Project

With Japan’s total defeat, the Christian vultures began their third major attempt at Christianizing the country (the first in the 16th century & the second during the Meiji era having failed) and for this purpose the alien ideology of secularism was imposed. State Shinto was dismantled and the government was required to show no preference or support for Shinto.

Parallel to this ran McArthur’s project of Christianizing Japan by flooding the country with Bibles and missionaries. McArthur considered Christianity and democracy to be his two greatest “gifts” to Japan and issued a statement expressing his happiness about the Japanese Christian Tetsu Katayama being elected Prime Minister. He claimed that it was a momentous event in history when 3 great nations of Asia had Christians leading them referring to China’s Chiang Kai-shek (a Methodist) & the Philippines.

Unfortunately for the mlecchas their Christianization project failed to take off because the old Shinto spirit was still alive in the defeated Japanese and blocked these missionary efforts. By contrast, similar tactics of McArthur achieved great success in nearby South Korea which is now 30% Christian.

Those interested in American efforts to Christianize post-war Japan may view:

The Allied Occupation of Japan 1945-1952 and Japanese Religions By William P. Woodard


Effects of secularism

The overall project may have failed but American imposed secularism has done considerable damage to Japan and continues to do so. After the war, many routine rituals of everyday community life were declared to be “religious” and thus supposedly against the secular ethos of the constitution. For example the jichinsai ritual is a groundbreaking ceremony paralleled by our own vastu puja. It is performed whenever a new building or other construction opens for use. For an example see:

Under the current constitution imposed by the mleccha’s such rituals are not to be performed in any government buildings or government sponsored projects (not always adhered to). There are many more similar examples and they are paralleled in our own land where in the name of secularism the Saraswati Vandana is prohibited in government schools among other things. Hence, we say that secularism a Trojan horse for the Abrahamics to weaken and destroy pagan societies.

With all this going on, Japanese patriots had to shut up as they suffered total defeat. Any patriot who spoke of reverence for the Emperor or the importance of Shinto rituals for the nation was declared to be a “fascist”, & “militarist” by the Japanese leftists, Christians, and their mleccha backers.

So they wisely backed off and seem to have been waiting for the right time for Japan to reassert itself and that time seems to have arrived.

Shinto is back in politics?

As the article points out there has been a growing influence of Shinto in Japanese politics. Koizumi had attended the Yasukuni shrine frequently to pay respect to the war dead, & Taro Aso has visited various shrines including the Ise shrine to pray when he was the PM.

Recently the current PM Shinzo Abe attended the shikinen sengu ceremony which is the 20 year rebuilding ritual of the Ise jingu (considered the most important Shinto shrine & dedicated to the sun Goddess Amaterasu) along with his wife and other party members. This seems to have created a flutter among the Japanese Christians & the mlecchas as the following shows:

Muneo Bannai, 79, who heads a committee within the National Christian Council in Japan that studies issues related to Yasukuni Shrine, said: “It is an act that violates the principle of separation of religion and politics that is defined in the Constitution. We are taking this matter very seriously.”


Japanese politicians’ personally visiting a shrine is controversial according to this Christian buffoon & his fellow travelers. Abe & other politicians visit to the Ise rebuilding ritual can be viewed here:

The significance of the ritual is described in this video:


But it is perfectly ok for countries like UK to have an established church & for its PM Cameron to declare that the UK is a Christian country (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-16224394) despite the horrible history of Christian British imperialism that led to death of millions of Hindus & other heathens (http://jambudveep.wordpress.com/2011/01/08/an-explanatory-note-on-the-famines-in-india/) . It is also apparently okay for the German government to finance churches directly (http://www.economist.com/news/europe/21588129-episcopal-extravagance-fuels-criticism-state-financed-churches-bishop-bling). Finally we have the US that bastion of secularism which found nothing wrong in exterminating its Native American population & imposing Christianity on the few surviving natives as advocated by their founding father Jefferson in his “Indian removal plan” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Jefferson_and_Indian_removal). This is the sole superpower where an ex-president spoke of a “crusade” and “God” constantly in leading up to the invasion of Iraq, and where no one can get elected to the president’s office without pandering to the evangelical base and their deranged fantasies.

On the other hand if some Japanese politicians visit a shrine, the few Japanese Christians & their mleccha backers will create an international ruckus about “militarism”. The double standards should be clear to any true Hindu for we experience the same everyday in India.

Based on the Japan Times article and the growing reassertion of Japan, we can expect this trend to continue with Shinto reassuming its past role in Japanese national life. But what does that mean for us?

Significance of a Shinto state for Hindus

Shinto like Sanatana Dharma remains one of the significant natural traditions that have survived the ravages of Abrahamics around the world. As the late doyens of Hindu revival Sita Ram Goel & Ram Swarup used to point out, Hindus ought to be supportive of pagan revival worldwide. The Shinto revival is also much more significant for us on the heels of Japan & India moving closer to each other to counter Chinese imperialism (https://vajrin.wordpress.com/2013/11/10/han-imperialism-and-hindu-response/) among other factors.

The last time the world saw two major pagan powers co-exist after Christianity & Islam came into being was when the Sassanid empire co-existed with that of Harshavardhana’s empire in Northern India. The Hindus of those days used to trade with Arabia but failed to see the storm that was brewing in the sands of Arabia just like the Sassanids. Harsha failed to send any assistance to the Sassanids being shattered by jihad and soon the Muslims were knocking on our own doors. We have yet to recover from the events that followed. Subsequently when the pagan Mongols arose as a power we were under the heel of the Khilji Muslim tyranny and when Japan became a world power at the turn of the 20th century we were a British colony.

Today after over a millennium, we finally have a chance to reassert ourselves along with the Japanese. We do not know how the future will unfold but if we reestablish a Hindu state and the Japanese reestablish a Shinto state, it will have been over a millennium since the world will have seen two significant pagan powers coexist at the same time in the Old World.

This is the significance of the events that are unfolding today which few supposed Hindu right wingers know or understand in our experience. Instead we have otherwise sensible Hindu authors hankering after mleccha “new atheists” as our “allies” without realizing that these are hostile enemies and are just a secularized version of Abrahamic cults. It is tragic that successors of Vishnugupta and Vishnusharman fail to understand who our true allies and enemies are. Hindus ought to stop being naval gazers and take stock of the events unfolding Eastward and their significance for us.

Many obstacles remain of course, especially for the Hindus a majority of whom are completely delusional or ignorant and pine for nonsense such as “true secularism” instead of the re-establishment of a Hindu rashtra. The Japanese nationalists are in a better position as they do not have too many Muslims & Christians spreading their destructive tentacles as we do in India. But they still remain a nation occupied by the mlecchas and follow a constitution imposed by the mlecchas which they hope to overturn. May the Gods grant victory to both peoples in these endeavors.

Han Imperialism and Hindu response

Hindus seem to have lost their ability to do a strategic analysis of the global scenario and position themselves accordingly. Or rather, the Hindu masses are selecting such ‘leaders’ who certainly do not have any ability to do some critical thinking. It has become a vicious cycle – the masses select dumb, self serving ‘leaders’ who in turn ensure to keep the masses in their pockets by using various ‘schemes’ which are not about strengthening the nation but retaining the vote banks.

Such a democracy is keeping us weak and a large pumpkin ready to be divided by our neighbors. Independence in 1947 was the best opportunity for us to regain our pre-eminent position in the world. When the Mauryan empire was established, it was the largest empire of its times – both in terms of population and economy. It was spread over a landmass much larger than current day India. The aim of any defeated community must be to regain their past glory or better yet, even surpass it. Rather, our leaders from the time of Nehru have been involved in keeping us downtrodden, with no visions/dreams of grandeur.

The current geo-political scenario seems to be a treacherous sea which India is trying to sail across without a proper ship, compass or sailors. We wonder if the only reason the country is still holding together is due to some divine solace (despite our conviction that Gods should not be expected to intervene on our behalf).

The Hindu land is surrounded by adversaries. Islamic threat in the west and east – exacerbated by the presence of a sympathetic minority within the country, especially near the borders. Hans are in the north – supported by the Communists and Maoists within India. The Theravadins in Lanka have anti-Hindu strain – as established by their anti-vaidika activities during the invasions of Tamil land. There is a Han-Islam-Theravadin circle around the Hindu land. Our leaders have lost hold over Lanka which has now moved closer to the Hans. Our defense industries have failed to attain self-sufficiency in conventional weapons. Be it a battle tank or a fighter aircraft, we are still dependant on foreign supply – which is both costly as well as dangerous. To rely on foreign supplies during wartime is a nightmare. Any war will be fought in localized manner – use of excessive fire power with conventional weapons at the border and in strategic military locations to destroy the enemy forces. The presence of nuclear weapons and international pressure will provide deterrence against a complete conquer. But the presence of men who are sympathetic to the enemies could be leveraged to divide the nation using some local revolts by these communities – in localities where they are in majority. West Bengal and north-east will be easily lost as we have a huge population of Muslims and Communists in those regions. When Bangla Muslims revolt, our connection with Sikkim, Darjeeling and North-East will be severed. West Bengal and North East can be divided among themselves by China and Bangladesh.

In the north, Ladakh and other Himalayan regions will be conquered by China. When the Muslims in Kashmir and Western UP revolt, it will make Pakistan’s thrust in the West easier. As catering to the minorities has become the norm in UP, the administration will not be in a position to quell any such traitorous revolt. Such a triangular war will be the death knell for Indian Union.

While the situation indeed appears dire, there are ways to overcome this tumultuous period. While China has allied with our enemies and is creating a ring of fire around us, the Hans have enemies on her borders. The Han view is expressed by the article which makes plans for six wars in the next few decades – in order to consolidate all the territories claimed by the Hans as theirs. Thus, Hans have enemy states on their borders. The Indian answer must be to create a counter ring of fire around China.

South Korea seems to be moving close towards her historical suzerain, China. We cannot expect any help from the Koreans. Japanese are waking up to the Chinese threat and are appearing to be re-arming themselves. Japan, Vietnam and Philippines are our natural allies against China. Taiwan, though anti-Communist, cannot be trusted as the Hans in Taiwan also have imperialistic notions of a greater China. China has trouble in its western borders as well. While the Chinese are suffering from Uighur unrest in Xinjiang, they have territorial claim in Central Asia, eastern Siberia, Mongolia, a few Japanese islands apart from India. Japan and Russia do not enjoy good relations. But India is in a unique position to be the go-between state for these two powers. India has no enemies in the Far East except China. We could leverage this position to forge an alliance with a majority of states in the ASEAN and Far East. The Mekong basin countries are afraid of Chinese attempts to divert waters from Mekong leading to drought and famine in Indo-China. They have a common cause against Chinese impunity which is a result of renewed Han imperialism. Mongolia fears Han expansion – a valid fear given that inner Mongolia has been swamped by Hans and has been made into a province of Han China.

India could play the role of a mediator/middle man. Cambodia and Thailand have border disputes. But both the countries have good relations with India. The fear of a rising China which has imperialist notions based on its historical view of ‘Middle Kingdom’ is spreading among the neighbors of China. An anti-China alliance is the need of the day. We cannot rely on the USA much. US is on a retreat mood now. They seem to be planning to withdraw from Far East. Americans cannot be expected to contain China singlehandedly anymore. With nearly 2.5 million strong military and another 2.5 million in reserves, China can field a force so large that Americans might back out due to sheer fear about casualties. Any anti-China alliance must be formed by the Asian neighbors of China.

But such an alliance is not enough. DRDO must be strengthened in India. The string of failures must be corrected. LCA, Arjun Tank, Trishul etc point to a systemic failure. The corrupt leadership seems to see gains in importing military assets. Thus, strengthening of our R&D efforts at DRDO has not been given due importance. Any country needs strong domestic military industry complex in order to fight wars. We cannot survive wars based on ammunition imported from Israel or Russia.

The Orthodox Russia has a negative relationship with West. Russia and China come together while facing the West. But Russians understand the Chinese threat in Eastern Siberia. Thus, they have begun to conduct war games in Siberia. The West has traditionally sided with even Muslims against the Orthodox (e.g. Crimean war). Even in Kosovo, we saw the NATO siding with Muslims against the Orthodox Serbs. In the case of China, the West fears China but they may still not be motivated to join any alliance against China – their traditional hatred for Russia holding them back.

We must start engaging the ASEAN Buddhist nations more vigorously and conduct joint military exercises with them. Malaysia and Indonesia may also join hands with us – but their distance from China (in the case of Indonesia) and a large Chinese minority (in the case of Malaysia) may keep them aloof. We must also try to get a greater foothold in Africa and Central Asia. While we may not be able to counter China’s economy singlehandedly, we can form joint ventures with other countries to take over the African assets that Chinese are interested in. To hold a strong grip over Chinese energy supply must be a primary aim of Hans’ adversaries.

The primary circle against China shall be the border states of China apart from those of the Mekong basin. The secondary line shall involve Malaysia, Indonesia and Australia. The third line shall include the NATO and its allies.

An excessive crackdown on Uighurs can also be used to bring Islamic nations against Chinese. While Islam is our other major enemy (for the West and Russia as well), we can still work together to defang the Chinese giant.

Huntington rightly noted that India/Hindu civilization plays the role of a mere swing state in the current circumstance. Destruction / even a strong containment of Han imperialism will open the doors for a more prominent India much more easily as well. Containment of Hans must be a primary motive of the Hindus apart from defending against Islamic aggression. But will the Hindus ever wake up to this reality?

The chimera of development & the Essence of our Nation

Just what is essential (tai/t’i) for a land and people to be a nation (kuni)? Without four limbs, a man is not a man. Similarly, a nation also possesses some essence [or requisite and defining entity that makes it a nation] (kokutai).

Certain people stress the need to enrich our country and strengthen our arms in order to defend our borders. But the foreign beasts now seek to take advantage of the fact that people in outlying areas crave a source of spiritual reliance, and furtively seduce our commoners into betraying us. Should the barbarians win over our people’s hearts and minds, they will have captured the realm without a skirmish. Then the wealth and strength that these people stress will no longer be ours to employ. In effect, we would provide arms for the brigand and provisions for the bandit. What a pity if, after all our meticulous planning and painstaking effort, we merely ended up joining the enemy’s ranks!

– Anti-foreignism and Western Learning in Early-modern Japan: The New Theses of 1825 by Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi

The above words of the Japanese patriot & scholar Aizawa Seishisai were spoken in the context of an isolated Japan menaced by the West & Christianity (considered the greatest threat to Japan by Aizawa). But as a heathen, these words speak to me in a way the buzzwords of “growth”, “development”, and “progress” bandied about by the rootless Hindu elite never can. Aizawa is succinct and straight to the point, to confront and defeat monotheist barbarism it is no use to be rich if the nation is rootless. We have before us the spectacular fall of South Korea which for all its technological and economic progress has seen 30% of its population embrace the barbaric Jesus cult with the toxic effects visible in everyday life. For a small sample of what’s happening see:




After offering this critique of the “development” thinkers of his day, Aizawa put forth his solution of unifying Shinto with government in order to bring the people together to face the enemy. Henceforth the government & the Emperor should resume their previous function of sponsoring and performing various religious rituals of national significance:

By worshiping Amaterasu [privately] within court enclosures, earlier emperors had offered the full measure of their sincere devotion to Her, it is true. But the significance of [earlier] emperors’ ritual acts was lost on the people below. By worshipping Amaterasu publicly, Emperor Sujin displayed his sincere devotion to the whole realm. Thus, the people grasped the significance of His Majesty’s act [directly and sensually], not through explanations or lectures…

The ancients [i.e., Mencius] said, “Filial devotion by the realm en masse is the ultimate in filial devotion.” When the Duke of Chou was praised in antiquity for having attained the “ultimate in filial devotion,” it was because everyone in the realm [joined him] in worshiping his ancestors, each person according to his proper status.The Duke of Chou did not worship his parents within ritual-hall confines, but in public, together with his people. No doubt he had the same idea as Emperor Sujin.

– Anti-foreignism and Western Learning in Early-modern Japan: The New Theses of 1825 by Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi

Aizawa’s thought was carried forward by the leaders of the Meiji restoration and resulted in the establishment of state Shinto that was to play a critical role in the modernization of Japan & help defend it against Christianity. But those Hindus who write admiringly of Japan never deign to notice these factors (see: http://centreright.in/2013/03/lessons-for-nehru-from-19th-century-japan/) & instead focus on the myth of some free market utopia which never existed. Contrary to Milton Friedman’s claims bandied about these half-read Hindus, no Meiji leader of significance believed in the chimera of unrestricted free market and trade. Indeed even today the Japanese do not believe in unrestricted free trade and their trade policy is much more influenced by the German school of Friedrich List (see: http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1993/12/how-the-world-works/305854/) with its emphasis on nationalism.

In more modern times we have seen that economic power is not everything with the dramatic fall of South Korea which is now 30% Christian. One may contrast this with the spectacular failure of missionaries in poverty stricken and nuclear devastated American occupied Japan in the immediate aftermath of WW2 despite considerable efforts on the part of McArthur to Christianize Japan (see: http://www.amerika.org/globalism/religion-and-the-case-of-capitalism-richard-l-rubenstein/). The reasons for these different trajectories of South Korea and Japan lie in the fact that the Japanese had long been inculcated with a clear understanding of national essence & love for their own religion of Shinto by the government so that few were attracted by the monotheist fanaticism of Christianity even in desperate poverty. To take another example involving military matters, the China of Maoist days had achieved a stalemate against the massive economic and military might of the USA in North Korea, and shamefully for us had managed to thrash our forces rather easily in 1962 even though at that point in time India had a higher GDP per capita. A key reason for this was that where as the Chinese were guided by hardnosed Legalism of the Shang Yang variety, our chAchA had chucked out Chanakya and replaced him with five year plans, panchasheel, non-alignment, democracy, secularism etc. As a result the military was neglected and underfunded, and more importantly it was rudderless with no guiding ideology except Nehru’s fancy slogans. Therefore mere economic development is useless for Hindus unless economic or military might is backed up with a clear understanding of our national essence.

But enough with the economic policies, to come back to the main question, we need to look into the “essence” of our own nation which is currently claimed to be weak propositions such as secularism, democracy, socialism, or the free market as in the case of neoliberals who populate the “Hindu” right.

Under these weak milquetoast ideologies, the nation is a rudderless ship as daily events are demonstrating. This is because we have replaced a civilization/nation bound by Dharma and its accompanying rituals with a proposition nation which says that anyone is welcome in India so long as he/she claims to subscribe to these mleccha slogans. It is entirely fine for the people who subscribe to a proposition nation if the Hindus were to disappear into the sands of time if this happened through some peaceful means such as voluntary conversions, mass immigration etc. To quote the astute Frank Salter:

Constitutional patriotism is usually linked to the more destructive doctrine of multiculturalism, which encourages minority identity and mobilization while punishing those of majorities. A concept nation is incapable of principled defence against ethnic replacement. The doctrine is as pathological as a conception of the family that did not allow parents to show preference for their children. According to this formula a country would lose nothing if the founding ethnic group were peacefully replaced in part or altogether, so long as some set of values was retained (democracy, equality, non-discrimination, minority rights, the local language, etc.). The combination of constitutional patriotism and the multiculturalism it facilitates is, as one would expect, profoundly subversive of native ethnic interests.

– On Genetic Interests: Family, Ethnicity, And Humanity in an Age of Mass Migration by Frank Salter

So unless Hindus can define their own national essence in a proper manner we will be joining the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, and other heathens in the museum. Some may object and claim that “Hindutva” is this essence but we must point out that this had been rendered meaningless because everything under the sun is now placed under Hindutva even if it explicitly goes against the basics of what Savarkar had said. For example Savarkar was clear that Hindus were a nation by themselves & that the Islamo-Xtian combine were not part of this nation. But today the supposedly Hindu nationalist BJP propagates myths such as “Mohammadi Hindu” or “Isai Hindu” which only earn them contempt from Muslims & Christians.

Therefore the need of the hour for Hindus is to properly define the essence of their own nation, and chuck the mleccha buzzwords such as democracy, secularism, free market etc., into the garbage bin where they belong.

Battle hymn from r.g veda – apratiratha aindra sUkta

As’valAyana gr.hya sUtra (3-12) gives the rituals to be performed by the royal purohita before a battle. The hymn of pAyu bhAradvAja (RV 6-75) is prescribed in this ritual along with those of apratiratha aindra (RV 10-103), s’Asa bhAradvAja (10-152) and the second sauparn.a sUkta (pra dhArA yantu – RV khila 1-3). aitareya brAhman.a (8-10) mentions the uttering of the same three suktas in order to conquer enemies.

br.haddevatA (8.13) states that the sUkta of apratiratha aindra was sung by seer of the same name in order to gain victory in battle. We shall look at the apratiratha aindra sUkta in this post.

RV (10-103)

  1. indra, fast moving, who is like a bull sharpening his horns, terrifying, exciter of men, roaring, with ever vigilant eyes (lit. eyes that never close), the only hero (ekavIra), defeated a hundred armies (s’atam senA ajayat).
  2. with the roaring indra, who has eyes that never close, victorious, makes war, unconquerable, violent, showerer of arrows which he holds in his hand as the ally, O you (refers to the soldiers), conquer the enemies in battle.
  3. indra, the warrior who faces several enemies and subdues them, with marut gan.a-s holding arrows in their hands as his company, victorious in battle, drinker of Soma, strong armed, with a ferocious bow, shoots arrows aimed true.
  4. br.haspati, killer of rAks.asa-s, tormentor of enemies (who are driven away by him), who breaks armies to smithereens, destroyer, ever victorious in battle, come with your chariot and protect our chariots.
  5. well known for strength, powerful, foremost of heroes, victorious, manly, fierce conqueror, attended by heroes (“..vIryavanto (a)nucarA..” says sAyan.a) and mighty warriors, son of strength, possessor of water, O indra, ascend your victorious chariot..
  6. destroyer of clouds/mountains, possessor of water, wielder of vajra, Indra destroys his enemies with great strength. Follow him, O warrior kinsmen. Like indra, my friends, show great zeal and power.
  7. may indra, who bursts through the clouds opening them with great strength, pitiless, hero, with great anger (hundred-fold anger – “s’atamanyu”), unconquerable, destroyer of armies, invincible, protect our armies.
  8. May indra lead this army. May br.haspati, daks.in.A, yajn~a and soma go in front. May the marut-s be the vanguard of this devasenA, which is ever victorious and a destroyer of enemies.
  9. May the strength of indra, king varun.a, Aditya-s and the fierce hosts of marut-s be ours. The roar of the ever victorious, magnanimous deva-s has arisen and caused the world to tremble.
  10. O indra, energize my weapons, galvanize the spirit of my warriors, increase the strength of my horses and the noise raised by the conquering chariots.
  11. When our banners come together, o indra, make our arrows be victorious. May our warriors be superior in battle (be victorious); O gods, protect us when the call for battle is given.
  12. O apvA/apivA (a goddess), bewilder the minds of our enemies, seize their limbs and depart. Go near them and burn their hearts with sorrow. May they be kept in great darkness.
  13. O men, advance and conquer. May indra grant you happiness. May your arms be so strong that you remain invincible.
  14. O marut-s, let this army of our enemy which is proceeding towards us clamoring for fight be covered in darkness by you such that they could not even identify each other.
  15. O enemies, may you become blind and friendless like the headless ahi (a serpent snake killed by indra). Let the chief among you, who are being burnt, be killed by indra.

The last two r.ca-s are not found in the popular RV samhita text. They are taken from the As’valAyana samhita. But the r.ca-s appear to be old and do not seem to be interpolations of much later period. Thus, we have included them here. B.B.Chaubey has done a great work by bringing out the text of As’valayana samhita with translation of the additional mantras found in the samhita (which are not found in the popular s’Akala samhita). We wish that vaidika scholars indulge in such important projects to save the texts from extinction as well as to protect them from anti-hindu white indologists, who will otherwise remain unopposed.